Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Whatever Do They Think Of Me?

I was just getting ready to start another blog about Sarah (How she has been pretending to be a kitten, a dog, a pig and a baby for the past couple of weeks) and monetizing my blog when something funnier happened! 

As I began to title my blog, I overheard a conversation between the two little ones.  Let me set the stage for you; They are riding their scooters inside because the rain will not stop.  Today has been filled with the rumbling of scooter wheels up and down my entry way, around the kitchen island and back.  This is not exactly helping my rain induced sinus headache and it has become absolutely necessary to protect my toes. It does keep them entertained and I am not forced to listen to cartoons blaring from the television all day.  Let's just be honest here, happy kids = happy Mom!  Stage set, here's the conversation.

Olivia: Okay I think we can get away quick!
Sarah:  Yeah, we are gonna be fast!
Olivia: Let's go rob the bank!

Olivia: Mom, You know how you said you were gonna rob a bank? Are you really going to do that?
*******************PAUSE FOR MY INTERNAL THOUGHTS********************
What the hello kitty?  They CAN hear!  It's a Christmas Day miracle!  Oh My Gosh! Really?  Do they really think I would rob a bank?  Furthermore, do they know I plan to use their Father's police cruiser as my getaway car?  Oh my heavens I must watch what I say in front of them!
**********************END INTERNAL THOUGHTS****************************
Me:  No honey, I would never rob a bank!

I am tearing up here....they make me so proud!  In my defense and I hate to refer back to my previous blog, "Broke Is The New Black" but these are hard times in the Queen's Court.  Don't even get me started on how AEP is trying to ruin my life and my daughter's orthodontist thinks that I can magically make $3000.00 appear by June 6th (Which is ironically when AEP has threatened my electricity!) to continue her treatment! 

Before I go off the deep end, I am going to conclude my blog.

The Queen of Insanity

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