Monday, June 27, 2011

Party Planning

One winter night my bestie and I were trying to think up something to have a party for this summer. We are really into theme parties but not your everyday party themes.  You might remember we had an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party in December.  We really liked the idea of a summer formal party - let me clarify "formal"  this would be a thrift store formal party.  We are all about saving a buck! We also considered a Kentucky Derby Hat party. In the end, we just decided since Scott was turning 40 this year, we didn't need another reason to have a party.  This party would be at our land which consists of 12 acres of raw land. 

Scott's party is less than two weeks away.  Can I tell you something?  I just started thinking about planning this party that I sent out a facebook invite for a couple months go.  My friends,  I am not sure which part of my shortcomings this falls under.  Lots of great ideas, no follow thru? Procrastination? Self-Diagnosed A.D.D.?  O.D.D. formerly known as O.D.?  I just do not know!  For right now, we are going to go with A.D.D., shall we?  I planned to plan for this party, I swear I did! I am not sure where I fell off the wagon. I kept thinking, "There's plenty of time yet!" and I am almost positive another thought crept up in my mind, "When Scott gets paid next time, I will get......." Either way this party is coming up fast and the past few days I have been trying to get it together. 

Here is what I have accomplished thus far:
1. Painted shed

2. Updated facebook invite with pertinent information

3. Bought 160 Oscar Meyer hot dogs (no buns yet...note to self), 3 cases of water, cups for beer, plates, table clothes, pop, baked beans, stuff for bean salad and handi-wipes.

4. Made mason jar lanterns...okay, the kids made them after I told them to do it! 

5. Hung mason jar lanterns.

6.  Mowed some grass at the land.

7. Made a party flyer for Scott to put in friends mailboxes at work.

8.  Decided that my posse and I will be reincorporating Kentucky Derby style hats into this party.  I mean after all, we are and will be the life of Scott's party. 

Side note:  When I asked Scott if he was going to get hammered at his party he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I dunno" in a very unenthusiastic tone.  Really?  You really don't know?  I am all ready planning for my hangover the day after his party and he isn't even sure he's going to get drunk at his own birthday party!  So again I say, my posse and I will be the life of his's just the way it's gotta be.

And I think that concludes what I have planned thus far for this party.

What needs to be done:
Final mowing of grass
Set up
Buy Chips
Buy hot dog buns
Buy more pop

And a whole bunch more stuff that I can't even think about right now.  I can tell you what I know has to be done....Pick up the keg and special stash of Summer Shandy for the Queen of Insanity and her court.  If you are coming to the party and aren't sure if you are in my court (aka: posse) you better find out fast because the Shandy is off limits to anyone who isn't.  Sorry, it's the way it's gotta be!

Can we just be honest here for a minute?  This party might end up being a total flop if I don't get my astronaut in gear...Even if I don't, I will have fun because that is how I roll.

The Queen of Insanity

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