Thursday, July 22, 2010

Stamps, Rentals and Songs...OH MY!

Last night I was loading up my new dishwasher and happy as a lark to be doing so when Olivia exclaimed, "WHO SPILLED RED JUICE ALL OVER THESE PRETTY STICKERS!".  Now my first thought was that they would be some of their sparkly princess stickers but no, they were actually postage stamps.  Not a half used pack of stamps but a brand new sheet! So in an effort to save these stamps I hung them up with a clip so they could dry out.  If you think I am going to waste $8.80 you are crazy.  Speaking of crazy......

We have some rental properties or as I like to call them nightmares.  In my opinion they are nothing but a headache. I have lots of stories about my dealings with our rental properties but here is the most current tale. Yesterday my husband's phone rang and I heard him talking but I was busy with Abigail and her clothing dilemna.  I couldn't really focus on his conversation and Abigail at the same time so I chose Abigail.  A couple hours later while I am shopping for camp clothes my cell phone rings.  It is Scott calling to ask me who our insurance for this particular house is.  I had no clue but I told him I'd check when I got home and give him a call but hold the bus......WHY?  A few years back (I use the word "few" loosely because I know it has been at least that many years) a tree limb from our rental property fell onto the neighbor's roof.  Now all of the sudden her roof is leaking and she claims that her insurance won't pay for the roof/leaking or whatever and her insurance company says it's our problem.  Ummmmmm, WHAT THE HELLO KITTY???  This house was built in the 60's and I can almost guarantee that the roof has NEVER been replaced. This lady is seriously looking for a payday and she is looking the wrong direction - you can't get blood from a turnip and we are all ready being sued by some psychopath my husband had a run in on the job with.  Get in line bitch!  Sorry that was totally called for but totally inappropriate in my effort not to cuss on here.  Here's the best part though, I had an epiphany this morning!  We took pictures of this incident when it happened for this very reason.  Now if I can just locate them.....

Today was our pool day with my bfff Michelle and her kids.  The kids had a blast swimming and playing in the pool.  There were playing some game called "The Charmed One".  Apparently this game consisted of one of them being "The Charmed One" and the rest of them were servants.  Michelle tried and tried to convince them that we were in fact "The Charmed One".  They weren't having it, little brats!  Anyway, the pool is a really nice above ground 4ft pool.  Sarah absolutely refuses to get in. Week after week we try and and try to get her in this pool to no avail. It's the same ole thing every time, "It tooooo big!" A couple weeks ago I just made her get in the pool with me.  You see I am not very sympathetic about these kind of things.  I have also never had a child afraid of water.  This is a big deal for me - I love water and I seriously can not have a child who doesn't love water too. I got her in the water and she held onto me for dear life.  I really thought I was going to pass out from the choke hold she had on me.  Well ever since that time not only does she tell us, "It tooooo big!" she promptly throws her pointer finger into position and says really snotty, "AND don't you trooo me in eider!"Shoot Michelle who by all accounts is completely innocent tried to hug her on the deck of the pool and she got the pointer finger thrown at her!  Seriously, she has some attitude and I have no flippin idea where she gets it.

We come home from the pool and are getting cleaned up.  Sarah and Olivia are in the tub singing away and I am in the shower - listening to them sing.  But what are they singing?  It sounds to me like Olivia is singing, "Crazy is the Lord" and when she finishes Sarah yells out "Hallelujia"( i hope spell checker fixes if it does this will make no sense).  They are reall belting it out.  Now they went to VBS all last week so I was trying to think back to my younger days and figure out what Olivia was really saying...turns out to be "Praise Ye The Lord" after a quick check with Emma and my Mom.  I swear that had to have been the funniest thing I heard all day.  "Crazy is the Lord!" Nice, Olivia...I hope the Lord takes your speech impediment into consideration when your time on this earth is done!

After that, I went to my friend Jennifer's and from there we went on a pussy willow expedition at her childhood home.  Long story short we did not find the pussy willow we were looking for.  But we did have a funny walk down memory lane where we grew up.  We went to our elementary school and peeked in the windows and don't you know we could actually smell the schoolish smells from the window!  We also felt that the new owner's in our old neighborhood could step it up a bit. I mean who in their right mind would put four lighthouses (two on each side of the driveway), a wishing well and a water wheel all out in front of their house?  It was a specktical!  Jennifer and I decided that the street must have some kind of themed yard ordeal because a few houses down there was a house that had a wagon wheel deal going on. 

Now I am home, tired and more than ready for's 11:30pm, my husband and kids are watching cartoons and I am sitting here wondering why I wasn't in bed two hours ago....

The Queen of Insanity (who can't get spell check to work)

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