Friday, April 8, 2011

Really Kirk?

As promised, we will now discuss Kirk Cameron.  For sometime now I have been wondering EXACTLY what religion he is. Right before I came across Gone With The Wind the other night, I noticed that he had a show on the religious station.  Since I had all ready decided to commit four hours of my life to Gone With The Wind, I was forced to record Kirk Cameron's show to watch later.  *Sigh*

The next morning I got up and decided I was going to watch his show and see if I couldn't figure out his choice of religion.  Before I go any further though, I am just going to put a little disclaimer here because this could possibly offend some. You have been warned! Read on if you dare.....

The show was about "Sharing God's Word In a Better Way". It started off with him and another man taking turns speaking, followed by a couple of skits. Then the part which keeps sticking in my mind. I just can't get over and have to share it.

Let me set the stage: They are outside what appears to be a shopping center. People are passing by and there is an interviewer. The interviewer begins to stop people randomly and asks them three questions...well four really and here it goes.

Excuse me, do you mind if I ask you some questions?
(person shakes their head as if to say "sure")

#1. Have you ever lied about anything?

The person answers yes..

Interviewer: So what would that make you?

Person: A liar?

#2. Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you?

The person answers, I don't know or yes

Interviewer: And what do you call someone who steals?

Person: A thief?

Now I kid you not, the interviewer looked at him/her and said, "So you are a self admitted liar and thief"
and then goes directly into the next question...Are you ready?

#3. Have you ever looked at another man/woman and had an attraction to them?

Person: Yes

Interviewer: So you have all ready admitted that you are a liar and a you realize that if you have had an attraction to someone you have all ready committed the sin of adultery in your heart...You have broken three of the ten commandments. Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?

WHAT? Stop the bus people....I mean this is Kirk's idea of "Sharing God's Word In A Better Way"? WOW! Now one of them cut off in the middle and they claimed that the battery died in the video camera but he accepted God into his heart right after....Ummmm....why do I find this hard to believe? The woman's interview that they showed, well she started crying and actually did ask them to pray with her. 

Now really people, I was just astounded by this.  I can't stop thinking about it.  I think had these people asked me these questions and tried to make me feel guilty for lying for my kid to skip school, while stealing a book from a friend and thinking how hot her husband is, they would have had one hot mess on their hands...that's all I'm sayin'

The Queen of Insanity


  1. Im officially screwed in the eyes of Kirk and to think he held such a power over me in the days of Growing Pains....We even copied his permed in the back hair style .....Signed Going to hell for sure but at least I no longer wear that horrible permed mullet hair style a la Kirk Cameron...
