Monday, July 19, 2010

Fun in the Sun and The Day After.....

Yesterday we were invited by Uncle Craig and Aunt Mary to go to a local lake for some summer fun.  Summer fun was to include a picnic, swimming and boating.  Expected arrival time: 10:30am, actual arrival time 11:45am.  I would be shocked if you actually thought we would be there at the expected time.  I used to be a timely person but that was before my 3rd child. 

The night beforehand, I could not sleep and didn't actually get to sleep until about 4:45am.  Getting up at 8:15am was a little more than I could handle.  I was up at 8:30am and hopped in the shower which in hindsight was pretty stupid since we were going to be swimming in a lake.  I just have trouble functioning if I don't have my morning shower.  Abigail had a sleepover the night before and she needed to be picked up at 9:30am so we could head up.  Instead I got there are 9:45am after getting gas for the vehicle and then we came home to finish getting ready and left here about 10:30am.  The lake we were going to is about a 30 minute ride when you take back country roads.  It tooks us an hour to get there.  My husband decided rather than chit chat with his wife and kids he would play chess on his cell phone.  The reason I mention this is because I blame him for it taking 30 minutes longer than it should have because he wouldn't turn off his phone and help me look for signs.  I had asked him very specifically to stop playing and help me.  I guess that was too much to ask because apparently he thinks I am a superhero who can focus amazingly with children screaming in the background and complaining about someone being their space!  Needless to say, I drove 30 minutes past our destination before the fighting began. 

Let me set the scene for you; Me, angry...husband, oblivious and all whining in the background except Sarah who was singing a little ,"I'm gonna ride on a real boat" melody.  Scott all of the sudden decides to tear himself away from his chess game and say, "Why are we in Delaware? You are waaaay past Alum Creek!"  Really Sherlock?  You couldn't have told me this 15 miles ago?  Perhaps when I asked you to put your game down and help me? I turned around and headed back the correct direction but I started thinking that may be I over did the yelling because now he is being a complete smartass over exaggerating every direction.  Seriously, I missed one turn and now I am being treated like a first time driver! Finally an hour and fifteen minutes after our planned arrival, we are there.

We unload the vehichle and head towards the beach.  Everyone is ready to hit the beach.  The kids jump in the water and start swimming.  I sit and try to recover from the vicious plot to murder him I had going in my mind and wonder why exactly the state would be against me having alcohol in the state park. Back to my senses, I decide to go swim for a bit when I see my brother-in-law and sister-in-law pull up, 12:15pm.  HA!  See I am not the only one who's late!  We beat them by 30 minutes fair and square. 

Some of our family came back from using the boat and we hopped on for a ride. We headed out on the lake and started to go tubing.  First up, Scott (who I was still secretly plotting against) and Marc.  They held on pretty well but finally they tipped. Marc lost his swimming trunks and Scott lost his swim shoes - unfortuneatly, I'm sorry, luckily they were both able to recover their lost items.  The kids all had a turn and then Natalie and I went together.  I can't say for sure but I think that our husbands were plotting something. We held on pretty well and then down we went.

Back at the beach, we finally ate lunch.  Apparently they got in trouble, while we were out on the boat, by the park ranger for cooking on the beach.  I am just glad the food was done because when you are always late the first thing you cut out of your need to do before we go list is eating!  After awhile it was our turn to go back out on the boat - ADULTS ONLY! Can I get a woot woot?

We are all (not Scott, he stays behind due to lack of sleep) hopping in the boat when Natalie flips her flop as Paul hoists her head first into the boat!  Good times people, good times.  We drop Uncle Craig off at the dock so he can do something...honestly I have no idea what he was doing there.  We gas up and head out to open water.  Paul is driving the boat and Brian is on the board kicking astronaut .  Next, Marc tries the board, FAIL.he tries skiing, Fail.  Paul skiis perfectly until Brian allegedely screws him up on the tension front.  Theresa and I are chatting it up and talking about how we both used to skii when we were in our teens and she all but dares me to try to ski.  What are we in middle school?  You call him, no you call him...hehehehe....I'll do it if you do it.  Okay I can't let a dare pass me by.  I don't know why I can't.  I think it's just my nature though I am not competitive at all. 

Out in the water I go......skiis on, oops, off, no on, oh no off...okay okay they are both on, rope in hand, knees together, legs bent, the boat takes off.....FAIL!  Again, skiis on, rope in hand, knees together, boat takes off....FAIL.  So apparently I can  not keep my legs together, whatever!  I thought briefly about trying the board.  I threw in the skiis, they threw out the board and as I am failing at getting my feet in the board they are giving me instructions and someone mentioned drowning.  It was at the precise moment that I decided to let Theresa ski.  Yeah, so that went well, she got the skiis on, swallowed a bucket of water and that was before she attempted skiing. Let's just say she tried once, FAIL back in the boat.  Natalie decides to give it a try...she tried three, fail, fail.  It's safe to say that three of us will not be getting a job at Cedar Point in the ski show.  Awwww shucks! Marc tried skiing again and we all decided that tubing is our sport.   Theresa and I went together and I swear I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time.  We held our own and stayed on that tube quite awhile.  Marc and Natalie went together....word on the street is he's a tube hog.

When we get back to the beach, we are all laughing and the kids are all waiting staring at us like we had robbed them.  Where have you been?  You guys were gone for two hours!  Blah, blah, blah.  The father's (except Scott, he was still lacking sleep) and grandfather's took all the kids for a short ride around the lake. 

By the time they got back dark clouds were moving in, it began storming shortly after and we packed up and headed home. It was a really fun day.

Monday. Monday was the day we all paid for the fun we had yesterday.  My shoulder hurts, my triceps hurt, my ribcage hurts and this my friends is how we know I had fun! Word on the web is there are a lot of us in pain today. 

Natalie and the kids came over for a bit...we were whining about how sore we were and laughing about the fun we had had yesterday when out of nowhere a blob of white matter lands on Natalie's hand - oh yes, a bird crapped on her!  Yup, I am glad she was sitting in that exact spot and not me.

Anyway, I am out of my mind tired still so I am sorry if my life wasn't as entertaining as it usually is...

The Queen of Insanity

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