Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My First Blog - July 6, 2010

Here it goes, my first blog; I want to say thanks if you are actually reading this, you must really be a true friend! Here's the deal, I will do my best to entertain you with my sick sense of humor and the true insanity that goes on in my life and you promise to keep reading.  Deal?

My first act of blogging was to share it with a friend.  In excitment I type out my blog address and type it wrong!  HELLO????  Way to share your life Krissy! All is well, luckily Jennifer is a smart gal and was able to point out my mistake. lol  Which by the way is exactly what real friends do.

Let's cover today and then I am going to take a break...this setting up a blog business is more work than my brain dead (thanks again Jennifer) self can handle. How pathetic is that, I can't even think of a word to describe my own mental condition???

The day started off easy enough, up at 5:45am to get Bella (the little girl I babysitt in) in the house and back to bed.  Get up, all still going seemingly well.  I get on my email only to discover that I have a predetermination of benefits from my dental insurance.  You might as well know now, I have bad teeth.  They aren't ugly to look at it, just as a whole I have a lot of dental work.  In looking at the PDB I notice that it's not covering my latest dental tragedy at 100%.  I call them to find out what the hello kitty is going on and they politely inform me that I only have $666 left for the entire year on my dental policy!  How can this be?????  My teeth aren't THAT bad.

After that fiasco I decided to go get my fake nails taken off because if I want to keep my teeth looking nice I certainly can't afford $21 every two weeks on vanity, right?  My nails came off easy enough but I had fungus growing underneath.  Lovely! 

When I got home I had Haley (another girl I babysitt soon to be ex-babysitting gig) being dropped off for the afternoon.  So you may have guessed I got canned from that babysitting job.  Apparently her parents are starting their own business.  Which they APPARENTLY have known about for sometime but just decided to tell me a week and a half before they were done with me.  Bitter?  No!  Why would you say that?

Started The South Beach Diet today, it's going okay but I am not sure its smart to start a diet while you have your Aunt Flo visiting but whatever. 

The Queen of Insanity