The last time I actually blogged was Friday...things have been a little bit crazy around here and I am also fighting a summer cold. BOO!!!!
My Grandma is really ill. She has a lot of trouble with her blood pressure and has congestive heart failure to boot. She was in the hospital much of last week and on Friday they moved her to a rehablitation center to help her recover. The truth is she is 90 years old and she probably doesn't have much time on this earth left. I felt like I really needed to go see her, so Saturday my sister, Olivia and I went down to Southern Ohio to visit.
I decided to leave three of the girls at home because I thought my four children in one nursing home was four too many. Olivia was chosen to go because she is a little too much for the older two to handle lately. So three left at home with their sleeping father and one on the road with me. Olivia wasn't really happy about going because she just wanted to stay at home and watch tv. Her act of rebellion was to give us and everyone that we encountered the silent treatment. As you can imagine, it was very sad for me that she choose to be quiet all day!
We went to visit Grandma but it took us forever to find her in that place because neither of us thought to ask someone what room she was in before we left. We finally find her, Olivia didn't want to go in her room but decided to dance and twirl in the hallway. Whatever! Grandma was glad to see us and she was "ok" for the time being.
Now here's the thing, at first I thought my Grandma had a decent room. It was pretty quiet at first but then when I went into the hall to check on dance and twirl, I discovered her room was right next to the entrance to the "secure area" of the nursing home. There was this one lady in a wheel chair that kept trying to escape. I never really saw what exactly she was doing to make the alarm go off over and over and over again but whatever it was apparently was working. They would wheel her back to the other end of the hallway and before you knew it, she was back at the door again. It will be a wonder if our Grandma gets any rest in that place.
After we left there we went and visited two of our aunts. Aunt Janet's and then to Aunt Barbara's. Funny thing, we walk into Aunt Barbara's house and Olivia immediately starts talking. I don't know what brought it on but from then on she was chatty Cathy. We left there and began our trek home. We were both feeling a bit tired so we stopped at the gas station across the street for a Monster coffee to boost the energy levels. Low and behold I came across Mad Dog 20/20. Quite honestly I didn't even know they still made that stuff! They had every variety you can imagine. I took a picture to send to a couple of my friends. My sister and I also surveyed the area for a new man because let me tell you, if you want a man who drives a pick-up, is missing half his teeth, wears overall and a wife beater shirt, this was the place to find him! We didn't find any that we couldn't live with out so we just hit the road.
On Sunday I had to take the twins and drop them off at church camp. My girlfriend's girls were going to so we had a good ride over there. We got to listen, while they watched New Moon. I have to tell you, listening to that movie is a lot different than watching it. I really think it's kinda stupid now. We got there and got them settled and like any self respecting women we hit the outlet mall on the way back. I found a great pair of shoes but I passed them up - what was I thinking? I am a shoe whore and I passed up a pair of awesome shoes!!!!! They were sorta ugly really but very comfortable. Actually I think they were so ugly that they were cute! When I got home Scott and I went to Walmart for school supplies for the girls and then to dinner. On the way home Olivia were making up songs about ghosts, vampires and aliens. Really? Very strange in my book. I am guessing they get this stuff from their older siblings.
Today Scott and I took the two little ones to the zoo along with our nephew. We had a good time looking at the animals. Wearing the kids out so they would all go to bed early was really the plan. I need to keep these little ones occupied this week since according to Emma and Abigail the only reason I am going to miss them is because they are my slaves! Nice girls! Actually I just need to get all these kids back on schedule before school starts.....I can't see my ticker right now or I would tell you exactly how many days that is.
Anyway, sorry that I took a leave of absence just got very busy this weekend. I will try and do better.
The Queen of Insanity
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