Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Cleaning

It's that time of year!  Everyone is inspired by the warmer weather to begin their spring cleaning and yard work.  I know, don't freak out, I didn't mean I was inspired!  Oh no, just people in general. 

A few weeks ago, I began going through hand-me-downs, trying to figure out who needed what.  Of course, the only person in this house that doesn't need anything is Miss Sarah.  She actually has enough clothing for me to get out of doing any of her laundry till mid-July!  *Note to self:  Buy her a bigger hamper*

Of course the twins are not so lucky!  They really don't have anyone to hand them down anything and if they did, they probably wouldn't wear it.  Teenagers are such freaks about clothing!  They act like anything touched by another human being is contaminated.  Why don't they understand the concept of washing?  I have recently discovered the art of thrifting.  For those of you who don't know the term, it simply means going to a store such as Goodwill, Amvets or Volunteers of America and sifting through racks and racks of used items.  I have tried to explain to the girls it is "Green", we are saving the earth!  Doesn't everyone want to save the earth?  Apparently not my offspring!  My motivation isn't really saving the earth either, I just need to save as much money as possible on clothing four children. They prefer consignment stores and I guess that's okay too but thrift stores are still cheaper.

Then there is Olivia.  She needs summer clothes but the problem with her is she is so tall and skinny!  All I know is, it's a good thing she loves dresses because we have a heck of a time finding her anything with a waistband.  Of course dresses have become another issue, she is no longer in the cutesy 4-6x section. She has moved up to the 7 - 14 section and let me tell you the dresses there leave something to be desired.  Why you ask?  Ummmm, well she isn't 17 years old, that's why!  Some of the dresses in this clothing section are a little to risque for my almost seven year old to wear.

Anyway, Scott and I switched our clothes out.  His clothes all still fit, mine not so much but I will squeeze my butt into them. 

And now I must go, let the running begin!

The Queen of Insanity

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