Saturday, June 25, 2011


Yes, I know I am a failure at keeping up on my blog.  The problem and I am not sure if I have mentioned it before but I am positive I suffer from A.D.D. (I can't add either-HA).  I have only been self-diagnosed and there is no over the counter treatment other than heavily caffeinated beverages that I have been able to find.  I digress...

My blog, yeah, I have trouble staying focused on things.  Primarily my weakness is follow through, wrapping it up, staying on task and dare I say completion?  Now I have endless great ideas, I just can't see them to fruition a majority of the time.  It's a blessing and a curse my friends.  A blessing in the respect that more than likely my lack of focus has kept me from wild, dangerous or just plain bad ideas.  The curse of it is I am 100% positive that I am a freaking genius trapped in my own mind!  If you took a look around my house right now you would see lots of "Active" projects and very few "Finished" projects.  Oh but I have not mentioned my other quality - Overdrive (I am sure some might consider it manic).

Overdrive, yes, yes, it is a serious problem.  Again, this is a similar condition to the one I pick on my sister about...O.C.D.  *Can I just say I frackin' love abbreviations?* In staying with the abbrevs. theme, we will now refer to "overdrive" as "O.D." <= See what did I tell you?  GENIUS!   O.D. is a horrible thing to suffer from.  You start something and can't quit - sorta like my smoking habit! As an example; last week I decided that while Emma was gone for a couple days at her Grandmother's house I was going to clean her bedroom and paint it.  I worked on her room for every bit of 36 hours in two days! It took me 30 hours to clean it, 2 hours to paint it, 1.5 hours to reorganize it and another 2.5 hours lecturing her about what a disgusting pigsty her room had been.  Geesh!  Can't a Mother get a break? Ahhh whatever ~ YAY ME!  I completed one project...woohooooooo!  Now I feel, well downright bored. Hmmmm....I know what I can do!  Paint another room...yeah yeah yeah! 

Abigail had wanted to paint her room from the minute she moved into it.  I don't know why she took a sudden turn against the color pink but I made her live with it for at least a year.  At this point I felt like her torture should cease and decided to let her have her way.  I was shocked when she picked an aqua blue and wait for it.....wait for it.....asparagus green.  Seriously people Asparagus!?!  I didn't share her vision but wanting something to do, I agreed.  After all, it is her room and I believe in self expression to the extent I see fit.  We painted her room and it took far less time than Emma's room did because, ummmm, well I think you can figure that part out.  It took us one evening and one morning to wrap everything up.  I would also like to mention, her vision turned out fabulous!

The next day I somehow managed (beer) to (beer) sucker (BEER) my b.f.f.f.  into coming over and helping me paint the room next to Abigail's.  I offered her free beer for her free labor and in support of my O.D. - Shishkabob! I just realized "O.D." is all ready taken.  Dagnab it! Do you think if I just added another "D" that would solve the problem?  O.D.D. = Overdrive Disorder? Or do you think that is too odd? BLAHAHAHAHAHA  Did I mention I was sleep deprived from the O.D.D.? Refocusing Michelle agrees to come over and paint with me.  No, we didn't end up drinking beer.  We thought it might be irresponsible to paint and drink beer so we went with Malibu and lite fruit punch.  Nothing like a fruity chick drink to keep you on task - As a disclaimer; we are experienced professionals drinkers (E.P.D'S) and we do not, I repeat, DO NOT advocate drinking and painting at the same time.  Alas, we got the room done despite the fact that we were up till the wee hours of the night, Git R Done!  That's our motto.

Today I spent the day putting up a border around the room and finally after (and this is where my A.D.D. comes into play) a year and half of buying the paint and border, GOT R DONE!

So yeah....the overdrive disorder is running me right now.  I haven't slept enough or gone to bed early enough.  My kids think summer break means hanging out with me 24/7, so as long as I am up, they are up.  I have tried and tried to get them to go to bed earlier to no avail.  They know my A.D.D. will kick in and I will forget that I even told them to go to bed because I got side-tracked by a pretty shiny thing somewhere...

The Queen of Insanity, A.D.D., O.D. or O.D.D. and E.P.D'S

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