Well as usual I had a busy weekend. I am not even sure why I look forward to them anymore! I dont' ever get to just sit around and do nothing but on the other hand, I like to busy.
Saturday the kids and I got up and headed to the soccer field for Emma's game. Since we were running a wee bit behind, I dropped Emma and Abigail at the soccer field and made a quick run back to Smoothie Brews. When I got to Smoothie Brews, I got some disheartening news....Connie has sold the joint and the people buying it are changing it's name. Smoothie Brews will now be called, "Overlatte Cafe". I guess as long as they continue to have my coffee, it will be okay. I will miss the employees that worked at Smoothie Brews, Debbie and Jake. The thing that has me up in arms is that I do not know how to say anything other than, "I'll have my regular, large this morning!". I say it, they know what I want and make it. I guess before Wednesday I need to find out what it's actually called. Oh and the other bad news about this development is that they will be closing down shop for a bit to give the place a little make-over. I don't know what's wrong with the place now but whatever.
After the soccer game was over we came home and I bribed the kids into cleaning the house. I used the angle of promising a secret fun activity later that day if they all helped in getting the house in order. It worked like a charm! The house got straightened up and we headed to Jackson for The Apple Festival! We made a stop to visit my Grandma. It was a bittersweet visit. You see my Grandma is now living in an assisted living facility instead of her house. It was sad not to actually be going to visit her at her own home. I think she is a bit sad about it too but at this point, assisted living is a much better place for her. After visiting with her, we went and visited some other family and went to the the festival.
The kids had a great time at the Apple Festival. We started off our time there eating a bunch of fair food and then moved onto riding some of the rides. I spent entirely too much money there but the kids had a great time and that's what matters.
When we were finished eating and riding rides, we went over to my cousin Mindy's where they were having a pig roast. I would have loved to eat some of that meat but I had over indulged on all the fair food. What a bummer that was! Another bummer was I had all the kids with me. I could have had one heck of a time hanging out and having fun with my cousins! Dont' get me wrong, I had a great time with them but the distraction of trying to keep track of my children was too much responsibility for me! May be I will get an opportunity to hang out with them child free sometime in the future. Anyway, I suddenly discovered that it was after midnight and I had a long drive ahead of me. I loaded up the kids and when we finally got home, it was 2:30am. I set my alarm for 10:00am and went to bed.
Sunday morning I woke up a little after 11:00am, Yes, my alarm was set for 10:00am!!!! Apparently my alarm clock was turned off by an equally exhausted husband. Thanks honey, I really appreciate the extra Zzzz's but we do have plans to be somewhere at noon! Not only were we supposed to be somewhere at noon, the place we were going was a good 45 minutes away from where we live and we needed to drop the two little ones off at their grandparents' house. Best laid plans......
When I woke up, I was in panic mode - which in my opinion is a horrible way to wake up! I immediately sent out texts to my brother and Michelle to inform them that we were running late (as if this would be some sort of surprise to them). It took what seemed like forever for them to respond so I took the extra time to jump in the shower and get everybody moving. Finally my brother, Kevin, called me back but I was in the shower and no one bothered to interrupt me. I called him back and no answer......after awhile he called back. He then proceeds to tell me that he didn't think that we were planning on going canoeing and that he and Michelle were just hanging out leisurely in his garage. WHAT? I could have still be snoozing away! Okay, well we are up, have a babysitter arranged for the little ones, let's go! We decided to meet at Trapper John's around 1:30.
Scott and I got to his Dad's at 1:30pm, hahaha, we seriously have a problem people! However, it was okay that we were still running late because Tammy and her husband, Randy, had decided to go and Kevin and Michelle were waiting to meet them. Around 2:00pm, we were headed toward the canoe livery when we got another text that said Trapper John's couldn't accommodate our canoeing venture because the water was too low and suggested we go to some other place. I think it was called Scioto Canoe. Finally we come to the place they redirected us to and got all the paperwork signed, got our canoes and kayaks and waited. Then we waited and waited some more until finally the guy shows up with this rickety van to transport us to the drop off sight. I am not kidding when I say rickety! The top of this van actually lifted when we hit a bump in the road. Then at last we get to the drop off sight!
The van came to a stop, the driver jumps out and begins unloaded the water crafts onto the ground. While the driver was doing this, I noticed the way down to the water is a steep downhill path. The path did have some makeshift steps which turned out to be helpful. Everyone grabbed their prospective ride and started down the death trap. It was at this point I wished I would have selected a kayak! Scott took off with one canoe and I, of course, was the last one to head down. I guess I was secretly hoping that someone intended to come back up and help but it became evident that I was on my own. I grabbed the front of the canoe and started pulling it down. Slow and steady wins the race, right? I managed to get down the hill without falling to my death.
Before I knew it, we were all on the water paddling away. Kevin, Josh and Michelle were all in kayaks. Tammy and Randy were in one canoe, Scott and I in another and Emma and Abigail in the third. The fighting began before Emma and Abigail were even in the water and continued the entire four miles of the trip. Scott and I were paddling along laughing about Emma and Abigail's excellent teamwork and the fact that we just kept paddling while leaving them behind with other people. We are not stupid! Overall, the trip was pretty relaxing but there were definitely some funny moments.
First of all, we rounded a corner not long after we started of our trip and Michelle somehow managed to tip completely over in her kayak. I know it sucked to get wet because it was a bit chilly out yesterday. Secondly, Tammy was sitting in the front of their canoe, enjoying the scenery while Randy did all the work (this is not an understatement and you will see this in a moment). All of the sudden, Tammy looks down and realizes that her paddle is gone! Where could it have gone? She exclaimed, "I dont' even know how long it's been gone!". I am sure you don't Tammy since you have just been sitting there in the front of the canoe hanging out. Abigail said she saw it but they weren't going back for it. I know this comes as a shock to all of you but the truth is she was too busy telling her sister what to do to be bothered with retrieving her Aunt's paddle. Tammy and Randy (okay RANDY) turned around to go find the paddle and the rest of us paddled ahead to the bank.
We hung out on this little bank for quite a few minutes, skipping rocks, climbing on dead trees and looking at clam shells that were laying around. After awhile we all began loading back up and out to the water. Scott spent a few minutes helping Emma and Abigail get their canoe back out into the water and once they were moving, we began to move ours. Only it didn't go nearly as smoothly as I would have hoped. Scott was in the back holding it while I moved to the front of the canoe. Then it happened, the inevitable, I slipped and my left side went down into the water! All I heard was one of my girls yelling, "MOM'S DOWN! My MOM'S DOWN!" The rest of the trip was quite chilly for me and this is how I know that Michelle had to of been freezing for the majority of the trip.
Eventually we made it back to the livery, parked our canoes and everyone went their separate ways. Scott and I went to meet his Dad for dinner and to pick up our little ones. It was a fun weekend but it left me completely exhausted.
The Queen of Insanity
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