Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Three Down and One To Go!

Olivia's First Day of School!  Where oh where does the time go?  I remember bringing her little butt home from the hospital and here she is going off to school all ready! The time will just pass by too quickly from here on out with her.  I still have Miss Sarah at home for a couple of years and then she will go off to school too and time will pass by with lightening speed! However, we are going to just focus on the events of my day thus far.

Last night I got a call from Bella's Dad saying that I wouldn't have her this morning because her Mom is
in the hospital (Please add them in your prayers she is pregnant and the baby's heartbeat is erratic).  Since Bella wasn't going to be here this morning I decided to sleep till 6am.  Well guess what?????  I slept till 7:20am!  This is what time Emma and Abigail start school.  Needless to say, I woke up in a complete panic!  Here it is Olivia's first day of school and I have all ready screwed up!  I rushed out of bed and directly to Emma's bedroom....she isn't there.  Okay, this is a step in the right direction.  Next Olivia's room to see if Abigail (who slept in Olivia's room last night) is up too.  She isn't there!  Okay, okay...this is a positive sign.  I rush downstairs - they are gone!!!!  Shew!  Deep breaths to refocus and a moment of pride as a Mother; they got up, got to the bus and off to school all by themselves!

My next act was to get myself dressed and get Olivia up and moving.  Olivia is not a morning person and I struggled a bit getting her up and moving but eventually she was up, awake and dressed.  I fed her breakfast, got her backpack and we headed to the bus stop.  Next thing you know the bus was here and off she went to her first day of kindergarten.  That's three down and one more kid to go.....just a couple more years!

Now I am off of here and jumping in the shower so it appears as if I accomplished something this morning. Have a great day!

The Queen of Insanity

1 comment:

  1. Oh and for the record, kindergartners not only let you go to the bus stop with you...but you are allowed to kiss them goodbye! lol
