Monday, April 4, 2011

Busy, Busy, Sick

Over the last week I have been one busy gal.  I have painted my master bath, my daughter Olivia's room, reorganized my pantry and after several years of frustration, took down the pantry doors. Oh and lest we not forget, dance competition season started this weekend. 

It all started in December when I bought paint for my master bathroom.  When I bought the paint that cold December day I thought I would paint the very next day.  Yeah, so that didn't happen.  The can of paint sat and sat and sat in my kitchen until a few weeks later when I decided to carry upstairs to my bathroom.  I thought this would motivate me.  Nope, no such luck!  Actually, the main reason it took me so long to get started was I had a case of bursitis in my right shoulder.  I took a week's worth of steroids in order to heal up but by the end of the week I had gained a mere 5lbs and still had shoulder pain.  Eventually though the pain subsided and the excuse of my shoulder was just that - an excuse!

Everyday when I went into my bathroom I would see the paint sitting there beckoning me to use it.  Last week I finally decided it was time to use the paint.  It took forever to finish and I remembered exactly why I put it off so long!  Painting bathrooms sucks! There are so many things to work around, the toilet, medicine cabinets, sinks, tub, shower....uggg!! However, I finally got it done.  After it was first done I thought, "Did I seriously pick this color?" but once I got used to it, I have fallen in love with the color.  It was such a shocking change of color - I went from a sage green to aqua glow.  I have a beach theme going on in there now.  I figure if I can't be at the beach, I'll bring the beach to me!

Finally with the bathroom done I decided that I oughta get Olivia's room squared away before her new bed came.  I began cleaning, organizing and packing stuff up and out of the way.  Once the room was in better shape I realized that her room needed painting.  I asked her what color she would like and she said purple with black polka-dots.  Ummm, I am not sure why she thought that I would even consider this but apparently she did.  I showed her the colors of her Disney princess bedding and she decided that blue with pink polka-dots would be ok.  Seriously, polka-dots?  Good Heavens kids these day aren't easy to please!

Off to Lowe's to get more paint...Scott graciously helped me paint the room blue but bailed when it was time to do the polka-dots ~ Go figure. Actually, I found a stencil for the dots which made it go a lot faster than having to, I don't know hand paint them! The final product met her approval and I was glad to be done with it.  Personally, I think the room is a bit dizzy but if the five year old likes....

I still had some energy to spare and made the decision to finally do something about my pantry - specifically the doors.  You see for the past nine years we have lived here the door on my pantry have been knocked off a total of 3,500,000 times - LITERALLY!  I am not sure how my children manage to knock them off over and over and over again but they do.  I don't know if they get so excited to eat me out of house and home that they plow right into the doors or what.  All I know is I could not take it for one more day and removed the doors.  Scott, of course, was completely opposed to the idea but after years of begging him to do something about it, I took matters into my own hands.

I took the doors off and put them in my laundry room.  Then I took EVERYTHING out of my pantry and decided to organize it - knowing this would make Scott happy.  You see, I am not what you would consider "organizational" by any stretch of the imagination.  When Scott and I first got married we would fight every time I came home with grocery bags.  He wanted all the cans to be facing forward, green beans with green beans, tomato soup with tomato get the picture.  In my feeble mind; veggies go with veggies, soup is soup and do we really need to be so concerned with stacking like items??  Personally, I like the thrill of the search!  In my opinion, he was just too lazy to look for what he wanted and a bit anal.  This was probably the first time I thought, "How did I get myself into this mess?". 

Alright, I have to go on a tangent and completely off topic but after I wrote that I remembered something my sister told me some time ago. When she was on her way to the church to get married, our Dad asked her if she was sure she wanted to get married and that he would be more than happy to turn around.  Did my Father do this when I got married??? OH NO!  Perfectly acceptable for my sister to be a runaway bride but me....oh hello kitty no!  I think that they just wanted me out of the house and they didn't care how that happened.  Actually, when I told my Mom of my engagement at the ripe age of 19, she looked right at me with disappointment and said, "YOU ARE TOO YOUNG!" At the time, I thought what is she talking about? This woman who got married at 17 years of age!  Hmmmff!  Now I realize, she was speaking from experience.  I was a teenager, I knew EVERYTHING! 

*Back on topic* I made the executive decision that in order to get what I wanted, I should try to please my husband at the same time.  This meant organizing the pantry.  I went to the store and bought all different types of organizing shelves, came home and went to work.  By the time I was done it looked like a professional organizer had stopped by!  I sent Scott a text and told him he was going to LOVE me more than ever when he got home.  When he got home and looked at it he was pleased.  Not thrilled mind you but pleased.  What the freakin' heck???  Almost 18 years of marriage and apparently his standards have been stomped out.  Whatever!  I am happy and at the end of the day, that's what matters, right???

With my spring cleaning rampage drawing to an end I fell victim to a cold.  I woke up late last Thursday and had to drive Olivia to school so she would be on time.  I didn't bother to change out of my pj's, I was too exhausted.  I came home and sat on the couch comatose and finally decided that a shower might perk me up.  It did no such thing and I ended up falling asleep on the couch for 2.5 hours, only to wake when Olivia came home from school.  I did a few things around the house, went to Sam's Club, made dinner and took yet another two hour nap! 

Friday night was Abigail's first dance competition (I will save THAT story for another blog) and then spent the rest of the weekend at home, doing nothing. 

The Queen of Insanity

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