Sunday, April 22, 2012

Karma This!

As you all know, my black cloud has been a serious thorn in my side lately.  As of late, I have had to replace my couch and water heater, my ice maker is broken and my check engine light decided to show me that it works! I bet you think, "Queen of Insanity, it can't get any worse!" but I assure you it has, it has gotten way worse.  I have had two more incidents since the check engine light came one.

The first incident was with an actual person rather than an appliance or vehicle.  In order to protect the identity of this person, I just won't be using their name.  I don't want to even begin to try and make up a fictitious one for fear that I could further upset them.  Regardless, this person took offense to a quote I put on my Facebook page.  Here is the quote in question: "Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains!" 

Let's examine, shall we? I think this statement is true and applies to many people.  Right now you are are probably thinking of all kinds of people in your life this might apply to.  If you read my blog regularly, you might have some guesses of who this would apply to in my life. It could apply to any of the following; parents at gymnastics, the kids or parents at dance class, another friend or any number of people I run into out in the world.  I literally see this quote walking all over the place! My question is this - If one can become so offended by this statement to the point they feel it necessary to bash me in a public forum, then become so enraged they unfriend me and several of our mutual acquaintances without me saying a single word, what storm did they create? It's a fair question, don't ya think?

I would contend there is no tone to a Facebook post, it's similar to a text message - no tone. In this occurrence, they were simply typed words which were apparently misconstrued and made into a subliminal message.  Way to make something into something it simply isn't! The reaction to a simple quote was hurtful and can't be taken back.  Sadly, this whole situation could have been avoided if  hurt feelings had simply been verbally expressed.  Instead and prior to ending our Facebook relationship, Bad Karma was wished upon fact they hope it "F's me UP". Newsflash, someone  beat you to it, a long time ago! Someone is obviously not reading my blog :O)

The second incident happened this evening and involved yet another appliance, my stove.  The girls and I were hungry and Scott had left to go turkey hunting (gobble gobble gobble - I just couldn't resist!).  I decided to make something quick and easy, Chef Boyardee pizza, easy enough, right?  The oven turned on, was set to 425 degrees, I mixed up the dough, covered it up and placed it on the oven to rise. Finally the beep rang out signaling the oven was preheated and I dutifully rolled out the dough on pizza pans.  Sarah helped put on the toppings and in the oven it went.  I set the timer and walked away - the time 6:45 pm.

7:02 pm - Timer goes off.  Pizza is not even close to done but looks like it's beginning to cook.
7:03 pm - Reset the timer
7:15 pm - Check pizza again....still no further along than before...close the oven door
7:16 pm - MOM!!! I'm hungry!!!!  How much longer?  Can I have a snack Mom?
7:33 pm - I call Scott and tell him about the most recent problem.  He tells me to try the broiler. 
*Please note the broiler did work and I continued to cook pizza under the broiler (I DO NOT recommend this cooking method)
7:40 pm - Give up on the oven all together, take the pizza out and we eat the half cooked crust pizza

Yes, these are the days of my life, my friends.  Next time I post something on Facebook, feel free to assume it is about you, hate my guts and know without a doubt, Karma is already kicking my ass!

The Queen of Insanity

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