This morning I got an extra hour and twenty minutes of sleep - woohoo! Of course, one would think this would have gotten my day off to a good start, not the case. I woke up with a sinus headache right off the bat! Goodness, it's always something! On a positive note, Emma and Abigail actually understood that I was really not getting up to get them on the bus today and responded appropriately.
My head was hurting and I thought may be when I got into the hot shower it was tame down some but that was not the case. I got dressed and woke up Olivia for the day. Sarah was all ready up and had tried to wake me at 6:45am and I told her in no uncertain terms, I was not getting out of bed until 7:00am. Got both of them dressed and ready to head off to their prospective schools. Jakob (a new little one I babysit) went to Walmart to get a few things. Now, one would assume that having realized right off that bat that I had a sinus headache, I would have taken something right away. Nope, I sure didn't. I was happy to get my shopping trip over with and get home to take something.
With Sudafed and ibuprofen on board I was able to clean out the summer clothes in my closet and replace them with my fall/winter attire. That was the extent of it though because I was quickly worn out. After putting Jakob down for a little nap, I took a catnap myself! When I woke up, I decided it was high time I put away laundry I had done three days ago.
Yup, that's the extent of my day thus far.....
The Queen of Insanity
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