Sunday, August 1, 2010

That's What I Get

Friday night the usual gang and I went out to watch my cousin's band play at our local hang out.  We had a great time!  There is never a shortage of laughs and/or serious life discussions when we go out.  The best part of the serious life discussions when you're drinking is that they don't stay serious long. 

We were out till a little after 2am and I think I finally go to bed around 2:30ish, knowing full well I had to be up at 8am to drive almost 2 hours each way to pick up the girls from camp.  I don't know why I thought these two activities would not have an effect on each other.  I guess may be I thought I would drink, have fun, come home get six hours of sleep and wake up just fine to pick up the girls.  I was apparently wrong.

I was awakened at 4am to Olivia throwing up on my bed!  Let me just say this, I am not a fan of vomit in any way shape or form.  You could say I am a sympathy puker.  I am happy to report I didn't partake in the sympathy this time around.  I, being a stellar Mother, picked up the phone and called Scott! It went something like this;

Him: Hello?
Me:  Where the HELLO KITTY are you?
Him: Downstairs.
Me:  Well get upstairs.....NOW!
Him:  Why?
Me:  Olivia is puking all over the bed...I need your help.
Him:  Huh? I thought she was done....
ME:  What?  Just get up here....

Before I go any further, I would like to focus on the "I though she was done....." part of our conversation for a moment.  Okay, this means that he knew she had been sick, cleaned it up and then let her come upstairs and lay down in our bed with me.  A little head's up would have been nice. 

He comes upstairs and I am stripping the bed and trying not to get sick myself.  He begins to help me remake the bed.  Apparently I had raccoon eyes all ready from make-up I didn't take off before I went to bed.  He chooses now to ask me if I had gone out last night.  Ummm, yes I told you like I don't know, fifty times I was going out to watch my cousin's band.  Seriously, it hits me, he is deflecting the conversation so I don't question him about why he let Livie come upstairs.  After all, I even texted him that Michelle and I were out and she and Rachel were going to be spending the night to make picking up the girls easier on us!  I change the topic to why and he says, "She wanted her Mommy!".  Oh so now he is trying to make me feel guilty for not wanting a puking child in my bed?  Great!  I am convinced Scott is passive aggressive.  He gets a sleeping bag and lays her with a bowl right beside my side of the bed.  Ummm....DUDE I HAVE TO BE UP IN FOUR HOURS!!!  She threw up several more times, all right next to me and I called him each of those times to deal with it. 

You may all think that this makes me a horrible Mother that I wasn't more sympathetic to my sick child but he is her Father!  I can't tell you how many times I have dealt with their illnesses all by my lonesome.  His turn! He should have worked overtime or something and it would have been my problem.

After severely interrupted sleep, I got up as did Michelle and we headed out to pick up all the girls from camp.  We stopped once for a potty break.  We arrived at camp at 11:15am, I tell you the time because the pick up time on the paper stated that you should pick up your child between 9:30am and noon.  We were not late (A true Christmas Miracle) and yet our four kids were the only ones left there.  The first words out of my precious daughter Emma's mouth, "YOU ARE LATE!"  Stop the bus, the one time I am on time and you are ripping me a new one!  My reply, "We had till noon, should we leave and come back?"  Honestly, is it my fault other, apparently better suited parents, got up earlier than me?  Abigail came up to me and said, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?" and then started crying.  Wait a minute, can anyone tell me why I thought I had to have kids?  Anyone? 

I asked her why she was crying, surely it wasn't my new blond hair color, and gave her a big hug. She said that she had a good week but that Hannah was mean to her all week.  WOW, when was the last time you had a shower Abigail?  Thursday.  Hannah was mean to me all week and every time I tried to defend myself she was meaner. Oh geesh, you know the thing is these girls are buddies and I have no idea what really happened and honestly I don't care.  We are going to make a stop at the outlet mall for Mama's new shoes and then home.  Got everyone loaded and we had to hear about how Emma and Abigail are always the last kids to get picked up.  I still failed to see the problem with it, I was there before the noon pick-up time.  I asked both of my girls' if they missed me, they both said no.  Did you miss us Mom?  No, I knew you wouldn't miss me and I knew it would be wasted on my part to miss either of you.  I had better start a therapy change jar for the girls...they are probably going to need it with a woman like me for a Mom.

We stopped at the outlet mall to get these shoes that I saw last weekend.  They were haunting me and I had to have them. I dont' know why I left them behind the weekend before.  The girls' went to Claire's while I got the shoes.  Yeah, letting four girls into Claire's was just dumb parenting.  They pretty much all wanted something but got none of it.  Whining followed.  I am just gonna throw this out, had they missed me they might have gotten something! Onward home.......

We got home, unloaded and I headed to the couch.  Olivia was passed out on the one part of the couch that I can stretch out and sleep on so I had to lay in the corner of the sectional.  Not at all comfy but it didn't stop me from a two hour siesta. 

The girls unpacked, I started laundry and made a trip to Walmart for essentials and home to bed.....

The Queen on Insanity

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