Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 1 Without Smoothie Brews

I didn't know what to do with myself without going to get my usual cup of Joe!  Last night, I ground some coffee beans and used the programming feature on my coffee pot so that I would have coffee first thing this morning.  It just wasn't the same, I digress.

When I went to Walmart this morning, I remembered that there was a red cup coffee place across the street.  SCORE!  My nephew, Josh, works there at 5 Bean Cafe but he wasn't there this morning.  I apparently just missed him.  None-the-less, I got my Milky Way fix.

Let's see how I do tomorrow.

The Queen of Addiction....I mean Insanity

The Day in Progress

This morning I got an extra hour and twenty minutes of sleep - woohoo!  Of course, one would think this would have gotten my day off to a good start, not the case.  I woke up with a sinus headache right off the bat!  Goodness, it's always something! On a positive note, Emma and Abigail actually understood that I was really not getting up to get them on the bus today and responded appropriately. 

My head was hurting and I thought may be when I got into the hot shower it was tame down some but that was not the case.  I got dressed and woke up Olivia for the day.  Sarah was all ready up and had tried to wake me at 6:45am and I told her in no uncertain terms, I was not getting out of bed until 7:00am.  Got both of them dressed and ready to head off to their prospective schools.  Jakob (a new little one I babysit) went to Walmart to get a few things.  Now, one would assume that having realized right off that bat that I had a sinus headache, I would have taken something right away.  Nope, I sure didn't.  I was happy to get my shopping trip over with and get home to take something. 

With Sudafed and ibuprofen on board I was able to clean out the summer clothes in my closet and replace them with my fall/winter attire.  That was the extent of it though because I was quickly worn out. After putting Jakob down for a little nap, I took a catnap myself!  When I woke up, I decided it was high time I put away laundry I had done three days ago. 

Yup, that's the extent of my day thus far.....

The Queen of Insanity

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Real Housewife of Pataskala

My point?  Yes, I have one.  I am tired of reality television! The reason? Well, lets be honest, they might be some peoples' realities but I don't think they are the reality for most of us. I know several people who are really into the reality show, "Real Housewives of (fill in the blank)". I personally can not relate to any of them. 

First of all, the vast majority of these women on the above mentioned shows are not even "real" housewives.  When I think of a housewife, I think of me (obviously) and my friends who stay at home with our kids and manage our homes on a day to day basis sans nannies or housekeepers. Doesn't being a housewife imply that a woman has a husband as well?

Secondly, "reality" on these shows is not really representative of most women who stay at home.  I suppose that it makes for good entertainment.  Who isn't intrigued by seeing other people's screwed up lives flashing before them on the television?  I am guilty!  I love Dateline, 20/20, Discovery I.D. and the likes.  Honestly, how many women do you know that spend tens of thousands of dollars to throw a sweet 16 party for their daughter or a three year old's birthday party?  My guess would be no one that reads this blog!

Finally, my opinion is few people could handle the realities of being a REAL housewife with REAL children on television.  I wonder how many people would tune in to a show if my family was the feature presentation?  It's doubtful we would have a huge following.  Who wants to watch me clean up my child's vomit or urine when they have missed an easily placed target? Uhhh no one!  Who wants to follow my car around town, watching me drop a kid off here, drop a kid off there, come home start dinner, turn around and go pick up the children?

The whole reality show phenomenon is seriously a mystery to me.  We have shows about all kinds of crazy things these days; hair dressers, cake decorators, fake housewives, polygamists, little people, people with 5 kids, 8 kids, 19 kids! Where does it end?  Are we to believe that this is reality? Who's reality is it?  I am sorry but I am not drinking the kool-aid! 

I seem bitter, don't I?  Yeah, that's because I am bitter.  I am tired of watching these shows and wondering why I don't have a sister wife to help me out around the house and to share in the rearing of my kids; or why my kids don't all get along all the time and use manners regularly!

The truth is, the past week and a half have been rough for me.  Between the kids and their different ailments and my constant state of exhaustion these reality shows have got me all fired up!  I have issues! What can I say?

Oh and by the way, Sarah's pink dinosaur stole $3.00 from her purse.  It's a sad state of affairs when her own imaginary friend is stealing from her!

The Queen of Insanity

Monday, September 27, 2010

Busy busy weekend.....

Well as usual I had a busy weekend.  I am not even sure why I look forward to them anymore!  I dont' ever get to just sit around and do nothing but on the other hand, I like to busy. 

Saturday the kids and I got up and headed to the soccer field for Emma's game.  Since we were running a wee bit behind, I dropped Emma and Abigail at the soccer field and made a quick run back to Smoothie Brews.  When I got to Smoothie Brews, I got some disheartening news....Connie has sold the joint and the people buying it are changing it's name. Smoothie Brews will now be called, "Overlatte Cafe".  I guess as long as they continue to have my coffee, it will be okay.  I will miss the employees that worked at Smoothie Brews, Debbie and Jake.  The thing that has me up in arms is that I do not know how to say anything other than, "I'll have my regular, large this morning!".  I say it, they know what I want and make it.  I guess before Wednesday I need to find out what it's actually called. Oh and the other bad news about this development is that they will be closing down shop for a bit to give the place a little make-over.  I don't know what's wrong with the place now but whatever. 

After the soccer game was over we came home and I bribed the kids into cleaning the house.  I used the angle of promising a secret fun activity later that day if they all helped in getting the house in order.  It worked like a charm! The house got straightened up and we headed to Jackson for The Apple Festival!  We made a stop to visit my Grandma.  It was a bittersweet visit.  You see my Grandma is now living in an assisted living facility instead of her house.  It was sad not to actually be going to visit her at her own home.  I think she is a bit sad about it too but at this point, assisted living is a much better place for her.  After visiting with her, we went and visited some other family and went to the the festival. 

The kids had a great time at the Apple Festival.  We started off our time there eating a bunch of fair food and then moved onto riding some of the rides. I spent entirely too much money there but the kids had a great time and that's what matters. 

When we were finished eating and riding rides, we went over to my cousin Mindy's where they were having a pig roast. I would have loved to eat some of that meat but I had over indulged on all the fair food. What a bummer that was!  Another bummer was I had all the kids with me.  I could have had one heck of a time hanging out and having fun with my cousins! Dont' get me wrong, I had a great time with them but the distraction of trying to keep track of my children was too much responsibility for me!  May be I will get an opportunity to hang out with them child free sometime in the future.  Anyway, I suddenly discovered that it was after midnight and I had a long drive ahead of me.  I loaded up the kids and when we finally got home, it was 2:30am. I set my alarm for 10:00am and went to bed.

Sunday morning I woke up a little after 11:00am,  Yes, my alarm was set for 10:00am!!!!  Apparently my alarm clock was turned off by an equally exhausted husband.  Thanks honey, I really appreciate the extra Zzzz's but we do have plans to be somewhere at noon! Not only were we supposed to be somewhere at noon, the place we were going was a good 45 minutes away from where we live and we needed to drop the two little ones off at their grandparents' house.  Best laid plans......

When I woke up, I was in panic mode - which in my opinion is a horrible way to wake up!  I immediately sent out texts to my brother and Michelle to inform them that we were running late (as if this would be some sort of surprise to them).  It took what seemed like forever for them to respond so I took the extra time to jump in the shower and get everybody moving.  Finally my brother, Kevin, called me back but I was in the shower and no one bothered to interrupt me.  I called him back and no answer......after awhile he called back.  He then proceeds to tell me that he didn't think that we were planning on going canoeing and that he and Michelle were just hanging out leisurely in his garage.  WHAT?  I could have still be snoozing away!  Okay, well we are up, have a babysitter arranged for the little ones, let's go!  We decided to meet at Trapper John's around 1:30.

Scott and I got to his Dad's at 1:30pm, hahaha, we seriously have a problem people!  However, it was okay that we were still running late because Tammy and her husband, Randy, had decided to go and Kevin and Michelle were waiting to meet them.  Around 2:00pm, we were headed toward the canoe livery when we got another text that said Trapper John's couldn't accommodate our canoeing venture because the water was too low and suggested we go to some other place.  I think it was called Scioto Canoe.  Finally we come to the place they redirected us to and got all the paperwork signed, got our canoes and kayaks and waited.  Then we waited and waited some more until finally the guy shows up with this rickety van to transport us to the drop off sight.  I am not kidding when I say rickety!  The top of this van actually lifted when we hit a bump in the road.  Then at last we get to the drop off sight!

The van came to a stop, the driver jumps out and begins unloaded the water crafts onto the ground.  While the driver was doing this, I noticed the way down to the water is a steep downhill path.  The path did have some makeshift steps which turned out to be helpful.  Everyone grabbed their prospective ride and started down the death trap.  It was at this point I wished I would have selected a kayak! Scott took off with one canoe and I, of course, was the last one to head down.  I guess I was secretly hoping that someone intended to come back up and help but it became evident that I was on my own.  I grabbed the front of the canoe and started pulling it down.  Slow and steady wins the race, right?  I managed to get down the hill without falling to my death. 

Before I knew it, we were all on the water paddling away.  Kevin, Josh and Michelle were all in kayaks. Tammy and Randy were in one canoe, Scott and I in another and Emma and Abigail in the third. The fighting began before Emma and Abigail were even in the water and continued the entire four miles of the trip.  Scott and I were paddling along laughing about Emma and Abigail's excellent teamwork and the fact that we just kept paddling while leaving them behind with other people.  We are not stupid!  Overall, the trip was pretty relaxing but there were definitely some funny moments.

First of all, we rounded a corner not long after we started of our trip and Michelle somehow managed to tip completely over in her kayak.  I know it sucked to get wet because it was a bit chilly out yesterday.  Secondly, Tammy was sitting in the front of their canoe, enjoying the scenery while Randy did all the work (this is not an understatement and you will see this in a moment). All of the sudden, Tammy looks down and realizes that her paddle is gone! Where could it have gone?  She exclaimed, "I dont' even know how long it's been gone!".  I am sure you don't Tammy since you have just been sitting there in the front of the canoe hanging out. Abigail said she saw it but they weren't going back for it.  I know this comes as a shock to all of you but the truth is she was too busy telling her sister what to do to be bothered with retrieving her Aunt's paddle.  Tammy and Randy (okay RANDY) turned around to go find the paddle and the rest of us paddled ahead to the bank. 

We hung out on this little bank for quite a few minutes, skipping rocks, climbing on dead trees and looking at clam shells that were laying around.  After awhile we all began loading back up and out to the water.  Scott spent a few minutes helping Emma and Abigail get their canoe back out into the water and once they were moving, we began to move ours.  Only it didn't go nearly as smoothly as I would have hoped.  Scott was in the back holding it while I moved to the front of the canoe.  Then it happened, the inevitable, I slipped and my left side went down into the water!  All I heard was one of my girls yelling, "MOM'S DOWN! My MOM'S DOWN!"  The rest of the trip was quite chilly for me and this is how I know that Michelle had to of been freezing for the majority of the trip. 

Eventually we made it back to the livery, parked our canoes and everyone went their separate ways.  Scott and I went to meet his Dad for dinner and to pick up our little ones.  It was a fun weekend but it left me completely exhausted.

The Queen of Insanity


Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Theory on How School Came to Be!

I would like to start this blog out by protesting any school cancellations this year!  Let's be honest, school isn't really about the three "R's"!  Oh hello kitty no!  It is about Mom's and sometimes Dad's getting a break from their children.  Parents are perfectly capable of teaching their children at home; Hence, home schooling.  But the sad truth is, parents pay their taxes for a reason!

Here is my theory about how school came to be:

Once upon a time there was a couple named Charles and Caroline Ingalls. They were married and settled in a little house on the praire. The little house took a lot of work, there was always something to do.  The fields had to be farmed and of course, there were the animals that needed to be looked after.  Charles was always busy with his job at the mill and taking care of the farm. Caroline became lonely and thought it would be a great idea to start on their family.  

Soon they had three daughters; Mary, Laura and little Carrie. Caroline hadn't realized that she was only causing more work for herself having these children.  Originally, she thought that they would just keep her entertained and they did at first.  However, this quickly grew tiring. She quickly realized she had made more work for herself!  She had to make all of their clothing, feed them, clean up after them and all the things children require of their mother.  Lest we not forget Charles was constantly dragging in wood chips from the mill as well as dirt from the fields!  There just wasn't enough time in the day to get everything done.  There just wasnt enough to keep these children occupied in Kansas.  There were no televisions, video games, ipods or any other electronics to occupy the children then.  After a few years of being overworked, she came up with a brilliant idea - School!

Caroline decided that her first step in seeing this come to fruition was to get all the other Mom's together and device a plan.  Here is what they came up with:

1) Convince their husbands that if they weren't encumbered with children all day, they would be able to provide them with more attention at lunchtime. *wink wink*

2) A place for the children to go all day.  Hmmmm, where could they send all the children of Walnut Grove during the day???  The church!  They approached Rev. Alden and laid out their idea for an extension of Sunday school. He thought this would be a great way to reach the children and keep God at the fore front of their minds. 

3) Find a teacher. They knew they would need an unsuspecting, fruitless woman who would love the idea of spending her days with children she could only dream of.  Luckily, they found, Miss Beadle.

Mission Complete! The plan worked so well, Charles and Caroline later went on to adopt more children.  Laura met her husband, Almanzo, thanks to her teacher, Mrs Wilder. It worked out fantasically and the bottom line is the Mother's of Walnut Grove lived happily ever after! We can all thank them for their tireless efforts.

The Queen of Insanity 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cleaning Day!

Yesterday I got caught up on some household responsibilities.  I did laundry and put the majority of it away for a change.  I mopped the kitchen floor, what a waste of time that was!  I vacuumed, I did dishes and I did not nap!

I wish I could afford a maid.  Cleaning is not my forte!  It's not that I am incapable of doing the things required of me.  Let's face it the act of cleaning isn't difficult!  It can be a great place to relieve stress.  Let's face it, who among us hasn't been so pissed off that we scrubbed the heck out of something?  There is something about scrubbing something clean that can make you feel refreshed.  In my case, it's a vicious circle.  I get mad/upset/irritated, clean, feel better and then one or all of my four children will come right behind me and dirty it back up!  Then, you guessed it, I am pissed again!

As I said, I mopped my kitchen floor yesterday.  It was downright dirty and in some areas quite sticky.  I imagine this is from the little ones spilling things on the floor and all of them (husband and dog included) tracking heaven knows what into the house.  Yes, I am completely innocent here! I spent a good 45 minutes sweeping and mopping and was left with a clean, sparkly, non-sticky floor. It's the little things!  About an hour later, I went into the living room with a basket of laundry to fold and  within mere seconds my floor was ruined. Apparently, Olivia, Sarah and the pink dinosaur were hungry and felt they needed some mandarin oranges.  The oranges in question come in a plastic bottle with a screw top lid and then a plastic safety covering between the lid and the product.  Instead of simply asking me to assist them, they decided to sneak behind my back and do it themselves!  What mother doesn't appreciate independent children?  May be they thought the pink dinosaur could use one of her claws to open the bottle? I don't know! I found the evidence by stepping in a puddle of mandarin juice.  YAY!  I followed the small body of mandarin juice all the way to a bench in my foyer where the empty bottle sat.  Inside the bottle was one lonely orange!  *shaking my head* Seriously, you went through all that trouble to sneak the oranges, make a huge mess on my clean floor and you have the nerve to leave one orange?  Kids, who can understand them?

A little later in the afternoon, I was folding yet more laundry in the living room.  Olivia and Sarah were not interested in watching the Investigate Discovery Channel (what is wrong with them?) with me and asked if they could watch television in my room.  I told them they could but they needed to be quiet because Bella was upstairs napping in Sarah's room.  They agreed to be quiet - at least to my face anyway.  After I had completed my basket of folding, I ventured upstairs to put it all away.  I should have just known what I was in for when I walked into my room.

As I turned to walk in my room, the first thing I noticed was a basket of clothes I had brought up earlier was overturned.  Actually, overturned implies that the basket was just upside down and this wasn't the case!  No, the previously clean, organized basket of clothes was not only overturned and being used as a step stool but the clothes were flung all over the place!  At this point, I am thinking I should have worked off my anger on the kitchen floor again! Not only was the basket upset, my bed pillows and comforter were on the floor.  To put it mildly, I was a little upset.  Let the yelling commence!  Olivia and Sarah got an ear full and were ordered to clean it all up, right after I swatted their little hineys (Yes I spank my kids when they need it!  PLEASE TURN ME IN!?!?!?!  I could use the break!).  They cleaned it up to the best of their abilities and all was well again.  Once they were settled back in and got a lecture on how watching television in my room was a privilege, they began watching Noggin again.  Here's the kicker, Sarah, who was all snuggled up on my bed at this point, looked at me and said, "Thank you for spanking me Mommy!" in an almost joyful voice.  I couldn't help myself, I had to laugh!

When Emma and Abigail got home from school, I put them to work cleaning up their previously made messes.  They kept making comments like, "Didn't we just do this yesterday?".  Ummmm yes, yes we did!  Why don't you all try and be tidier?  I also told them I was sick of them thinking that I was their maid.  I am, the truth of the matter is I am at their mercy until they all move out someday!  I will always be looked to as the hired help - it sucks! 

The Queen of Insanity

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Holy Marriage or Holy Mystery?

Monday evenings are particularly busy around our house.  Olivia has dance class from 5:45 till 6:30 and Abigail helps in her class.  Emma has soccer practice from 6:30 till 7:30.  It takes team work to get all of this accomplished.  This team work concept is difficult for my husband to grasp sometimes. Normally, he is off working and I don't generally request his assistance unless absolutely necessary where the kids are concerned.   

This fall it just so happened that Emma's soccer practices fell on Mondays, which unfortunately for Scott fell on his day off.  Guess what Scott?  You get to help!!! YAY!  Let's be honest here, if I had to be two places at once, I would find a way to work it out.  After all, I am a mother, capable of accomplishing anything and everything required of that position!  However, I don't want to attempt such a daring feat.  I am not Chris Angel after all!

Now dinner time is difficult on Monday nights.  In anticipation of the evening, I whipped up a meatloaf earlier in the day and placed it in the fridge to cook later.  I forgot to put it in the oven before I left to take Olivia to dance class. I called home to summon team work before Scott left for soccer with Emma.  The conversation went something like this:

Ring, ring, ring.....
"WHAT?" (in an obnoxious tone)
"REALLY?" (in a what the hello kitty tone)
"WOW!  Never mind!" (click)

I sat in complete disbelief and wondering if it would be possible for me to reach out and touch someone via the cellular world!  About ten minutes passed and he called me back and that conversation went like this:

"What did you want?"
"I can't talk to you right now!  I will have to call you back." *click*

About five minutes later, I called him back and it went straight to voicemail.  A few minutes later he called back.

"You called?"
"I was simply returning your call!"
"Well what did you need?"
"I needed you to put the meatloaf in the over so we could eat dinner before midnight!"
"Why didn't you just say that?"
(Thought to myself, "I WONDER YOU STUPID JERK!!!!")
"Hmmmm, well probably because you answered the phone like I was bothering you"
"I was in the middle of a situation!"
"What kind of situation?"
"A dead hamster situation....Sarah was holding Abigail's dead hamster in her hands and said it was sleeping!"
"Oh!  Next time, I would prefer you just don't answer the phone if you are going to act that way!  I mean God forbid the nerve of the phone to ring during a time when you are busy!"

Now I understand that he was busy dealing with the dead hamster situation but to answer the phone like that is just not acceptable to me!  I deal with "situations" all day long and still manage to be cordial to anyone who happens to call. What irritates me even more than the behavior he displayed is that he seemed totally oblivious to it! The only perk to the evening after this was that he did all the dishes and cleaned up the rest of the kitchen. 

Oh and if you are wondering what happened to the poor hamster, someone left the cage open and the dog got it.  Sarah came across it and brought it to Scott.  However, Sarah is the one who claims to have found the hamster and she does have a propensity towards violence to animals.  She killed one of the girls' fish awhile back.  She had taken it out of the fishbowl to "play" with it! There was also no mention of the pink dinosaur, she must have been stuck in the wall!

The Queen of Insanity

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday and Sunday

Before I continue with any of my idle chit chat about my day to day excitement I want to discuss something of great importance - Comments on my blog or actually lack there of! My sister mentioned to me that sometimes she wants to comment and doesn't because she hates that you have to type in the mystery letters to publish it.  Well, Tammy I have fixed it so you don't have to do that anymore.  At least I hope I have! So if this was an issue for anyone else - please feel free to try again! 

Also, if you are a secret lurker (meaning you read it but you aren't one of my followers) please come out of hiding and become a follower!  I am just interested in knowing who is actually reading my blog on a regular basis.  Thank you in advance!  I appreciate all of you reading about my crazy albeit sometimes boring life. 

On with the blog....Saturday morning I had to get up and moving early for Emma's 9:00am soccer game.  I stopped, of course, for a cup of coffee on the way and we were still at the soccer field on time. The testimony this particular morning sort of irritated me.  Perhaps because I wasn't really awake yet.  I don't know the answer.  About 10 minutes into the game I got a text message from Abigail:
Her -  "What are you doing?"
Me -  "Picking out curtains for the office!  Watching Emma's soccer game, what else?"
Her -  "Oh yeah!  When will you be home?"
Me -   "When the game is over"
Her -  "Ok"

Twenty minutes passes by and I get another text from her.
Her - "What are you doing?"
Me -  "Picking my nose!"
Her -  "Seriously Mom?"
Me -  "Seriously?  Why are you asking what I am doing? You know where I am!"
Her -  "When will you be home?"
Me -  "Really?"
Her -  "Yes, when will you be home?"
Me -  " When I get there!
Her -  "Ok"

At this point I am rethinking the need for my children to have cellphones.  For one thing, it is irritating to me when they text me ridiculous questions.  Honestly, "Where are you at?" when she knows exactly where we are at and still texting me. Yes, I just had Emma (who hates shopping with a passion) get dressed up in her full soccer uniform so we could appear to be going to a soccer game but instead go shopping.  Sounds just like something I would do!  Another thing I have noticed about them having cellphones is they will text me things they would never say to my face.  Oh yeah, I have gotten many a "whatever" or "you are mean mom" .  Oddly enough they are disciplined for being rude with me whether it be to my face or in a text message.  I am not entirely sure why they think it would be acceptable to text it.

When Emma and I got home from our undercover shopping trip, we all chipped in and cleaned the house a bit.  After the house was straightened up I laid down on the couch for a little rest.  It didn't last nearly long enough - a good 20 minutes at best. I just laid around until it was time to get ready for the wedding we were to attend that evening. It took me awhile to get Scott out of bed since he had worked from 9pm Friday night until noon Saturday and didn't get home till nearly 1 o'clock.  He only got an hour's rest before we left for his friend's wedding.  

The wedding was beautiful!  The bridesmaids' wore red dresses and all three of her children had a part in the wedding.  Julie, the bride, looked positively radiant and happy.  The ceremony itself was fine but for someone with my attention span, it seemed to go on and on.  I did have to restrain myself from laughing out loud at something the Pastor said during the ceremony.  He talked about Adam and Eve and gave a little talk about marriage and then said, "Marriage is a holy mystery!".  I just couldn't help I found that to be funny.  May be it's because I have been married for 17 years and I completely agreed with him or I just thought it was a funny thing to say at a wedding.  Who knows!  I just found it hysterical for some reason. 

Then there was the matter of Scott bouncing his legs up and down throughout the entire wedding.  I kept giving him "the look" and he would stop temporarily. Before I could turn my head back around, he would start up again.  It was at this time that I wished I had some sort of tape in my purse to tape his darn legs to the pew!  When he wasn't shaking his legs, he was tapping his fingers on his legs.  What the.......????  Is this from lack of sleep?  Is he have post traumatic stress from our wedding?  I don't know!  I just wanted it to stop!  I was never so glad for the wedding to be over so I could get the heck away from him.  That's love people!

After the wedding, we traveled on over to the reception.  It was at a reception hall in Grove City.  Upon arrival we parked and entered the hall.  There was someone directing us where we should go.  We found the room we were supposed to be in, found our table assignment and took our seats.  I realized that I had forgotten their gift in the car so I headed out to get it.  I guess in the moment of trying to figure out where we were to go I missed the serious entertainment of the wedding party in the other room.  While in the parking lot, a good portion of that wedding party was out in the parking lot smoking. I don't think I can even describe these people other than to say they all sorta looked like they were on a weekend pass from jail.  At one point a little girl came out and yelled, "Mama! Mama! Yer missin' all the purdies!". I took this to mean they were doing something pretty in their portion of the party hall.  Before I headed back in, I made sure my car was securely locked and anything of value was out of sight.  This sounds really awfully of me, I am sure but better safe than sorry.  I also didn't go back outside without Scott the rest of the evening.

We caught up with some of Scott's old friends and I made a new friend too.  Meredith became my dance partner for the evening.  Her husband had to leave to pick up their kids and Scott remains unable to dance so it's quite lucky I met her.  The best part was neither Meredith or myself were digging the 80's music the d.j. kept playing.  She took one for the team and went and asked if he had anything from this century.  Well, I don't think she said it exactly like that but whatever she said worked!  We had fun. 

Finally Scott had reached his limit for awake time and we left for home.  I did torture him with a stop at Dappers for a Bloody Mary because I was seriously craving one.  No idea why, I just wanted one.  I drank mine and half of his.  We got home and I changed into some comfy clothes, tucked him in and left to hang out Michelle's for a bit.  We haven't gotten enough quality time in lately and we were missing each other.  We watched some true tv and drank a beer.  I was home and in bed by 1:30am.

I arose from bed Sunday afternoon at 1:30pm!  I slept for a total of 12 hours.  If this doesn't prove I am suffering from some soft of affliction, I dont' know what does!  I would have probably slept later than that had Abigail not come in and shoved a make shift menu in my face.  The menu was for "The Good Morning Breakfast or Lunch Cafe".  Nice!  Scott, who was also still in bed, and I were to circle what we wanted from the menu.  I circle a b.l.t., chips and a coke zero.  When my selections were delivered it turned out to be a bacon and lettuce sandwich because we were apparently out of tomatoes, about four chips and to my amazement a full can of coke.  I ate it like any good mother would and then drug my lazy butt out of bed. 

I spent the vast portion of my day laying on the couch watching the Investigation Discovery channel.  This was not the highlight of Scott's day. I didn't care and refused to give him the remote control.  It's a rarity that I have any sort of control over the television here thanks to him and the kids.  Today I felt like it was my turn.  I have to tell you though, I love that channel.  I love to watch true murder stories and how they bust people.  As Michelle says, "Perhaps I am trying to find a way to pull off the perfect crime! For all the people who get busted there have to be thousands that don't!". It's just interesting.  You would think because of Scott's occupation and his love for the show "Cops", he'd enjoy this sort of program - no so. 

I was in bed by 10:45pm and when I got up today I actually felt like a normal human being for the first time in weeks!

The Queen of Insanity


Friday night one of my neighbor's was having a Pure Romance party and so Natalie and I went. It was a lot of fun!  For one thing, I didn't realize that I would know way more people in attendance than I thought.  Of course, the people that I knew from outside of our neighborhood all said we shouldn't mention that we saw each other there again.  I am not sure why, we are all adults but I guess it's a small town and we don't need people thinking we are Mom's gone wild or something!

After the party was over, some of the ladies were planning on going out afterwards.  Natalie and I decided to join them but none of them were ready to go when we were.  We told them we'd meet them there.  After a quick stop at home for jackets, we headed on over to the designated meeting spot.  We walked in door and we quickly stopped by some dude dressed in everyday clothes and told us we had to pay $3.00 each.  What? We looked at him as if to say, "What the hello kitty?" and kept walking.  He told us to stop and that he was "serious", $3.00 cover for the band.  Ummmm, how about no thank you and we turned around and walked out.  Now, I know you might be thinking that $3.00 isn't a lot of money and really in normal circumstances, it isn't.  This particular night we dont' have much money and have no desire to use money that could be spent on a drink to hear a band I have never heard of.  Furthermore, what kind of crap is that anyway? If you have a band at a bar, it should be to help bring people into your establishment not as a means to pay said band!  We left and didn't look back. 

We still wanted to have a drink so went elsewhere and had a couple. After we had had our fill we went home.

The Queen of Insanity

Friday, September 17, 2010

Random Thoughts

Recently, I have vowed to be better about keeping my blog up to date.  Let's be honest, there for awhile I was becoming quite a slacker at keeping it current!  So my goal is to blog at least every other day without fail. Sometimes I have a lot going on in my life and other times I don't.  You may have noticed, I blogged twice yesterday - I was playing catch up!  This morning I feel like blogging but I don't have any real specific items to discuss.  I guess I will start with updates about past blogging and move to my random thoughts.

Sarah: As you well know, Sarah has an imaginary pink dinosaur that lives in our walls and also likes to travel in the doors of our car from time to time.  The pink dinosaur is still alive and kicking!  There have been some new developments that I would like to share with you. First of all, congratulations are in order!  Apparently she has given birth to a purple baby dinosaur! Exciting stuff, huh? As I have found out, this recent development comes with some restrictions.  One of which is getting "hushed" by Sarah at varying times because this purple baby dinosaur is sleeping.  Quite frankly, I find it very frustrating that "pink dinosaur" set up residency in my kitchen wall!  If  Sarah and "pink dinosaur" want peace and quiet they should have found a quieter location in the house to set up living quarters!  It also seems that pink dinosaur has given up kleptomania since having her baby - this is great news! Some other developments with Sarah; She has started taking dance lessons, started Day School and Mom's Day Out and is loving every minute of her activities. Almost nightly she asks, "When do I start kindergarten?"  She sure is in a hurry to grow up!

Olivia: She has been in school for about 10 days now. All is going well on this front except the mornings.  She isn't loving getting up early.  I really don't blame her because I am not a morning person either.  She really likes school and likes her teacher.  Olivia is also taking dance classes.  This year she is doing ballet and jazz.  I personally think jazz might be more up her alley.  Other than this, she is a happy little girl and there isn't much else to report.

Emma and Abigail:  Middle school is going just fine.  I do wonder though, what is the drastic change in middle school that has caused my teacher loving kids into hatred?  School started for them on August 25th and all ready they have a deep seeded hatred for some of their teachers.  What gives?  You see, I don't allow my kids to even use the word hate and here they are telling me that they hate Mrs X, Y and Z!  From what I have been able to gather about their new found hatred is that they simply don't like the rules of some teachers.  In an effort to sound parental, I have explained to them that just because you don't like a certain rule doesn't give you a right to hate the teacher.  For instance, one of the teachers that Emma "hates" has a rule that you aren't allowed to read outside material in her class.  While I know this is a serious issue for Emma, it isn't "hate" worthy in my humble opinion.  Clearly you aren't at school to do what you want to do; you are there to absorb what the educational system wants you to learn. Now Abigail has a teacher that she "hates" as well. According to Abigail this teacher is nosey and goes through every single one of her subject folders - The nerve of her!  Okay this is complete sarcasm on my part and the reason you might ask is this; the teacher in question is her I.E.P. teacher.  In case you aren't aware of what an I.E.P. teacher is, she is an intervention teacher and her job is to help her students in all areas of study.  So I can't help but laugh when Abigail acts like this particular teacher is invading her schoolwork.  All right, so that is it about school but if anyone has any inkling of the new found hatred of teachers, feel free to comment!

Emma is playing soccer and I have passed the responsibility of taking her to practices to Scott.  She really enjoys soccer and I am very impressed this year with her dribbling skills though her goalie skills could use some definite work! She is doing very well in school and continues to be completely addicted to reading.

Abigail is back in dance classes.  I think the child would shrivel up and die if she couldn't dance!  All I heard this summer was, "How long till dance starts back up?".  She also helps assist in two classes, those are the classes that Olivia and Sarah are in.  For awhile her teacher wasn't sure if Abigail would be helping in Olivia's class and this had Abigail in a panic!  She kept saying, "I can't lose my kids!".  She really loves helping out and she just adores the little ones.  She seems to be adjusting well to middle school but still can't get her locker open!  Knowing her, she couldn't figure it out so has just made the decision to not even bother with it.  I can see it now, she will graduate from high school never gaining the skill to open a locker! 

Enough about the kids all ready!  Let's talk about me, ok? I have been thinking a lot lately about what I want to be when I grow up.  Some of my thoughts have been cosmetology, writing an advice column or writing a "real" parenting book. 

The reason I was thinking about cosmetology is the fact that I have four daughters who need their hair done.  Great reason, don't you think?  Emma and Abigail both get highlights in their hair all ready.  Not to mention Emma has to get her eyebrows waxed!  I was thinking of the long haul it might be beneficial to have a skill that could benefit my family as a whole.  Yesterday I decided to call the Ohio State School of Cosmetology and get some information.  You can go full-time or part-time.  If you go full-time you can be done in as little as 15 months.  If you choose to go part-time it will take about two years.  The cost of this education? The cost is a mere $16,900! WOW!  I am not sure the girls'  hair detailing over the next fifteen years will amount to that. Of course, I would be able to have a flexible schedule and make money at some point.  You know, at Great Clips because I am challenged in the hair department anyway. 

My second thought is writing an advice column.  I would love to tell people what to do with their screwed up situations.  Of course, I am not sure how one gets into that kind of occupation.  I am sure it requires some sort of knowledge of psychology.  Wouldn't you think?  I am not sure what my pen name would be. Any suggestions here would be appreciated as well!

My last thought was to write a parenting book - A "REAL" parenting book in which I gave advice about how to deal with one's children.  Here's a sampling of what I might write and suggest:

You are in the store and your children are taking turns running down aisles, screaming, carrying on, climbing in the rounders, displays and demanding you get them a certain item they just have to have. What should you do?  A professional would suggest bending down to their level and explain to him/her/them in a quiet calm voice that this is not acceptable behavior in a store. An experienced parent, such as myself, would suggest grabbing the little heathens by their ears and spanking their bratty little astronauts while flipping off the store surveillance camera and any onlookers giving you condescending looks.  I mean seriously, who wouldn't appreciate advice like that? 

Anything I choose would have to have a flexible schedule.  I just hate constraints on my precious time and after all, I do have children that I am responsible for.

The Queen of Insanity

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just Because A Cop Lives Here......

Wednesday started out as my weekdays usually do; up early, twins off to school, coffee run, Olivia up and off to school, Sarah and Bella up and ready for the day and me worn out by 9:00am.  Sometimes I think having a full-time job would be easier than being a stay-at-home Mom!  I don't want to sound as if I am judging anyone, however, I think a lot of working Mothers think being at home with one's offspring is an easy stroll in the park - It is not, not at all!  You are responsible for everything and have to be ready for anything. I personally do not know how working Mom's do it!

It's just Sarah and Bella with me this morning and I had a few errands to run.  My first stop was to the bank to deposit babysitting money and another misc. check.  The cries from the backseat were deafening - "CAN I HAVE A SUCKER?, I WANT A SUCKER! MOM? MOM? GET ME A SUCKER! MOM???" The checks were deposited and I got the children their stinking suckers - Silence at last!

The next stop on the agenda was Sam's Club.  I am not sure if I blogged about this all ready but I am not having the best of luck at Sam's Club lately.  It's not that I can't find what I need or even the fact that I blow way past my budget money there every couple of weeks.  No, no, no, it's weird stuff.  The week before I went to Virginia Beach I had gone to Walmart to get a couple of things for my trip and decided to stop at Sam's right next door to fill up my gas tank.  I pulled up to the pump, got out and inserted my membership card into the slot on the pump.  Actually, inserted implies that I was successful at getting my card in the slot and that is not the case here.  When I put my card in, it somehow managed to get jammed part way in and part way out. Here I stand at the pump and my card is completely stuck!  I can't get it to move one way or the other.  There was a man at the pump behind me so I asked him to try and get it out - he was unable to get my card in or out.  I had to go into the club and get an employee to come out and help.  There was nothing that could be done and they had to completely shut the pump down.  Fabulous!  Back into the club I went to get a new card made. I got my new shiny card and tried again.  This could only happen to me!  Thinking my troubles were over I went back to Sam's yesterday to pay my bill.  I entered the club and went to the self service payment machine, swiped my card, picked the appropriate selection and began the process of making my payment.  I started putting my cash into the machine; one twenty dollar bill, two twenty dollar bills, oh no, its now spitting out my second twenty dollar bill!  Now it spits out a receipt and says it has cancelled my transaction.  WHAT?  Are you kidding me?  There is absolutely no mention of the first twenty I put in there.  Oh this is just fantastic! Not only have I lost twenty bucks in this machine but I have Sarah and Bella insisting on having a cookie (remember the sucker fiasco?) from the bakery and this is all the money I have and if they won't give me my twenty back I am screwed!  I told the membership card checker at the entrance what had happened and before you know it, I have a manager there.  Luckily they were able to get my money back and I paid my bill at the service desk.  I don't know what it is with me and Sam's Club lately but I have a feeling it's God's way of telling me I shouldn't shop there anymore.

I stopped at a drive thru on my way home to get myself some lunch because I am plum worn out from my morning activities.  When I got home I ate said lunch and quickly fixed the little kids lunch.  After lunch was over, I put Bella down for her nap and turned Noggin on for Olivia and Sarah in the basement.  Once everyone was situated I plopped down on the couch and began an afternoon of vegetation.  What I really wanted to do was sleep but I was trying to resist.  Scott was in charge of the remote as usual and for once he choose something that I would enjoy watching - Couples Retreat.  It was funny enough to keep me somewhat alert.  As we were watching the movie there was a knock at the door.

As I walked around the corned from the living room to the entry I saw an older gentleman standing at my door. I didn't recognize him and he certainly didn't look like a salesman.  When I opened the door, he said, "You wouldn't be a police officer, would you?"  I laughed out loud and briefly thought of saying I was but instead I responded with, "Uh, no.".  He then asked if "he" would be able to speak to him. I said, sure and went and got Scott.  In retrospect this could have been a mistake but honestly, what are you going to do in a situation like this?  I got the cop!

Scott went to the door and stepped outside to talk to this guy.  I, being nosey, also stepped outside to see what this guy wanted.  Apparently, he had been charged with domestic violence two years ago, broke the protection order by calling his "woman"  on the telephone and he had to spend a couple days in jail.  The woman in question has since passed away and he wanted to know if he would be violating the protection order going back into the house.  Of course Scott told him he had no idea without seeing the paperwork but his best would be to stay away until he clears it up within the court system.  Yeah, I am still in shock because I can't ever imagine going up to some one's home I didn't know just because it's obvious a cop lives there.  Well, unless there was a serious emergency.  Over the years though, Scott has received several calls from family and friends about a variety of situations.  Sometimes he can offer advice and other times, not so much.  I think when you are in a career field like law and/or law enforcement or the medical field you might as well expect that people are going to consult you from time to time.  That was the highlight of my otherwise boring day.

I didn't nap yesterday but after lounging on the couch all afternoon I needed a little pick me up, which came in the form of Super B Complex.  It took about an hour for it to kick in but once it did I was getting all kinds of things done and eating every step of the way.  For those of you who inquired if it works, hello kitty yeah it works!  Here's the thing, you have to drink a lot of water when you take it but know this, it will without a doubt make you hungry.  At first I tried to stick with healthy choices but by the end of the evening I was eating chips, salsa and con queso dip! It also kept me up till midnight which isn't exactly optimal when you have to get up before the sun rises every morning.  Here's my advice, take it early in the day, like with breakfast!

The Queen of Insanity

I can't deny it, I Love Naps!

Yes, you read that right, I love naps!  I denied my instinct to nap Monday and was successful. I also found that all I could was clean and organize.  I think napping is much easier to endure! I am just sayin'!

Tuesday morning I got up to use the restroom around 5:15am, a good 25 minutes before my alarm typically goes off.  When I came back to my bed Sarah was standing there demanding that she was ready to get up for the day.  Are you flipping kidding me?  I am still in sleep mode!  What is this child thinking?  I quickly realized after arguing with her for a few minutes, she was bound and determined to be up for the day, I digress.

Up and at em' bright and early per Sarah!  I still don't buy the old saying, "The early bird gets the worm!" Whatever!  You know, if that bird was really determined it could find a worm any old time of the day!  Sarah was just excited for her first day of Day School (It is a program at a local church, not far from our house). She will attend once a week for a couple of hours, one day a week.  

Since we were awake we went downstairs to find Emma and Abigail all ready up and ready for the day.  I don't understand these kids! When I want them to be responsible to get up and moving in the morning on their own  it's not possible - Frustrating to say the least.  Regardless, I was awake and was just waiting for Bella to get here.  She finally arrived and Sarah helped me get her in and up to her pack and play.  Bella was passed out asleep within minutes but Sarah was going strong!
We got Emma and Abigail off to school and headed to Smoothie Brews for my daily fix. 

When we got back, we woke Olivia and Bella up and got Olivia ready to go off to school for the day.  Then finally it was time to take Sarah to Day School.  She ran right in, hung her bag up and didn't even look back at me.  Great, I am off to enjoy some quiet time at home, not quite alone but quiet time none-the-less.  Bella and I came back home and I decided to tackle Emma's room.

Emma's room.  Yes, that is a statement because sometimes the words flee me.  It is difficult to find a way to describe the state of her room.  This could be some kind of payback for having a messy room as a teenager but I am almost positive that my room was never like hers at such a young age.  I can tell you despite the fact that I was a slob as a teenager, my drawers were always organized.  I had an underwear drawer, a sock drawer and drawers designated for certain groups of clothing - you get the idea, right? Most people do have specific drawers for specific groups of clothing.  Not Emma. oh no!  Apparently, it is perfectly acceptable to her to mix socks, undergarments, bathing suits and empty pop cans.  Yes, you did read that correctly, empty pop cans.  I can't figure that one out myself!  Is the pop can there because she is a practicing hoarder or was she trying to hide it from me?  Every orifice of her room has some sort of clutter in or on it. Big papers, little scraps of paper, pencils, pens, video game cartridges, clean and dirty clothes mixed together - it is literally everywhere! 

Normally when I go in to clean her room, I get really mad and just take everything laying around her room that isn't where it ought to be and pile it on her bed.  When she comes home from where ever she has been I make her go upstairs and put it all away.  Of course, this usually backfires on me because she thinks of her closet as a catch-all.  I will go up to inspect and everything is shoved in the closet, to the point that it is neck deep and literally falls right out when you open the door. This begs the question, "How did she get the door shut?"  She must be magical!!!  If that were the case, she should be able to get her room clean with little effort.  Anyhow, this particular day I really dug in to it.  I took everything out of her drawers (empty pop cans included) and carefully went through all of it.  When I had completed the task of sorting all of it out, I had one garbage bag full of trash and two bags for Goodwill.  Her room was clean and organized - aaaahhhh!

When Emma came home from school, I told her that I had spent some time in her room that morning.  She immediately freaked out and refused to go in there.  I am sure she was fearing the worst because she obviously knows her room is a pigsty.  Finally, three hours later she went into her room and promptly came downstairs and said, "Good job Mom!".  A simple thank you would have sufficed.  Good job Mom?  I don't get it, not one bit.  Regardless of my efforts, it won't last more than a week tops!  For right now though, it is satisfying to know it is clean for now. 

At 11:40am, it was time to pick up Sarah. I loaded Bella in the car and off we went to get her from school.  She was happy and had a fun time.  We got back in the car and came home.  Olivia got off the bus with Ryan because there is no one way I can be in two places at once - even with my superior Mothering skills (hahaha).  Olivia and Ryan wanted to play for a little bit at Natalie's house - JACKPOT!!!!!  This meant it was just Sarah, Bella and Me at home - all of us needed a nap.  I fed them lunch and told Sarah of my napping plan.  She was not happy to say the least, insisting that she didn't need a nap.  Guess who one this battle?  I put Bella down for her nap and then went to my comfy couch, laid down and summoned Sarah to come cuddle with me.  She put up a little fight but eventually gave in stating firmly, "I am not......." and out she went.  I quickly followed and we both slept for a good two hours. 

Emma and Abigail got home from school shortly after we woke up and so the afternoon and evening event began.  It was time for dance classes.  Tonight I was taking Emily with us because Marc and Natalie had curriculum night at the kindergarten center.  So off we went to dance class.  Sarah and Emily had dance class first and then Abigail's classes started an hour later. I don't stay for Abigail's classes because she is there for a couple of hours and it's only about a mile from our house.  I loaded the two little one's back into the car and we left for home. 

For some reason I was still tired despite the afternoon nap and didnt' feel like cooking dinner.  I decided to order pizza, fed the kids and watched the little kids play - as I was too tired to play with them.  Marc and Natalie showed up to pick up Ryan and Emily and before long it was time to pick Abigail up.  When we got home everyone got ready for bed, lights out!

The Queen of Insanity

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I woke up Monday morning with much enthusiasm.  I do not know why other than I was hopeful that today I would not nap!  There was so much to do and get caught up on and I needed a positive attitude.  When my alarm went off, I hopped out of bed and promptly went to make sure Emma and Abigail were up and moving for the day.  After I assured they were awake, I headed for the shower and started thinking about what I wanted to soon as I got my daily dose of my non-fat milky way. I got the twins off to the bus stop and hopped in the car towards where else but Smoothie Brews. 

With my crack on board I was able to muster the energy to wake Olivia up and get her ready for school.  This is no small feat most days.  Olivia is much like her parents in the respect that she is not a morning person.  I can't even be frustrated with her in the mornings when she acts like a total pain in the astronaut. I feel the exact same way every time my alarm goes off at 5:40am!  Now I am sure I have mentioned (and if you know her at all you should know this without question) Olivia is a dress freak.  She has a dress for nearly every occasion and she wears them without discretion.  On this particular day, she needed to wear something yellow.  Of course, of the one trillion dresses she has, she has not one yellow dress!  We settled on a brown skirt with different color dots on it.  The problem, it needed ironed!  Oh how I hate to iron and yet I have had to iron two items for her in the past week.  Why am I ironing for a five year old when I won't iron for myself?  The answer - peace!  It is completely worth it to have her happy because while she is normally a happy child, you don't want to come between her and her wardrobe.  So I ironed her skirt and sent her off to school.

When I got back from the bus stop, I began taking everything out of Olivia's closet.  I made an executive decision that we would be adding some hanging apparatus to her closet today.  Once everything was out of her closet, I sorted out the summer items and the clothing that was too small for her, things she would never be caught dead in, ie; skorts, shorts and pants. Scott woke up and I told him of my plan.  He wasn't exactly happy with the prospect of the job I had given him and told me what HIS plans for the day were.  I gave him a couple of options and original plan was to go to Lowes and get the necessary items and then he would be free to do what he had planned until Emma had soccer practice.  He would then hang the new racks after soccer.  What actually transpired was a trip to Lowes and the bank, he got his haircut as planned and then came home and said it was too hot for him to go to the land (which was his agenda for the day) and cut down our overgrown garden. He hung the new racks in her closet.

While he was working on the closet project, I went through Olivia's room, reorganizing everything. When I was done in her room, I went into Sarah's room and did the same.  Finally he finished Olivia's closet and I started hanging up all her clothes in the closet.  It was so nice to be able to hang nearly everything!  Olivia was so excited to have her dresses accessible.  Before Scott installed this new clothing rack in her closet they were all too high for her to reach without using a make shift stool of her choosing, ripping the item she wanted down...along with whatever happened to get in her way.    In fact, she was so excited at the new look of her closet, she even helped me hang all her clothes back up! 

We had just enough left over to add some additional hanging space in Sarah's closet too.  Sarah was skeptical at first but when she realized she could now reach her own clothing as well she was ecstatic.  So ecstatic in fact, she changed her outfit six times in the matter of one hour.  Woohoo!  Yes, I am so excited at this new found independence Sarah has discovered!  In all actuality, this means more laundry for me - yay!

After all these projects were completed, I found the time to make dinner, take Olivia to dance class while Scott took Emma to soccer, clean up our dinner mess, wash my bed sheets, do more dishes, vacuum the living room, put four totes full of old clothes in the attic, bath Olivia and Sarah and take a bath myself - all without one single nap. 

The Queen of Insanity

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Weekend in Review

Saturday morning I rose out of bed anticipating that I was going to be full of energy.  I figured going to bed early would have given me an edge on the day, boy was I wrong.  When I first woke up I thought that I felt good, I thought today is the day I will be completely recovered from my trip or whatever has been wrong with me the entire week. 

Every single day last week I napped.  I napped Monday for brief periods in the car on our way back from Virginia Beach.  Tuesday, I napped for 2.5 hours, Wednesday I napped for 1.5 hours,  Thursday I napped for 2.5 hours and Friday for an hour while the kids ran around the house.  Actually, on Friday I didn't even make it till the afternoon for my nap!  I was napping by 10:15am.  I have no idea why I have been so tired this week, my only guesses are I am either fighting something off or I am suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Either way, I am tired and require a nap every day. 

I went to bed early enough Friday night.  The girls and I had gone to my sister's for pizza pies made in her fire pit.  We had a good time with my sister's family and my parents - laughing and talking about lots of different things.  The girls' ran around and played with her dogs and then we headed home.  We were all in bed no later than 11:30pm.  Saturday morning Emma had a soccer game at 10:15am.  This meant that I got to sleep in till 8:45am, a rare treat these days. 

I slept till 8:45am and got up with gusto!  I got a shower, got the kids up and dressed for the day and headed to the soccer field, making one quick detour to get my regular Smoothie Brews addiction.  We made it to the soccer field five minutes early! WOOT WOOT!  You know for me this is quiet an accomplishment.  After a quick introduction of the teams' players and a not so quick testimony (Emma plays for Upward which is a christian league.  Every game they have someone do a "testimony" before or during half time.) and the game began.  I was amazed at how well Emma was dribbling the ball this year and cracking up at how her mouth guard was too big.  The mouth guard is red so you can only imagine how noticeable it was every time she messed with it.  Finally the game was over and I was feeling exhausted all ready. 

When we got home I immediately took some Sudafed, grabbed my book and laid down on the couch to "re-group".  I thought for sure that I just needed to lay down, not nap.  Abigail however, insisted that I needed a nap and really who am I to deny her?  She covered me up with a blanket and turned the television to a nature sounds station and within minutes I was out like a light.  I woke about an hour and a half later feeling somewhat refreshed. I quickly jumped into some household chores I had been neglecting over the past week.  I got all the laundry done AND put away.  I emphasize put away because I rarely do that right away anymore.  While I was doing laundry I had the twins go through their closets to determine what clothing they were lacking in their wardrobes for fall.  Once the clothing situation was taken care of we headed to Old Navy and JcPenny's (two places I can still shop with credit) and got them both a good selection of pants.   

We came home after our shopping excursion and I began to dust my living room.  This was something that had to be done.  I had serious dust bunnies going on in there!  I think they may have evolved into something much sturdier than dust bunnies! Soon after I was finished, Scott made it home after a very long day of work .  We were passed out by 11:30pm!

Sunday I woke up at 11:15pm.  I felt great after 12 hours of solid sleep.  Today would be the day I would go without napping for sure!  Scott made breakfast, we had coffee, I read a little bit of my book and then began cleaning the garage.  The garage had to be picked up because all of my camping gear from the weekend before was still sitting in there.  You see, when you have four kids you don't have much room in a garage to start with when you consider they all have a bike, the little one's have scooters, tricycles and power wheels.  You could barely walk through the garage to get in the house.  So I gathered up all my camping gear, reorganizing as I went along and then finally Scott came out and helped me hoist it onto the shelves.  For some reason, I decided to get down clothes I have stored for Olivia and Sarah and began to go through them to see what they could use now.  It was at this point that I decided it was too overwhelming and I seriously needed to rest.  Off to the couch I went to relax and read some more of my book.

Two hours later I was awakened by Scott patting my leg telling me it was time for dinner.  What a perk of napping that was!  I got up, had dinner and once again I began sorting through clothes.  I did a couple loads of laundry while I sorted and removed clothes from the little girls' closets.  I took 32 dresses out of Olivia's closet!  It amazing to me how many dresses that child has.  I won't even tell you how many she has left in there!  I bathed Olivia and Sarah, put them to bed and by then I was completely exhausted again and was in bed by 10pm. 

I am up and at em' this morning, hoping against hope that I can make it through the day without napping.  We'll see how it goes!

The Queen of Insanity (or naps apparently)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Part 2

Back at the campsite we all changed into our lounge clothes and continued drinking and having fun - laughing about the events of the night.  We were having fun until the park ranger snuck up on us and I do mean snuck up!  This alleged park ranger moved with such stealth and speed that we never even knew he was there until he flashed his flashlight at us.  By this point he was standing next to my chair.  I must add that I could not ever give a description of him, even if my life depended on it.  He asked how we were doing and my sister immediately says, "We're drunk!" and his reply, "I can see that!' He then proceeded to ask if we had been at the musical festival and obviously we said yes.  He told us that while they (I am assuming by they he meant the campground) wanted us to enjoy our visit there, it was now quiet time and we needed to quiet down.  I have a theory about this but I can't tell you about it just yet.  Finally he left the way he came in, stealth-like.  We all giggled and carried on about Tammy's response to him and got back to having fun....quietly this time.

About 10 minutes later as we sat quietly, we all heard a terrifying scream.  Let me be more descriptive, this scream was blood curdling.  It came from a woman and she was screaming in a way that I have never heard in my life.  She was screaming and yelling, "Get off of me!". Tammy and I jumped up and started walking in the direction that we heard it coming from. Then just as suddenly as the screaming had started it stopped.  We never did figure out where it came from but we all heard it.  We were all freaked out and went to bed.  We had decided (or hoped) the ranger got there and took care of it. 

The next morning we discussed the previous nights' events.  Still freaked out over the screaming woman the night before we decided we would ask around at the ranger station and see if we couldn't find something out.  Turns out, no one knew anything about it!  We were all worried sick about this woman and couldn't find out anything.  Which made us all go into detective mode.  What if the park ranger wasn't really who he said he was?  What if he was the one who attacked that woman?  After all, this man could move around in the night like a flippin' ninja!  Despite us asking around all day we never found out anything.  If it were just one of us who had heard it, we could have chalked it up to imagination but there is just no way that all of us heard an imaginary scream!

Tammy, Jessie, Natalie and myself went to the beach all Sunday afternoon while Michelle and Jennifer stayed back at the campsite.  They wanted to clean-up the campsite, which I do not understand because we are on vacation but more power to ya girls.....and then they rested.  When we got back, we made lunch and completely demolished their efforts of a clean campsite.  After eating we all got cleaned up and went to the boardwalk for shopping, people watching and more adult beverages.  Tammy found another chalkboard to went from "Please Seat Yourself" to "Please eat Yourself" in mere seconds.  She also "borrowed" the chalk and wrote "Staten's We Rock" on the sidewalk around the corner.  Once again we went back to the campsite and enjoyed our last night, much more quietly than the night before. Monday morning we packed up and headed back home to reality.

Tuesday was a busy day for me.  I had to take Sarah to Day School registration and run a bunch of morning errands.  By early afternoon I was beat and took a 2.5 hour nap.  When I woke up it was time to take Sarah and Abigail to dance class. While I was at dance class with Sarah, Scott sent me a text and told me he was sick with a 101.7 degree fever.  Are you kidding me?  Reality bites people!  Up until that point I was still happy and relaxed from my trip but the very thought of taking care of everything plus a sick husband threw me for a tailspin.  On the bright side, when I got back from dance class with the girls he was in bed and remained there till the next morning.  I got all the kids ready and off to bed and watched my favorite show in peace.  Sons of Anarchy, love it!

I have napped every day since I got back.  I have been completely exhausted and I couldn't say for sure if it is even remotely possible but I am going with delayed hangover syndrome.  Other than that, there isn't anything exciting to report this week.  Hopefully something exciting will happen and soon!

The Queen of Insanity

Guess Who's Back? Back again...guess who's back guess who's back......

I highly encourage all Mom's take a weekend off now and again!  As you know, I took some overdue vacation time last weekend and went on a girls' trip to Virginia Beach last weekend with all my favorite gals.  I can't tell you how relaxing it was nor can I tell you how much fun we had.  However, I will do my best to describe within the parameters that have been given to me. 

We were suppose to leave my house at approximately 3:00am on Friday morning and then pick up my sister and niece by 3:30am. Much to my surprise my friends are just as irresponsible as I am about being anywhere on time.  Actually, I just wanted to say that, it's not entirely true!  Michelle, Natalie and Jennifer were all here early and the real issue was hooking the trailer, I had borrowed from my brother, to the hitch on my Pilot.  It took about 20 attempts of lifting and dropping the trailer onto the hitch before we realized that we needed to take the pin out of the trailer hook before we could even consider being successful at attaching it.  After we finally figured that out, it took about five more attempts and presto we were ready to load the trailer. Loaded, bungee corded everything down and we were on our way to Tammy's house.  We arrived there at about 4:00am, loaded their stuff onto the trailer and were ready to roll!  It's now 5:30am, only two hours after I originally planned departure time.

Finally after several stops for potty breaks, gas, food and so on we arrived at our campsite around 3:30pm.  We set up our tents (one tent for sleeping in and one for all of our clothing) and got everything situated.  Once everything was good to go, we all headed to the beach with our chairs and watched a beautiful sunset - Worth every minute of our long trip there!  We relaxed and enjoyed the evening on the beach.  After our trip to the beach we headed back to camp and started a fire.  I only lasted about 30 minutes around the fire and hit the sack - it was approx. 8:30pm when I went to bed.  I didn't hear a sound after my head hit the pillow though Michelle told me the next morning that when she came to bed I sat up with my eyes wide open and she feared that I was going to punch her until I laid back down and passed out! 

Saturday morning we all woke up bright and early.  After having a little field trip for coffee, we all got ready and headed to Virginia Beach.  We had a blast at the beach.  The waves were big and the rip current was bad.  So bad in fact they had red flags at all the lifeguard stations!  We swam, rode and jumped big waves. Every once in awhile we crossed an imaginary line (which apparently didn't apply to surfers) and would get the whistle blown on us and have to move closer to the shore.  We still don't know where that line was in the water but we did obey since none of us wanted to drown there. 

After we were done swimming and laying out at the beach, we headed back to our campsite.  Upon arrival I immediately started drinking as did several of my travel companions.  We got cleaned up and left for our night out on the town.  Our first destination, Harpoon Larry's. We all ordered seafood except for Natalie who had decided on a chicken sandwich.  This restaraunt's first mistake was to put us beside the dry erase board with the days features and prices.  Why was this a mistake you might ask? There are some things in life that just can't be ignored and one of those things is screwing around with the dry erase board.  You wouldn't even believe the rock bottom prices to eat seafood at Harpoon Larry's! Natalie couldn't eat her sandwich because it was gross and told the waitress about it.  The waitress then brought the manager over who was less than enthusiastic about being summoned to our table.  She asked Natalie what was wrong with it.  Natalie said, "It was disgusting!" and no kidding the manager said, "Can you be more descriptive?" Seriously?  How does one give a better description of disgusting?  In the end, she didn't have to pay for the disgusting sandwich and finally we were done with Harpoon Larry's. 

Our next destination, Watermans.  On the way there Jessica was playing D.J. and put on a song called "I am not a whore" by LMFAO.  I am sure this is the one and only regret Jessie had on this trip.  It's a very catchy tune and goes a little like this;

I AM NOT A WHORE (I am sure how you can see how we call began singing along)
But I like to do it!
Most girls I meet are quite savage
Always trying to grab up on my package
They say I look yummy and want a taste
But I'm a human not a sandwich
Sometimes I feel like L.L. Cool J
I need love not random bootay

Now, the horror part for Jessie comes in when you realize;
A)  She is 24 and the rest of us are 30+. 
B)  We are stuck in massive traffic
C)  The windows are down 
D)  We are all singing as loud as we can

Yup, can you just imagine being 24 years old, stuck in a traffic jam with five 30+ year old women screaming "I am not a whore!" at the top of their lungs?  I can only imagine how horrifying this was for her.  I have thought about apologizing but I decided against it.  I mean what could I possibly say other than, "I was just following the Captain's orders?"

Watermans, Watermans.....I am pretty sure that they we are not welcome back there.  This is not to say that we won't go back but I am 100% positive they have our pictures on a wall in the break area with a note stating if seen for us to be removed from premises immediately. First of all, when we got there we went out to the patio and tried to get over to the edge of it so we could see the band who was playing (Chicago).  The patio was packed tight like sardines.  It was insane and yet I couldn't resist the urge to push through the crowd.  I get almost to the edge when I am stopped by a woman who looks at me and says, "This area is taken!".  Taken? By Whom?  It turns out that she is saving the area for two women she doesn't even know and will not let me pass.  I have this infinite ability to keep my mouth shut, HA!, I couldn't do it, I looked right at her and said, "I didn't know you could save brick space!", turned and well turned around to my group. I repeated the story to them and then out of nowhere, the lady comes over to me and apologizes. Why is she apologizing to me?  I guess I just have that effect on people.  I have this gift of telling people to "f" off and they never even know what hit them. She told me I could move up there if I wanted.  By this point I didn't and anyway Jessie had found us a table.  

The table Jessie found had people all ready sitting at it but they told us we could sit there with them and have it when they were done.  The guy said he was from Crotan Beach, which is right beside Virginia Beach and very exclusive.  By looking at him I totally would have guessed him from Jersey or New York but what did I know?  The lady accompanying him was from Russia.  Mail order bride perhaps?  I think so but there again, what do I know?  She just looked and acted like she was a gold digger.  They finally left and we were left to our own devices.....

Finally it was time to go back to the campsite but first things first, we had to get to the car.  Somehow on our walk back Tammy and I got lost in the crowd from the rest of our group.  I couldn't say for sure if this was their fault or ours.  We are all pointing fingers at each other but I know one thing is for sure, Tammy had to pee and I made it my mission to find her a bathroom.  As we were all ready left behind from our group, no one would miss us if we entered a random hotel and found their lieu.  Now in my mind this was not a random hotel, I thought it was the Holiday Inn where I had stayed the year before - not the case.  Honestly, I couldn't even tell you what hotel it was unless I was somehow was able to identify the heart shaped bush outside of it.  That would even be a stretch because of our altered state.  We found the bathroom and an air freshener and went back outside to the previously mentioned bush and had a seat.  Surely, our girlfriends would come looking for us.  Tammy and I had a great time talking to people, taking in the sights and cracking ourselves up while waiting for our rescuers.  Michelle and Jennifer eventually stumbled across us and proceeded to make fun of us.  Tammy and I could have cared less since we could entertain each other for countless hours if we had to!  Jessie and Natalie showed up with the car and once again we headed back to the campsite.

More to come in another post.........
The Queen of Insanity

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Too Excited To Sleep

As you know, I am leaving on a girls' only trip this morning and what I may have not conveyed is how early we were leaving.  We are leaving in approximately two hours. As I sit and type this the time is currently 1:00 am - you can do the math.  Honestly I had planned to lay down at 8:30 or 9pm and sleep till around 2:15am.  Clearly this is not the plan I had in mind!

My day started out early but not as early as it usually does.  Scott had to work the O.S.U. game today and had to be there at 7am to do "sweeps".  Since he had to be up so early he woke up the twins and made sure they were moving before he left.  This translates into extra sleep for me but apparently he didn't want me to sleep too much because he turned the t.v. on for me - what the?????  I crawled out of bed begrudgingly at 6:20am and Sarah (who can and will sleep till 10am if I let her) pops up out of her bed. This is how the conversation went:
"Good Morning Sarah!" 
"Is TODAY the day I go to Grandma's?" 
" Why yes Sarah and good morning to you too!"
"What time am I going to Grandma's house Mommy?" 
"About eight o'clock this evening"
"What time is that?
"Eight o'clock"
"No Mommy, what time is that?"
"Eight oooooooo......Sarah, after dinner"
"Ok Mommy"

It was far too early in the morning to be having that conversation with her merely because she is three and has no concept of time.  I admit it, I got sucked in. Anyway, I went downstairs and saw to it that the big girls made it to their bus stop - from the porch of course because we all know I am not allowed near it! It's okay for me to wear my yellow robe with mice all over it and my hair closely resembling medusa's and stand on the front porch and watch them but I can't go fully dressed, looking like a human being.  Whatever!  I am not bitter in the least....

I hopped in the shower and Sarah watched Noggin in the comfort of my bed.  When I was done we went and woke up Olivia.  Olivia is NOT a morning person.  In fact, she hates mornings almost as much as I do.  She gets up and has decided to wear a pretty little dress but there is one needs ironed!  I loathe ironing but somehow I managed to bust out the ironing board (which is not an easy feat due to the fact that I keep it buried), the iron and get the pretty little dress ironed and on her.  I did her hair, fed her and Sarah breakfast and then something happened - She had to pee!  She goes in the bathroom and somehow managed to get a part of her dress in the toilet water.  HOLY SHITZU!  Are you kidding me?  I just spent 20 minutes ironing that dress and you get it wet and want to change????  I don't think so sister!  Like any good mother would do, I took the dress off of her and used the iron to dry it, sprayed that area with Febreze and put it right back on her.  No harm, no foul!
Off to the bus stop where I am allowed to go at 8:10am. Three kids off at school - woohoo!  I spent the morning preparing for my departure. 

I spent my day doing this and that to get ready.  Nothing too exciting there.  Now I am just waiting...waiting....waiting for it to be time to load up and head out.  I really did plan on going to bed early, getting up somewhat refreshed and heading to see Ole Hurricane Earl. Instead, I am sitting here blogging, drinking coffee and waiting to see how many gnats will die at the hands of my homemade gnat trap.  DIE GNATS DIE!!!!!

The Queen of Insanity
p.s. I have  tried really hard to get back on track this week so I promise next week I will get right back at it!  Pray that we don't get swept off to sea with Earl!