Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Sickness

It started Saturday with Olivia and spread to Emma and then Abigail.  Sarah has somehow managed to stay puke free. 

Sunday we were suppose to go visit some friends out of town but due to Olivia's sudden onset of illness we thought it was better to stay home.  By Monday everyone seemed fine so we decided to go for our missed visit.  The kids swam, we ate dinner and decided to run to the outlet mall to try and find some tennis shoes for the twins.  Emma who hates to shop all of the sudden started complaining of a stomach ache.  I blew her off at first because while she has never faked illness to get out of shopping, I wouldn't put it past her.  After a short while I decided to check her head, sure enough she was warm and looking a little pale.  I had her sit down while we finished our other shopping.  Olivia who needed absolutely nothing got two packs of her favorite underwear, two skirts and two shirts. The child is a little manipulator.  I really have no idea how she ended up with the clothes.  The underwear yes, clothes no!

In case you don't know, Olivia only wears dresses and skirts - without shorts underneath.  She has only worn pants four to five times in the past two and a half years.  If you want this child to wear pants, you have to start talking about the event two weeks in advance and prepare her for the big event of putting on pants.  Then the day comes to wear the pants.  Let's just say it isn't pretty.  When we get back from whatever horror it was that required her to wear pants, she promptly comes in the house, strips off the forsaken clothes and puts on a dress.  Not only does this child have a devout hatred for pants, she is extremely particular about the type of underwear she wears.  The one and only kind she will wear are from The Children's Place.  Dont' even try and sneak some cute Littlest Pet Shop or Princess underwear in there, it ain't going to happen! Period, end of story.  She knows what she likes.

Back to the original premise of this blog; puking kids.  Before we left the mall, I saw an act of kindness from Abigail towards Emma.  She bought, with her own money, a bottle of Sprite for Emma.  She claims that Aunt Tammy said if you drink some Sprite or 7up, you will puke and then you will feel better.  Acts of kindness towards one's twin are few and far between here so I had to share that.  Anyway, we left the mall and headed back to Raquel's house.  The whole way back Emma was miserable.  As soon as we got back she went and laid down with a blanket.  Eventually it was time to go, we were in the kitchen saying our goodbyes when the inevitable happened - she threw up.  Now, what transpired from here was hysterical. 

Emma was sitting in a wooden kitchen chair, with her legs pulled up to her chest when she got sick.  Perfect, she threw up all over herself and it was nowhere else.  The problem is, how do you clean it up without it getting everywhere? Raquel and I are completely appalled, as neither of us deal with vomit well.  Todd has a brilliant idea, he and Scott can carry her out to the driveway.  So, they pick up the chair and carry Emma out to the yard.  I stayed inside for a few minutes trying to get a grip, ok, I am fine....go outside.  When I walk out of the garage I see Emma standing in the yard and Scott with a water hose pointed directly at her.  Thank goodness it was dark out because anyone driving by would have thought she had just been the victim of a chemical spill!  He was hosing her off and she was jumping around like he was using a flame thrower on her.  After the chemical clean-up was over, she stripped in the yard and went directly to the shower.  We left when she got out and there was no more vomiting from her. 

Tuesday morning I got up and came downstairs and there was Abigail laying on the couch with a bowl.  She had been up since 4am, apparently throwing up.  Great!  She was sick the entire day and finished off the day with a fever.  She seems better today.  I am hoping that is the end of it.  I have wiped every surface I can with Lysol disinfecting wipes, sprayed with Lysol and washed my hands like I had obsessive compulsive disorder all day.  I can not get sick, I will not get sick, I am not going to get sick!!!!!

Today is a new day, everyone seems better and let's just hope and pray it stays that way.

The Queen of Insanity

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