Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Broke, It's The New Black

Oh yes my friends, it certainly is true - Broke, is the new black!  I feel it my duty to let you know this as I would hate for you to go through all of 2011, walking around thinking that black is what's "in".  Simply put, black is out!

As you all know, we had a rental calamity towards the end of last year.  It has been resolved in the aspect that we found decent renters (at least so far).  However, we had to reduce the rent $145 a month. We were also left with a mess of bills.  The best way for me to explain it is we are flat broke!

I have complied a "Top Ten Things I Hate To Hear While Being Broke " list that I would like to share with you. 

1.   Mom, I need.....
2.   Hey, the car is almost on E....
3.   Hey Krissy, You want to go shopping?
4.   You owe (..insert name here..)....
5.   You want to go out Friday night?
6.   We are out of (..milk, eggs...etc..)...
7.   Oops, we forgot to pay the water bill!
8.   Captain Morgan?
9.   My car is making a funny noise.
10. That'll be $(insert amount).

Yup, those are just some of the things I hate to hear! Really, I could go on and on about things I hate about being broke but I am sure you get the point.....

The Queen of Insanity

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