Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where Oh Where Has This Blogger Gone......

Where oh where has this blogger gone, Oh where oh where can she be.....Well I can tell you where I haven't been, on here! I am such a loser in the blogging realm lately.

I am sure you aren't wondering where I have been but alas, I will be sharing exactly that!  The truth of the matter is, I haven't really been anywhere exciting.  Why you ask?  If you read my last blog, you should know that I can't afford to go anywhere!

I did get to go out one night a few weeks ago.  A partial group of the posse went out to Dapper Dan's for Boobapalooza, which was a fundraising event for breast cancer.  It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.  It was great because I won one month free of Zumba classes at a new gym here in town.  WOOT WOOT! It was the the worst of times because I got a little carried away in the celebration department and ended up praying to the porcelain gods all night.  My dear sweet husband decided it would be funny to post a picture of me on facebook in my weakened state.  Yeah, he just lost his World's Best Husband nomination from me.

Natalie and I had a yard sale.  I dug up whatever I could find to sell and made a mere $169.00. Natalie made double that!  Of course, she had the help of a shopaholic Mother who sends an over abundance of everything for every holiday.  Let's put it this way, Natalie's Mom sends so much stuff that she can fill her kids baskets, my kids baskets and the greater Columbus Area's kids' Easter baskets!  Now, I am not complaining because clearly we benefit greatly from her generosity!  I am just saying that Natalie has so much extra stuff, she can make a killing off of her Mom's habit.

This week has been pretty lame for me since I have no money and very little gas in my car - yes my car, the Pilot I normally drive has ZERO gas and is parked on the street until payday!  I am limited to necessary driving only.  Actually, I should be necessarily driving to the library right this minute to return some overdue movies but I would rather pay a late fee than waste gas. What's the logic in that? I digress.....

The Queen of Insanity

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