Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Black Cloud Cometh

PaRt TwO

When we got home from the hospital, I had to run to the 24 hour Kroger pharmacy about 15 minutes from us to get Abigail's prescription filled. I got into Kroger's dropped off her pain prescription and proceeded to wander aimlessly around the store.  I found Captain Crunch on sale for $1.19 a box, 2 of those in my cart, I bought Abigail a wrap for her arm and a couple of other misc. items.  Her 10 minute fill time was more like 20 minutes but why should this be any different than the previous experience of the day.  I also just want to say that the old saying, "The freaks come out at night" is true and leave it at that. 

I finally got home from the pharmacy and gave her some medicine and all I could think about at this point was sleep.  Abigail had other things in mind - me not leaving her.  It took me a good 45 minutes to convince her that her father could sleep on the couch and she could sleep with me.  By this time is 3:30am and we went upstairs and then she started talking about how hungry she was.  Seriously?  You couldn't have mentioned this while we were still downstairs?  I just want sleeeeeeep child!   I really did say this to her and then rolled over and went to sleep.  She apparently went downstairs an hour or so later to sleep on the couch.  Monday she was in a lot of pain and just laid around on the couch all day.  I can't say as I blame her because I know that the day after an accident/injury it is always worse. 

Tuesday, she was feeling a little better and I had called for a follow-up appointment with her doctor.  We would be seen the next morning.  Natalie had called our mother-in-law to ask her to take her oldest for a few days while she was dealing with Marc. She stopped by here to check on Abigail and Emma wanted to go stay with her too.  Fine by me!  But by afternoon Olivia was acting a bit strange so I took her temperature.  As it turns out she has a fever of 101.6 and said it hurt when she went potty.  Great!  It's 4:30pm and I called the Dr's office to see if they closed at 5pm or not.  I was going to see if they could see her in the morning with Abigail but they were open till 6:30 and could see her at 5:30 that evening.  I loaded her into the car and took her to the Dr.- Bladder infection it is.  She got a prescription and we headed home. 

Wednesday, up early and off to the doctor AGAIN!  Abigail checked out fine but we got another lecture on how unsafe quads are.  Really people?  We know but you can't live your life worrying about all the what ifs or you couldn't enjoy life! Bottom line, Abigail is fine and gets the okay to go to Cedar Point this weekend with her friend. 

Thursday I took Emma and Abigail for back to school haircuts.  They both got highlights and Abigail decided to get some long bangs.  They are becoming young ladies right before my eyes.  Their father is not happy about this prospect and insists they revert back to 4 or 5 years old.  I prefer not as I all ready a 3 and 5 year old who are giving me a run for my money! 

Friday, was a great day!  Scott and I traveled to Marysville, Ohio to welcome home the 585th MP Company back from Iraq.  Now I have to complain just a smidgen here because I am not sure what the hello kitty the people who planned this thing were thinking.  It is August in's 90 degrees outside , humid as I'll get out and they planned an outdoor Homecoming Ceremony!?!?!?!  Are you kidding me? Sitting on metal bleachers with the sun blaring down on you is not ideal.  I am just sayin' if I had been involved (and clearly I had no way to be involved since Scott retired from this unit awhile ago) it would have been indoors.

Scott and I left the house at 11:30 to arrive at least 30 minutes before the buses pulled in at 1pm.  We got their at 12:40 and we barely made it in time to see the soldiers get off the buses.  Since when does the military do anything early?  EVER?  But whatever...they are home and I am positive that no one minded except for may be people like us who are never on time for anything these days!  The soldiers come off the buses and it was beyond emotional watching everyone reunite with their families.  Babies meeting their Father's for the first time, children so excited to see their Mommy or Daddy, husbands and wives reunited and seeing our favorite soldier return home - truly priceless!  However, some of the sights I saw can not go without being mentioned and since I don't want to bore you I will just give one honorable mention.  There was woman who's apparel can be described as stripper quality!  She was wearing a Lycra spandex number that was zebra print on the top, black on the bottom and this bottom barely covered her rump. Lest we not forget her shoes, she was wearing very high black pumps that were lined with rhinestones.  Now I am not suggesting that this soldier paid a stripper or escort to be his "Homecoming Family" but I definitely think that it is a distinct possibility.

We are happy to have everyone from the 585th MP Company back safe and sound.  This was bittersweet for Scott, really the entire deployment was for several reasons.  Scott retired from this unit and he had several of his soldiers over there and Ernie, our good friend, was actually pulled from another unit to take Scott's place in the 585th.  I can't imagine the burden this had on Scott knowing that he was helpless to help any of them if they needed it because you may get out of the military but the military spirit never leaves you. 

It's now Saturday and I am patiently waiting for my Pilot's new back brakes to be installed so that I can enjoy traveling in air conditioning again....I am also caught up on my blog and hopefully will be better at keeping up now!

The Queen of Insanity

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