Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I woke up Monday morning with much enthusiasm.  I do not know why other than I was hopeful that today I would not nap!  There was so much to do and get caught up on and I needed a positive attitude.  When my alarm went off, I hopped out of bed and promptly went to make sure Emma and Abigail were up and moving for the day.  After I assured they were awake, I headed for the shower and started thinking about what I wanted to accomplish....as soon as I got my daily dose of my non-fat milky way. I got the twins off to the bus stop and hopped in the car towards where else but Smoothie Brews. 

With my crack on board I was able to muster the energy to wake Olivia up and get her ready for school.  This is no small feat most days.  Olivia is much like her parents in the respect that she is not a morning person.  I can't even be frustrated with her in the mornings when she acts like a total pain in the astronaut. I feel the exact same way every time my alarm goes off at 5:40am!  Now I am sure I have mentioned (and if you know her at all you should know this without question) Olivia is a dress freak.  She has a dress for nearly every occasion and she wears them without discretion.  On this particular day, she needed to wear something yellow.  Of course, of the one trillion dresses she has, she has not one yellow dress!  We settled on a brown skirt with different color dots on it.  The problem, it needed ironed!  Oh how I hate to iron and yet I have had to iron two items for her in the past week.  Why am I ironing for a five year old when I won't iron for myself?  The answer - peace!  It is completely worth it to have her happy because while she is normally a happy child, you don't want to come between her and her wardrobe.  So I ironed her skirt and sent her off to school.

When I got back from the bus stop, I began taking everything out of Olivia's closet.  I made an executive decision that we would be adding some hanging apparatus to her closet today.  Once everything was out of her closet, I sorted out the summer items and the clothing that was too small for her, things she would never be caught dead in, ie; skorts, shorts and pants. Scott woke up and I told him of my plan.  He wasn't exactly happy with the prospect of the job I had given him and told me what HIS plans for the day were.  I gave him a couple of options and original plan was to go to Lowes and get the necessary items and then he would be free to do what he had planned until Emma had soccer practice.  He would then hang the new racks after soccer.  What actually transpired was a trip to Lowes and the bank, he got his haircut as planned and then came home and said it was too hot for him to go to the land (which was his agenda for the day) and cut down our overgrown garden. He hung the new racks in her closet.

While he was working on the closet project, I went through Olivia's room, reorganizing everything. When I was done in her room, I went into Sarah's room and did the same.  Finally he finished Olivia's closet and I started hanging up all her clothes in the closet.  It was so nice to be able to hang nearly everything!  Olivia was so excited to have her dresses accessible.  Before Scott installed this new clothing rack in her closet they were all too high for her to reach without using a make shift stool of her choosing, ripping the item she wanted down...along with whatever happened to get in her way.    In fact, she was so excited at the new look of her closet, she even helped me hang all her clothes back up! 

We had just enough left over to add some additional hanging space in Sarah's closet too.  Sarah was skeptical at first but when she realized she could now reach her own clothing as well she was ecstatic.  So ecstatic in fact, she changed her outfit six times in the matter of one hour.  Woohoo!  Yes, I am so excited at this new found independence Sarah has discovered!  In all actuality, this means more laundry for me - yay!

After all these projects were completed, I found the time to make dinner, take Olivia to dance class while Scott took Emma to soccer, clean up our dinner mess, wash my bed sheets, do more dishes, vacuum the living room, put four totes full of old clothes in the attic, bath Olivia and Sarah and take a bath myself - all without one single nap. 

The Queen of Insanity

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