Friday, July 16, 2010


Yesterday I got to sleep in until 10:00am.  It was blissful to sleep in so late.  I shouldn't lie by ommission and tell you I actually get to sleep in a lot if I am able.  My children have been trained to sleep in, work the television and fix themsevles breakfast if necessary.  What?  I like my sleep!

By the time I got up and showered it was time to head to OSU for Emma and Abigail's yearly research appointment.  They have been "subjects" since they were 4 years old.  Normally they come to our home and do their investigative stuff here.  Not this time, they wanted to track their eye movement which meant a trip to their lab.  This lab was in the physics building on OSU's campus. I know that you all will find this incredibily shocking but we were late. As always I have a really great excuse - construction.  We get there and park in the garage we were supposed to however, we went out the wrong exit to meet the researchers.  DUH!  I call them and tell them we are there and in my mind asked where the hello kitty they were because clearly I did what I supposed to do.  Finally we figured out where we were and filled out the necessary paperwork.  Then the researchers said five glorious words to me, "You do not have to stay." They then handed me a parking validation and I went shopping....ALONE! 

My time was up and I went back to pick them up but they weren't quite done yet so I plopped down on a bench and played around with my phone.  There were lots of students walking around and a few of them stopped right within my earshot.  Let me just tell you, if you want to feel intelligent go hang out at a preschool because a physics lab building is beyond your understanding - trust me on this!  Words fell on my ears that I have never in my life! The worst part of it all, they all looked completely normal.  One would typically imagine these people to look nerdy with a pen protector in their pockets - not the case here. 

After picking up the girls we headed home in rush hour traffic.  This was the highlight of my day. Right, I could NEVER work downtown and have to deal with that mess everyday.  You would honestly see me on the 6 o'clock news due to road rage.  Not helping the matter is one of my precious daughters is telling me how to drive and watch out here, watch out there.  Seriously? Do you have a drivers license?  My response to her was, "I can not wait for you to get your temps in a few years because I am going to be your worst enemy!" 

Now in the meantime I had sent my darling husband a text and asked him to start dinner at 5pm so the girls could eat before going to Vacation Bible School.  Oh yes, he got the text but since he was mowing the grass he didn't know what time it was, therefore, he was unable to start dinner.  I am rushing around trying to get dinner ready so we can get out the door and he is totally clueless.  The chicken came off the grill the minute we should have been walking out the door.  The kids ate in the car....I guess that gives new meaning to fast food.  They got to VBS one minute late.  I decided to do a little more alone shopping. I then went home and waited for them to get back. 

I decided to go out with my sister, my bffffff Michelle and a couple my sister's inlaws.  It was Karoke night....need I say more?  Alcohol and singing don't mix. No we sounded fabulous I am sure of it. 

And now I have to run to the mall to buy a birthday gift and take the twins to Barnes and Noble to spend their research reward gift cards - $20. Emma is biting at the bit to get there. 

I will be posting again later today but until then.....

The Queen of Insanity

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