When I woke today, I felt pretty good! I thought, "Great, the root canal is finally paying off!" and excited at the prospect of a pain free day I started to clean up my tornado ridden house. Miss Liv is chatting me up about this and that when all of the sudden she starts rubbing one of her legs. I asked her what she was doing. The conversation went like this:
Very seriously she says, "Mom, my legs are really hairy! I think I need to start shaving!".
Ummmm, Olivia I think you are a little too young to start shaving.
But Mom Abigail showed me how! How old do I have to be?
Eleven or twelve Liv.
*Deep sigh with hands thrown up in the air* I guess I'll tell Abigail I'm not allowed!
Crisis averted but was Abigail a part of this? She can't seriously be trying to convince her five year old sister that she needs to shave her legs!?!?!
It's almost 11am and Tammy (my sister) is coming over soon to go get our new tats so I head upstairs to shower. I quietly tip-toe to the bathroom (wouldn't want to wake the sleeping husband), flip on the light and catch a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror - WHAT THE ???????? The left side of my face is completely swollen! In all honesty, I look like a chipmunk that has 3 years worth of food stored up in its cheeks! No doubt this is going to be a fabulous look for the busy day I have ahead of me.
When Tammy gets here we discuss my new look - we agree its a hot look on me! Now I have to tell you that my sister is obsessive about things and I pick on her for this all the time. I am publicly apologizing to her right now - I have seen the light, it obviously runs in our family. After I had obsessed enough for that particular moment, we left for Original Sin Tattoos.
My sister's appointment was at noon, mine and another friends' (who shall be called X to protect her identity) were at 2pm. Mike started on Tammy's cover-up of a seriously botched flower tattoo while I stood in front of a mirror looking at my face. Obsessing perhaps? While I am staring at my monstrosity of a face, Mike suggests that instead of coming back at 2 o'clock, I just go right after Tammy. This is fine with me because I am actually thinking that the pain from the tattoo needle will help me forget about my other issues of the day. However, will "X" be upset if I go ahead? Just then the phone rings, it's "X" we discuss and she says to go ahead and that she and her friend Dr. Pepper will just head on over - Great! Oh and for the record, Dr Pepper's real name has to be protected to protect "X". lol Anyway, Mike finishes up and Tammy's new improved flower tattoo is beautiful!!!!!
I hop up onto the table and assume the necessary position for my tattoo. Guess what is directly in front of me? A flippin' mirror and you know it, neurotic me is staring at my face thinking, "How did this happen?", "Why me?". Here is the disappointing part, there was very little discomfort from my tattoo to distract me. Now I hadn't planned on staying and getting mine done right after Tammy so my Ibuprofen wore off. Great now I am in pain! Luckily one of the guys who worked there felt sorry for me and brought me some. He was my hero today. Mine is finished - I am totally in love with it!
X was up next. It turned out great! Later "X" thanked me for being supportive while she was having it done. I didn't have the heart to tell her that the entire time I was thinking about my face!
Race home to go pick up my 2nd prescription for antibiotics, call the endodontist to find out what is happening to my face and get Abigail ready for her dance competition tonight. The doctor's office is closed for the day. Wait! There is an on-call doctor but please don't call till after 5pm....that is so not going to work for me. I called at 3pm and left a message...When he calls me back he tells me, it's normal - NORMAL? Fantastic! Take two pills and call me if it gets worse.....
I am completely exhausted right now, fixating on something all day does that to a person. I will finish this up tomorrow. Now to figure out how I am going to keep myself sleeping on my back all night since the left side of my face is swollen and my new tattoo is on my right thigh.
To be continued..........
I'm sure that "X" appreciates your keeping her identity a secret. I'm sure the witness protection program will be calling her any minute. AND... Dr. Pepper thanks you too. I mean, I'm sure he would if I knew who he was.