Sunday, August 15, 2010

Scrabble Attack

Yesterday I finally got new back brakes and I am as happy as a Lark right now!  It is so nice to be able to drive around with the air conditioning full blast when it's 90 degrees out with 90% humidity.  Some of you may think I am a whiner in this regard but I don't even care.  I am not even trying to act like I can handle the heat.  The older I get, the less I can deal with heat and humidity.  I can tell you one thing for sure, my hair hates humidity!

Scott took me to pick up the Pilot at the shop and it started down pouring.  This totally figures because I was planning on going to Sam's Club as soon as I got my vehicle back. I headed from the shop to Sam's to get some stuff in preparation to the happiest day on earth - the kids going back to school!!!  Went in and meandered around after I had all my stuff because it was raining cats and dogs but I finally was just bored and wanted to head on home.  I checked out and I am still trying to figure out the guy in front of my in line.  Here is a list of the contents in his cart; 2 cases Monster, 2 cases Red Bull, 12 gallons of milk and a case of water.  What was this man doing with all that Monster and Red Bull???? 12 gallons of milk?  I can't even imagine what he was going to be doing will all that caffeine.  I can tell you one thing, had it not been raining I would have jumped him in the parking lot and made off with some of it for my upcoming girls trip!

I got home and made dinner and then headed to Target to try and find a gift for my niece's birthday.  It's very difficult to buy for her despite the fact that she is only turning three and I have four girls worth of experience to draw upon.  The thing is she has a lot because her Grammy bought her so much for her birthday.  I understand that's a Grandma's prerogative but it sure leaves a whole lot of nothing for anyone else to buy.  Abigail had decided to come with me to Target and the whole way there she was giving me a list of all things she needed.  I have decided that she is a "needy" child!  She needed a straight iron for her hair, her shampoo makes her hair tangley so of course she needs new shampoo, she's completely out of body wash and last but not least black nail polish to paint her nails black and yellow for school. Like I said, needy!  The whole shopping excursion I was texting with my sister, Tammy, about how I don't like middle school and it hasn't even started yet.  I also was wanting to play some Scrabble.  I invited myself and my children to her house to play in fact!  When we were finished at Target we went home and picked up the rest of the kids and headed to Lancaster.

My sister and I always have fun together but this night was special.  My niece, Jessie, decided to bring a new friend of hers over.  If she had any lick of sense when she found out my children and myself were coming she would have changed her plans.  I am not insinuating that my sister and I are an embarrassment but it the shoe fits.......My nephew Blake says we shouldn't even be allowed together, whatever that means!  Regardless, our plan was to play Scrabble and work on a vacation favor for ourselves and girlfriends.  We accomplished both. 

When I got there we immediately started working with our handkerchiefs and rhinestones.  We were making some progress and then Jess and Steven showed up.  We put our project away and busted out the Scrabble board.  What we found out is that we are not as competitive at Scrabble as Steven is.  He had apparently been studying two letter words before he came over.  Seriously?  I just want to throw something out here; Young men, it is not necessary to study two letter words to impress Mom's and Aunt's of your intelligence!  We are recreational players and can barely make five letter words, no worries, we know you are smarter than us!!!  It goes without saying, he kicked our asses at Scrabble. In fact he clobbered us.  His final score 202, mine - 87, Tammy's - 93 and Jessie's - 112. Tammy and I clearly weren't competitive sports last night.  Actually we spent the night laughing and acting crazy like we always do.  All I know is Jessica must really love us because she continues to bring her friends around us or she just really needed to get her laundry done! My money is on the later.  When they left I am sure that Steven breathed a sigh of relief to get away from us. We finished our project and I didn't get home till 3:30am but we are going to be sparkly on the beach!

It's now Sunday and I am getting ready to head to my niece Emily's birthday party....more later!

The Queen on Insanity

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