Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Not Feeling So Hot Today

I woke up yesterday to get Bella in and was feeling okay.  I was still a little sore from Sunday but better.  I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to take a hot bath in my jet tub.  It really helped my sore muscles but I have never quite woke up today. After my bath I went and got a coffee from Smoothie Brews and came back home and worked in my flowerbed a little bit.  The kids started waking up one by one as usual.

At about 10:00am I started feeling kinda sick to my stomach and by noon I just felt horrible.  I ate some lunch, sent the big girls to babysit their cousins and put the little one down for a nap and laid down myself.  I was awakened several times with silly questions.  Now here's the thing, while I was asleep the little girls managed to rip open a juice box and spill it all over the floor, take a bunch of "keys" off the twins' computer keyboard and other various things all under their father's supervision.  I am not suggesting that things don't happen on my watch because they most often do.  For instance, under my watch they have run naked through the yard, completely destroyed their rooms and much worse. 

I got up from my nap and felt a smidge better so I decided to steam clean the area of carpet behind my couch.  WOW!  That was some nasty carpet.  I am wondering if Sarah's pink dinosaur comes out of the walls at night and dredges mud behind the couch!  Stranger things have happened my friends.

Anyway my day was a bust.  I did, however, get caught up on Little People, Big World and some Dr. Phil episodes that had been sitting there for quite some time.  I am not a huge fan of Dr Phil but sometimes he has some interesting topics on there.  For instance, the one I watched was about this 16 year old (now 18) who met a boy on the Internet.  Okay wait he wasn't really a boy, he was 22. Now I kept waiting and waiting for the good doctor to say something to the girl's Mother about the fact that this girl was seeing a man six years older than her but he never did.  This guy somehow convinced this girl to quit playing soccer, dye her hair a different color monthly, quit hanging out with her friends and not attend family functions - her Uncle's 80th birthday party.  Now while my first impression of this girl is "What the hello kitty is wrong with this girl?" it gets worse.  Her boyfriend told her he preferred skinny girls. Now this girls wasn't sickly thin and she was certainly not fat but he convinced her otherwise...she got a box cutter, went to her room and sliced her inner thigh open thinking that she could drain the fat out of herself.  Seriously?  If I thought this would truly work I would have tried this a long time ago! On more than just my thighs... Now I just think this girl is certifiable.  She didn't tell her Mom what she had done for two days, it got infected, turned green and she had to go to the ER.  Nice!   Oh and she told her Mom she was trying to cut her jeans into shorts.  The stupidity runs deep in that family, that's all I'm sayin'.  In conclusion, she is now dating a nice boy but still hung up on her behavior with the other guy, as she should be. The best part for me was when she said she has ruined her life - you are 18 girl, you have not lived enough to be making those kind of assumptions! 

Well my new dishwasher is here and installed.  I am very happy about this since my two dishwashers leave for camp this weekend.  Now I am off to the dentist to have my root canal finished.  Let's all hope and pray I do not suffer from chipmunk disorder again!

The Queen of Insanity

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