Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Downside of Kids and Cell Phones

Right now, my twins are in North Carolina with their Grandparents.  My father-in-law went to pick up his wife from a visit with her family and she thought it would be a fabulous idea for them to go along with him.  I suppose to keep him company!  Whatever the reason, I was completely down with it, despite the fact that they would miss a couple days of school.  Don't judge me....I deserve some peace and quiet after the hair brush incident!

Today they both (the children) started texting me, they were having a dispute.  Honestly, I am not sure why they felt it necessary to include me in their falling out from 750 miles away.  What did they expect of me? There is absolutely nothing I can do from home.  Talk them down?  Yes, this was my only option. 

For an hour, yes an HOUR, I texted back and forth with both of them.  It went a little something like this;

Child A:  MOM! Child B is soooo mean! She yelled at me, pushed me and took my phone!
Me:  Why?  Do you have your phone back?  (DUH!  I know, stupid question)

Child B:  MOM! I took a picture of Child A, it's so cute and she got mad and said it's horrible.
*sends me picture - it was cute
Me:  Why did she get mad?
Child B:  Child A is grumpy today. She didn't get enough sleep and now she is taking it out on me. 
Me:  She said you hit her and took her phone? Why did you do that?

Child A:  Yes Mom, Obviously I have my phone back.  But really, she is being mean and I did NOTHING MOM!
Me: Just ignore her!

Child B:  She made me mad!
Me:  I don't care, you know better and I hope you aren't embarrassing me!
Child B:  No Mom!  It's just she is mean....
Me:  Seriously?  Have you met yourself?
Child B:  Just don't talk to her, move on and get along.

Child A (She is a much slower texter):  Mom, you know I try to ignore her but she is so mean!
Me:  I don't know what you want from me right now? I am not there and can do nothing!
Child A:  Me either...

Child B:  She egging me on Mom
Me:  Ummm....just be good...PERIOD...and keep your hands off her phone.

WHY?  I just wanna know why they feel it necessary to ruin my vacation from them by including me in their silly argument!?! Furthermore, they best not be making me look like a bad parent.  The last words I spoke to them when I left them were, "Be good and use your manners!"  Their reply, "We always do Mom!" 

The Queen of Insanity

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