Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tonight On The Insanity Chronicles....

Last night I watched the evening news.  The news isn't one of my favorite things to watch because it tends to be depressing more often than not. However, last night I found it quite entertaining. Here is a recap of what I saw.
1.  A police officer in Texas (I think) pepper sprayed a baby squirrel.  Apparently the school called the police because the squirrel was acting a bit "squirrely", charging at kids, ect.  The police officer shows up and fearing the little guy might have rabies, he makes the decision to pepper spray him.  While he was spraying the poor thing, a bunch of girls were screaming and video taping the whole thing.  The girls were screaming, "Don't spray him! He isn't hurting anyone! STOP! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!"  Ugggg girls, girls, girls...why must you screech? Animal Control showed up, cleaned the little guy off and released him back into the wild.  Every one's happy!  FYI: Squirrels rarely contract rabies. I would also like to add that I hate squirrels!

2.  Digital Identities - There was a story about a woman who was including her digital identity in her will.  According to the news story, many people do not think about this when planning for their demise.  The news didn't say much else about it other than this one lady was including it in her will.  Being a responsible person, who doesn't want her digital identity left all alone in cyberspace someday....I think I am going to add it to my imaginary will a/s/a/p. 

Now for those of you who are feeling hopeful that I might bequeath you The Insanity Chronicles, I regret to inform you I can not.  "Why?" You might be asking yourself. Well, before you throw yourself down on the ground and throw a temper tantrum, Scott was sitting there watching the news with me and wasting no time at all, he called it!  I see a major problem with this - He rarely has anything to say!  I don't know why under God's green earth he would want The Insanity Chronicles.  We are talking about a man my sister refers to as the perfect P.O.W.!!!!  Here is a sample of what I think my blog would look like if he did in fact, decide to take over.

Today I got up, watched television, played x-box, went to work, came home, watched television and went to bed.

This is assuming that he could figure out how to get on my blog.  Let's just pray that nothing happens to me and I have to actually leave it to him, shall we? If I had to leave it to someone it would be my sister or my bestie.  Why?  Because they are freakin' hysterical.  Of course, they both started blogs a couple months after I did, blogged a few times and then stopped.  Hmmmm, may be I would be better off leaving my blog to one of my daughters! Again, let's hope it never comes to that.

The Queen of Insanity

1 comment:

  1. Never quite thought about my digital identity. Thanks for reminding me about it! :)
