Friday night one of my neighbor's was having a Pure Romance party and so Natalie and I went. It was a lot of fun! For one thing, I didn't realize that I would know way more people in attendance than I thought. Of course, the people that I knew from outside of our neighborhood all said we shouldn't mention that we saw each other there again. I am not sure why, we are all adults but I guess it's a small town and we don't need people thinking we are Mom's gone wild or something!
After the party was over, some of the ladies were planning on going out afterwards. Natalie and I decided to join them but none of them were ready to go when we were. We told them we'd meet them there. After a quick stop at home for jackets, we headed on over to the designated meeting spot. We walked in door and we quickly stopped by some dude dressed in everyday clothes and told us we had to pay $3.00 each. What? We looked at him as if to say, "What the hello kitty?" and kept walking. He told us to stop and that he was "serious", $3.00 cover for the band. Ummmm, how about no thank you and we turned around and walked out. Now, I know you might be thinking that $3.00 isn't a lot of money and really in normal circumstances, it isn't. This particular night we dont' have much money and have no desire to use money that could be spent on a drink to hear a band I have never heard of. Furthermore, what kind of crap is that anyway? If you have a band at a bar, it should be to help bring people into your establishment not as a means to pay said band! We left and didn't look back.
We still wanted to have a drink so went elsewhere and had a couple. After we had had our fill we went home.
The Queen of Insanity
Three stinking dollars for a cover?? that is a bargain in todays economy