The past month (give or take a year) has been very trying, so much has happened in just the past week and it has given me pause. I have come to the conclusion, I must take it one day at a time. I have seen a quote on Facebook floating around a lot lately; Sometimes we expect more from others, because we'd be willing to do much more for them. This particular quote is so true in so many ways. But it also begs the question, "Are my expectations realistic?". In my humble ole opinion, I would say the answer to this is split and complicated. I am going to examine this phenomenon of expectations.
Please hold for a moment while I reference my Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary..........
Thank you for patience, I decided I am going with again because it is easier to cut and paste. Not to mention, my dictionary made it more complicated than it had to be. Please see the definition posted below.
[ek-spek-tey-shuhn] Show IPA
2. the act or state of looking forward or anticipating.
5. Often, expectations. a prospect of future good or profit: to have great expectations.
Today we will be discussing expectation in explanation to definitions 1-4. Let's face it, definition five does NOT apply to me or any of my friends at this juncture.
Now that you have had time to review, contemplate and absorb the definitions of expectation, I would like to begin by giving some examples of unrealistic and realistic expectations, k?
Unrealistic Expectations
1. Expecting your flowers/plants to thrive when you don't tend to them.
2. Expecting people not to stare when you wear your pajamas in public.
3. Expecting your car to get you 100 miles away when your gas light is on.
4. Expecting the sun to shine every day.
5. Expecting everyone to love you unconditionally.
Realistic Expectations
1. You will have to pay taxes.
2. You will die at some point.
The truth is expectations are just that - expectations. Not only are they expectations but they are YOUR'S and YOUR's alone. You can will it to happen, want it worse than anything in this world and it won't make it so. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to steal anyone's joyous outlook on the world. In this life you are going to be let down by someone or something because you have made an unrealistic assumption (You know what they say about assuming, right?). To this I say, sometimes you need to lower your expectations. Just because someone doesn't meet your expectations doesn't mean you should love them any less and vice versa, nor does it mean you should write them off. Sometimes people have a lot on their own plates, get caught up in their busy lives and are wise enough to know when you really need them and when you don't. And sometimes, just sometimes you need to reach out out to them and let them know you need their help.
There are also times when you need not get caught up in people's choices despite how they affect your plight. For instance, when people make a commitment to something and then half way in realize they aren't able to keep their promise. They knew the rules going in and if they choose to take another avenue, so be it! All you do really is smile and tell them you are really sorry they won't be there. There are consequences for everything and while it stinks for you, may be just may be they will look back one day and realize they could have handled it better.
Life is full of lessons! We are constantly learning, growing and changing - I am certainly an example of this. I am not the same person I was at 25, 30 or 35 years old, now there are things that are inherent about me therefore I won't ever loose them. Honestly, I love that I am outspoken and loud at times. I also think my friends appreciate this about me because they always know where they stand with me. You should always be willing to lower your expectations and take the good with the bad. This is unless, you are being seriously abused and my suggestion to you is run like there's no tomorrow and never look back.
The Queen of Insanity
There are also times when you need not get caught up in people's choices despite how they affect your plight. For instance, when people make a commitment to something and then half way in realize they aren't able to keep their promise. They knew the rules going in and if they choose to take another avenue, so be it! All you do really is smile and tell them you are really sorry they won't be there. There are consequences for everything and while it stinks for you, may be just may be they will look back one day and realize they could have handled it better.
Life is full of lessons! We are constantly learning, growing and changing - I am certainly an example of this. I am not the same person I was at 25, 30 or 35 years old, now there are things that are inherent about me therefore I won't ever loose them. Honestly, I love that I am outspoken and loud at times. I also think my friends appreciate this about me because they always know where they stand with me. You should always be willing to lower your expectations and take the good with the bad. This is unless, you are being seriously abused and my suggestion to you is run like there's no tomorrow and never look back.
The Queen of Insanity