PaRt OnE
I left off with the puking kids.....they finally all got over it and I thought things were going to turn around. I thought wrong! I can admit when I have been defeated. I guess where I will pick up is my vehicle. Recently I had the front brakes on my Pilot replaced and had my rotors turned - my Dad said I had to, so I did. I thought everything was fine until a couple days later when I started hearing this screeching noise. I may have mentioned in a previous blog that I didn't know until recently that squeaking after a brake change wasn't a regular occurrence. Well, I guess that still stands but it could start somewhere else; for instance, when your back brakes are bad. I took my car in for an oil change and mentioned the squeaky noise I heard and asked if they could check it out. Back brakes - in need of immediate repair. I made an appointment for the end of the week. Still driving around in the Pilot until Scott happened to take a look and tells me I am not to drive until I get them replaced. All right, that's fine I can drive the Accord. But wait, it's hot and humid here and the Accord's air conditioner is not working. Great! Minimal driving going on here.
The day before my appointment to get my brakes fixed my Dad calls me and tells me that one of the guys who works at the place where I take my car for service is willing to do my brakes for me on the down low. Awesome! He's giving me an awesome deal but here's the catch he can't fix them until this Saturday. I am thinking with this overly hot weather I should have just paid the discounted rate to have them fixed. On the bright side it's keeping me home more during the day.
Thursday evening, I took Emma and Abigail over to a friends to hang out for a bit and ended up staying for a bit too. While I was there my phone died, no biggie. When we left to come home I plugged in my phone to charge and got a notification that I had missed a call from Scott. No biggie, I'll call him when I get home. Oh wait, no need! I pull around the corner and see his cruiser in the driveway. What the hello kitty is he doing home so early? The girls' start saying "It looks like he was in a wreck Mom!" I started to panic but then realized that it wasn't a bent up fender, it was the liner from the back of the cruiser laying across the front bumper. As it turns out, Scott and Torros were on a search for some bad guys who had robbed a Church's Fried Chicken and Torros was sprayed by a skunk. Scott was dumping bottle after bottle of tomato juice on Torros and soaking his lead and vest too. Then I was assigned the job of "sniffer"....."Does this smell?"...."What about this?" ....Uggg! Scott showered and left to go back to work.
Friday was fairly uneventful other than going out with some friends for a bit - which was fun!
Saturday the same, just hung out around the house. But Sunday...that's a whole other ball of wax.
Sunday started out fine. Scott had taken the two older girls to go quad running along with his brother, Marc, and his son Ryan. I have no idea where exactly they go but it's somewhere about an hour from where we live. So it was just me and the two Little's for the day. I decided I needed retail therapy. I called Natalie and asked if she wanted to come along, she did and off we went. We went to lunch and shopping here and there. We bought shoes and purses, was a great afternoon! We got home and I went over to hang out at her house for a bit. While I was there, Scott called her house and told us that there had been an accident. He was on his way to the hospital with Marc and Abigail. He didn't give a lot of detail but he said he thought Abigail's arm was broken and Marc had a broken collar bone and ribs. Let me just tell you, this was a very scary moment for me as a parent. I was worried sick that Abigail was going to hate me because she didnt' even want to go and I made her go anyway. What if they get to the hospital and it's worse than we all think? Anyway, he told us they were going to Licking Memorial Hospital and to meet them there. I called my friend Michelle and asked if she could keep the three little girls while we went and she agreed.
The hospital itself is actually a very nice hospital - aesthetically speaking. There is nothing else "nice" about the hospital that I can report. First of all, they have a screen that tells you how many people are waiting and your expected wait time, all lies! Secondly, you may get a room but you are going to wait a very long time to see anyone! Lastly, when you finally see someone, a nurse or a doctor it's completely a waste of time.
The screen said, 51 minutes from arrival you would be seen by a doctor. We waited and waited and waited for a good two hours. There was nothing to read in this waiting area. I happened to notice that there were two newspaper boxes in the entryway and went to check them out. The Columbus dispatch was $1.75 and The Advocate was $1.25. I decided on The Advocate because of the amount of quarters in my wallet. I put my money in and went to pull the door open.....nothing. I tried last time and nothing! I was down $1.25, sigh, and still nothing to read. Nothing to do but wait. Finally they called her name.
8:00pm, Triage: height, weight, blood pressure, temperature, quick medical history (and I am not sure what her being born six weeks early has to do with her current injury but ok), quick look at the wound and they sent us back out to the waiting room. I asked if we could go check on Marc and he told us where to find him. We went to room 24 and he wasn't there but instead some older lady. I went and asked again where he 14. This time it was actually him. He was laying in the bed with a neck brace on and could barely talk. He had been back there for quite some time and hadn't been given any kind of medicine for pain. After a good while they came to take him for x-rays and a cat scan to determine the extent of his injuries. I asked them when exactly he would get something for pain. Their response, "We only do x-rays!" Oh okay, well again "Can you see about getting him some pain medication?". A few minutes later a nurse came in with some pain medication and they wheeled him away.
At this point another hospital employee came in and took Abigail for an x-ray of her arm. She was there and back in ten minutes. I asked her a few questions about the x-rays and she didn't really know the answers to any of them. Seriously, did they even take x-rays? We then sat and waited and waited and waited for Marc to get back. Finally they come get Abigail and myself to take us to her room. It is now 10:00pm, she has been offered no ice for her swelling arm or any sort of pain relief. After about 30 minutes I go to the nurses station and ask for ice. At 11:00pm Abigail is crying that she wants to go home...she is tired and in pain. I get into my purse and get her some ibuprofen. Around midnight the doctor finally comes in and "examines" her. Now I use the word "examine" very lightly because I am not sure I would even consider what he did an exam. Despite the fact that a portion of her helmet was broken he didn't check her for a concussion. He lightly tapped his fingers down her back, looked at her and said, "It's not broken" you are going to be sore, I'll write you a script for pain meds, and you can be on your way. Seriously? Okay note to self and to husband - do not EVER take one of my children anywhere other than Children's Hospital! My brother-in-law was there until almost 2am.
That's all I can handle blogging about today...more to come soon.
The Queen of Insanity
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