Monday, August 23, 2010

Braindead and Wicked

I don't know where my head has been lately but apparently not in reality!  I have been suffering from moments of random obsessive compulsive disorder and good ole fashioned forgetfulness. 

The other day I went to the grocery store and saw Pledge orange wood oil/polish in a spray bottle and I had to have it.  I promptly came home with my groceries and got to work.  I scrubbed all my kitchen cabinets and my island and then began to polish them.  Of course when I did the top cabinets some of it dripped onto the counter tops and I had to clean them as well.  When I was finished I decided that it was stupid to go through all that work only to have a dirty kitchen floor.  I actually got down on my hands and knees with a scrub brush and scrubbed under the cabinets, around the island and then mopped the dickens out of my floor.  In high sight this was really dumb because I ultimately knew what would happen when I was done.  Yes, those lovely children of mine would spill something on the floor and I am unhappy to report this is exactly what happened!

Yesterday I realized that we were going to see Wicked tonight and totally forgot to get a babysitter for the two little ones. My normal babysitter was going with us so obviously that would leave her out as an option.  I asked her Mom to do it and she agreed - thank goodness!  The thing is, I don't know how I could forget to get a babysitter for Olivia and Sarah.  I have known the date since the end of June and have had the tickets for a few weeks now. 

This afternoon at around 3:00pm, I thought that I should go figure out what I was going to wear to the show.  As it turns out, I have nothing but stay-at-home Mom clothes! Great! I had to make a quick run to Kohls and see if I could find anything.  Luckily I was able to find something - a blue/green paisley wrap around dress and (Shhhhhhhhh!!!!!) some clearance black sandals! By the time I made it back home it was 4:45pm and I had to leave by 5:30. I quickly washed my face, threw on some make-up and got dressed.  Amazingly we were out the door at 5:25pm!  A quick stop at the bank, pick up Rachel and we are on our way to pick up Jennifer downtown and head to dinner.  As we are driving and I am trying to follow the directions Jennifer had given me to get to her office, the kids are in the back yapping away (2-11 year olds and 1-14 year old makes for a lot of chitter chatter people!).  Now I should just say, for those of you who haven't experienced a car ride with me, I am a fast impatient driver. We are approaching the exit we need and Rachel says, "If I throw up in your car, it's your own fault!"  I turn to look at her to ask her why and pass my exit!  I didn't realize at first that I had missed it but I went about 5 miles out of my way and had to find an exit to turn around.  Finally back on track to picking up Jennifer. 

We picked up Jennifer and headed to Spaghetti Warehouse to eat before our show.  Little did we know that it was National Spaghetti Day! Luckily, we had reservations so getting in was not a problem however, our server was very busy and we were a party of 18.  It seemed to take forever to get our drinks and then our food.  When she finally did bring the food we had to wolf it down in record time to be timely for Wicked.  We got our bills and my aunt had given me a coupon to you.  It turns out to be a blessing and a curse.  A blessing because it took $5.00 off my bill and a curse because our server had to find a manager to modify the bill.  It took forever....but finally she came back and we got to our destination just in time for the 5 minute till show time bell.  Wicked was awesome!  We loved everything about it and would see it again in a heartbeat. 

We didn't get home till almost midnight and then we crashed!

The Queen of Insanity

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