Thursday, June 30, 2011

Can't Sleep

Here I sit at 1:12am....yes A.M.! I would much rather be sleeping but instead I am sitting here on the computer chatting it up with you.  Please don't take offense, I am just overly tired and apparently all jacked up on caffeine.

I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock in the morning.  Why did I take such an early appointment time???  Seriously, I have no idea what I was thinking.  Truth be told, I went to bed at 11:15pm.  I laid there and was about to fall asleep when Sarah, being the sweet little thing she is, decided it was time for a recorder concert. Before I forget, I would like to say a great big THANK YOU to Grandpa Tim for that lovely little instrument.  You shouldn't have....far too kind!  After about 5 minutes of this, I called her into my room and asked her to cuddle with me so I could fall asleep.  This worked like a charm for her....yup, she is up there sleeping in my bed snoring away with her father. 

In other news;  My day started out like any other, I rolled out of bed, got dressed and headed out for my morning Overla Mocha - Large!  When I got home, everyone was still sleeping.  What else would my children be doing at 11 in the morning?  DUH!  I attempted to straighten up the house, start some laundry and mosey (is that how you spell that? I am sure spellcheck will let me know.) around the house doing this and that.  Slowly the children began to rise and shine....

Since I had a hair appointment (corrective stray gray treatment) and knew I was leaving the kids here, I decided I would blow up their pool and fill it.  I laid the pool out and went to the garage to retrieve the air compressor -  You didn't think I would blow that up with all my hot air did you???? I am a smoker for crying out loud! You should know better!  With compressor in hand, I step out onto the deck and there is Torros destroying the pool.  SON OF A PREACHER MAN!!!! That dog had dropped his kong on top of the pool and proceeded to try and pick it up.  Due to the fact that he is sporting a plastic cone around his head, it wasn't just a matter of him reaching down and snatching it up, oh no my friends, this was all out war - just ask the pool!  Every time he tried to pick it up, the cone would knock the kong to another area of the pool.  Point of this story....we no longer have the ability to put air in the pool and my kids were not able to swim.

Now before you go and turn me into P.E.T.A. or The Humane Society, it's important for you to realize that I have been dealing with Torros aka Cone head Stinky Butt for the past week.  Why?  Because a week ago while in pursuit of a "bad guy" he stepped in a pile of broken mirror and got a 1/2" x 1/2" gash in his paw.  This gash required him to be knocked out so they could place seven staples in his wound.  Guess what that meant?  LUCKY ME!!!!!!!!!  He got a doctor's excuse to be off of work for a week until he gets the staples out. 

Torros is a high energy dog, which is a nice way of saying he needs Ritalin.  He is well trained and excels at sniffing out bombs, tracking down bad guys and playtime.  He absolutely sucks at calm, relaxing behavior.  Torros will lay down and pass out on occasion but if you so much as move a hair, he is up and at em' within a mila-second.  NO LIE! Now if I was lucky enough to get him to pass out, he would just pass gas...over and over and over.  My house stinks like a big ole gastric mess!  Ugggg.  Back to the cone, it has become an unintentional weapon for him.  He can't move without knocking into something or someone.  I have little nicks all over my legs where he has run into me.  Let's just say he is lucky to have survived this past week and lets just leave it at that!

Okay, I am exhausted so I am going to try and sleep now....

The Queen of Insanity
p.s. Torros got the bad guy despite his injury!

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