Sunday, June 5, 2016

I Can't Even!

Yup! That's right, I don't even's 1:32am, I went to bed over an hour ago and I followed my usual routine; Go upstairs, brush my teeth, get in bed, play Candy Crush till I can't keep my eyes open anymore, turn it off, close my eyes.  However tonight when I went to bed a curious thing happened - I began to weep.  I was laying there trying to figure out how to do it quietly as to not wake my husband.  At first, the tears just started falling down my face and before I knew it, I had to sniff because my nose started running.  I finally decided it was just best to get up and cry somewhere else.  

Now, I am not typically a crier but apparently my tears needed to flow tonight. Perhaps to give me some sort of emotional release I wasn't mentally allowing myself to have.  The truth of the matter is, I knew I was stressed out and with good reason, but just didn't want to deal with it.  I know you are probably thinking this whole Jezebel, Ahab and Mother Teresa probably just pushed me over the edge but it was a great distraction.  The truth is there has been so much going on since March and I suppose tonight, for some reason, I couldn't hold it in any longer.

At the beginning of March, one evening I was sitting on the couch watching television - probably ID because what else would I be watching?  I was literally just sitting there and all of the sudden I felt something in my mouth.  What the hell?  I'll tell you what the hell - It was a crown from one of my teeth!  The damn thing just popped itself off with no rhyme or reason. The next day I go into the dentist and have it re cemented.  FOUR DAYS later, I am again sitting on the couch, watching what I am sure was ID, eating some popcorn and as I am chewing feel something a little too hard to be popcorn.  The exact opposite tooth from the one I had just had fixed, an old filling fell out.  Well great!  So I call my sister, who by no means could ever be considered compassionate, about the lost filling.  Let me just add here, my sister is a dental assistant and I think it must be like being a lawyer or a cop - people get in trouble and you are the first person they call.  She tells me she will see when I can come in and have it fixed.  The next day she calls me with some optional times, I schedule an appointment and then go to set up appointment.  

The filling I lost was pretty big and I had already sort of made up my mind if they couldn't just replace the filling, I was just going to have it pulled out.  After all, it was my very back molar and I am certainly not going to miss it.  As suspected, they basically said I would need a crown.  I have horrible luck where my teeth are concerned and I knew if I got a crown, it wouldn't be long before I would need a root canal and so I told my dentist, I think I want to have it pulled.  She quickly informed me, if I had it pulled I would also need to have the tooth above it pulled - long story short; she convinced me to let her put in a temporary filling to allow me time to "think" about what I really wanted to do.  A few days later, I called the oral surgeon to schedule the extractions.  Of course, as my luck would have it, they didn't have any appointments for about two weeks and I wanted them out asap.  My sister arranged for me to just have them pulled at her office.

The day arrives, I go in and get some laughing gas (highly recommend), shots and a short while later I am missing two teeth!  I am prone to swelling so they gave me an ice pack to hold to my cheek and I head out the door.  Ready to go home, I get in my car, chomping down on some gauze for the bleeding and have the ice pack on my face.  I get on the freeway and as I am on the on ramp to merge onto the second freeway I must take to get home, I hear this awful squealing that is seemingly coming from behind me.  I look in my rear view mirror and yup, there it is, this car is swerving all over the road and headed straight for my rear end!  I throw the ice pack to the passenger seat and brace myself for the hit that was surely coming....and then I was hit.  I sat there livid, in my car and just sitting there thinking "WHY? Why do I keep getting rear ended?  Why right now?  I JUST had two teeth pulled and here I am sitting on the on ramp hit!".  Grrrrrrrrrrrr!  After I got my wits about me, I called 911 and let them know about the accident.  I then hung up and called my husband, who kindly sent out one of his guys to check on me at the scene because he was stuck on a job.  It wasn't till the officer I knew got there, that I even got out of the car to assess the damage.  My bumper wasn't too bad and I was able to drive my car away but the hitter, yeah her car was not at all driveable.  The officer insisted I go to the ER and get checked out.  He followed me there, walked in with me and there was standing room only.  We went to the desk and were told it would be at least six hours before they would get to me, assuming no serious emergencies came in - NOT WAITING!  I wasn't all that sore at the moment.  Of course the next day, I was pretty sore but I went to work, my shoulder was bothering me pretty bad and after work I went to Urgent Care.  Urgent Care, what a joke but they diagnosed me with a shoulder contusion, whiplash and gave me some stupid rx's that clearly would not help my pain.

Since I was still pretty sore and I clearly wasn't going to get any relief from prescriptions, I gave my chiropractor a call.  I went for about a month which greatly helped my neck and back but did nothing for my shoulder, he sent me to an orthopedic doctor.  I was then sent to have an MRI which showed I have a full tear in my rotator cuff and just my luck - I need surgery to repair or have a lifetime of pain and discomfort.  Mind you, still no pain medicine is given to me!  Take Ibuprofen they say....okay great and since it doesn't really do much of anything for my pain or my stomach lining I am pretty much suffering through it every day, especially at night.  

But wait! There's more.....After about two weeks of having my teeth extracted, I realize the side of my tongue is all torn up and there is something pokey on the inside of my gum.  Yup!  I have a piece of bone fragment sticking out of the bottom of the gum where I had one of the teeth pulled and the same extraction isn't healing as it should.  Go back to the dentist, they manage to get the bone fragment out, I nearly pass out but live, am given an rx for antibiotics and then I remember on the other side where this whole mess started the recemented crown seems sharp in a couple places.  Guess what?  It now needs replaced because somehow it is cracked! 

In the meantime, one of our twins car's exhaust is jacked up and we have to take it the shop for repair....$300 later and it's good to go again.  Back to the dentist for a crown prep, get a temporary crown and a few days later our air conditioner goes out.  At first I didn't realize it because I had worked all day, had texted my older two kids and told them to all be dressed and ready when I got home because we were going shopping for summer clothes.  I walked in the door to change my clothes and said, "Man it's warm in here!" The kids agreed and we left.  By the time we got home it was hotter than Haiti's.  I send my husband a text about the air and he responds back, "Are you sure you or the kids didn't accidentally switch it to heat or off?"  No dear..I didn't already think of that!  I checked the breaker, I checked all kinds of things to no avail.  He gets home in the middle of the night and somehow gets it working, at least temporarily.  Low and behold it stops working again a day later.  

Then on Memorial Day, without air conditioning, we grilled out, Ahab was miraculously allowed over and as we sat at the dinner table eating our yummy steaks, my temporary crown falls the hell out!  COME ON ALREADY!!!!!!!  I. Can't. Even.  I worked all week and really had no time to go get the damn thing reattached - temporarily.  At this point, don't even care about the tooth but I do care about being hot.  We finally find someone on Tuesday to come out and look at the a/c - turns out some wire was all melted inside and some other part, which I can't remember because I don't care other than my house is cool again, at the tune of $309.00.

Thursday, the other twin is driving downtown to drop off her college course books back to the college and on her return the car she drives starts to become louder and louder.  As I walk in the door from work, she begins to tell me how loud it is and I should drive it.  I'll bite.  I get in the car, make it around the block and head back home - her exhaust clearly has issues.  Great! Two days...we made it two days.  Friday I call the auto repair shop to see if they can service her car - not till mid-next week. Well isn't that fantastic?  

Saturday I leave work and head home.  Come in the house, change and prepare to leave for my daughter and I's hair appointments.  I wanted to stop at this yard sale which had a very nice bike I was thinking of buying for one of my girls.  We leave the house and as we are driving around, I go to turn right and my steering wheel will barely turn!  NO THIS IS NOT HAPPENING TO ME RIGHT NOW!!!!!!  Somehow I manage to turn it, at the expense of my already sore shoulder, and get back home to switch to the one "good" car.  I run in, grab the keys, start said car and it is almost on E. Now, I have to run and fill up the tank to make it anywhere.......

Sometimes a girl just needs to catch a break.

The Queen of Insanity

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