Oh yes my friends, it certainly is true - Broke, is the new black! I feel it my duty to let you know this as I would hate for you to go through all of 2011, walking around thinking that black is what's "in". Simply put, black is out!
As you all know, we had a rental calamity towards the end of last year. It has been resolved in the aspect that we found decent renters (at least so far). However, we had to reduce the rent $145 a month. We were also left with a mess of bills. The best way for me to explain it is we are flat broke!
I have complied a "Top Ten Things I Hate To Hear While Being Broke " list that I would like to share with you.
1. Mom, I need.....
2. Hey, the car is almost on E....
3. Hey Krissy, You want to go shopping?
4. You owe (..insert name here..)....
5. You want to go out Friday night?
6. We are out of (..milk, eggs...etc..)...
7. Oops, we forgot to pay the water bill!
8. Captain Morgan?
9. My car is making a funny noise.
10. That'll be $(insert amount).
Yup, those are just some of the things I hate to hear! Really, I could go on and on about things I hate about being broke but I am sure you get the point.....
The Queen of Insanity
“I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me.” Hunter S. Thompson
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Hide and Seek
Olivia decided that she was going to play hide and seek, by herself. She went and hid in the pantry (where I recently hung up curtains in lieu of the sliding doors). Olivia stood and stood inside the pantry until finally she decided to yell out for Sarah to come find her. Sarah ignored her. Olivia continued to yell out, "Come and find me!" Still Sarah paid her no mind. Finally, Olivia yells out, "Sarah come find me!!! I'm in the PANTRY!"
Kids! They are a hoot!
The Queen of Insanity
Kids! They are a hoot!
The Queen of Insanity
Tonight On The Insanity Chronicles....
Last night I watched the evening news. The news isn't one of my favorite things to watch because it tends to be depressing more often than not. However, last night I found it quite entertaining. Here is a recap of what I saw.
1. A police officer in Texas (I think) pepper sprayed a baby squirrel. Apparently the school called the police because the squirrel was acting a bit "squirrely", charging at kids, ect. The police officer shows up and fearing the little guy might have rabies, he makes the decision to pepper spray him. While he was spraying the poor thing, a bunch of girls were screaming and video taping the whole thing. The girls were screaming, "Don't spray him! He isn't hurting anyone! STOP! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ugggg girls, girls, girls...why must you screech? Animal Control showed up, cleaned the little guy off and released him back into the wild. Every one's happy! FYI: Squirrels rarely contract rabies. I would also like to add that I hate squirrels!
2. Digital Identities - There was a story about a woman who was including her digital identity in her will. According to the news story, many people do not think about this when planning for their demise. The news didn't say much else about it other than this one lady was including it in her will. Being a responsible person, who doesn't want her digital identity left all alone in cyberspace someday....I think I am going to add it to my imaginary will a/s/a/p.
Now for those of you who are feeling hopeful that I might bequeath you The Insanity Chronicles, I regret to inform you I can not. "Why?" You might be asking yourself. Well, before you throw yourself down on the ground and throw a temper tantrum, Scott was sitting there watching the news with me and wasting no time at all, he called it! I see a major problem with this - He rarely has anything to say! I don't know why under God's green earth he would want The Insanity Chronicles. We are talking about a man my sister refers to as the perfect P.O.W.!!!! Here is a sample of what I think my blog would look like if he did in fact, decide to take over.
Today I got up, watched television, played x-box, went to work, came home, watched television and went to bed.
This is assuming that he could figure out how to get on my blog. Let's just pray that nothing happens to me and I have to actually leave it to him, shall we? If I had to leave it to someone it would be my sister or my bestie. Why? Because they are freakin' hysterical. Of course, they both started blogs a couple months after I did, blogged a few times and then stopped. Hmmmm, may be I would be better off leaving my blog to one of my daughters! Again, let's hope it never comes to that.
The Queen of Insanity
1. A police officer in Texas (I think) pepper sprayed a baby squirrel. Apparently the school called the police because the squirrel was acting a bit "squirrely", charging at kids, ect. The police officer shows up and fearing the little guy might have rabies, he makes the decision to pepper spray him. While he was spraying the poor thing, a bunch of girls were screaming and video taping the whole thing. The girls were screaming, "Don't spray him! He isn't hurting anyone! STOP! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Ugggg girls, girls, girls...why must you screech? Animal Control showed up, cleaned the little guy off and released him back into the wild. Every one's happy! FYI: Squirrels rarely contract rabies. I would also like to add that I hate squirrels!
2. Digital Identities - There was a story about a woman who was including her digital identity in her will. According to the news story, many people do not think about this when planning for their demise. The news didn't say much else about it other than this one lady was including it in her will. Being a responsible person, who doesn't want her digital identity left all alone in cyberspace someday....I think I am going to add it to my imaginary will a/s/a/p.
Now for those of you who are feeling hopeful that I might bequeath you The Insanity Chronicles, I regret to inform you I can not. "Why?" You might be asking yourself. Well, before you throw yourself down on the ground and throw a temper tantrum, Scott was sitting there watching the news with me and wasting no time at all, he called it! I see a major problem with this - He rarely has anything to say! I don't know why under God's green earth he would want The Insanity Chronicles. We are talking about a man my sister refers to as the perfect P.O.W.!!!! Here is a sample of what I think my blog would look like if he did in fact, decide to take over.
Today I got up, watched television, played x-box, went to work, came home, watched television and went to bed.
This is assuming that he could figure out how to get on my blog. Let's just pray that nothing happens to me and I have to actually leave it to him, shall we? If I had to leave it to someone it would be my sister or my bestie. Why? Because they are freakin' hysterical. Of course, they both started blogs a couple months after I did, blogged a few times and then stopped. Hmmmm, may be I would be better off leaving my blog to one of my daughters! Again, let's hope it never comes to that.
The Queen of Insanity
Friday, April 8, 2011
Really Kirk?
As promised, we will now discuss Kirk Cameron. For sometime now I have been wondering EXACTLY what religion he is. Right before I came across Gone With The Wind the other night, I noticed that he had a show on the religious station. Since I had all ready decided to commit four hours of my life to Gone With The Wind, I was forced to record Kirk Cameron's show to watch later. *Sigh*
The next morning I got up and decided I was going to watch his show and see if I couldn't figure out his choice of religion. Before I go any further though, I am just going to put a little disclaimer here because this could possibly offend some. You have been warned! Read on if you dare.....
The show was about "Sharing God's Word In a Better Way". It started off with him and another man taking turns speaking, followed by a couple of skits. Then the part which keeps sticking in my mind. I just can't get over and have to share it.
Let me set the stage: They are outside what appears to be a shopping center. People are passing by and there is an interviewer. The interviewer begins to stop people randomly and asks them three questions...well four really and here it goes.
Excuse me, do you mind if I ask you some questions?
(person shakes their head as if to say "sure")
#1. Have you ever lied about anything?
The person answers yes..
Interviewer: So what would that make you?
Person: A liar?
#2. Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you?
The person answers, I don't know or yes
Interviewer: And what do you call someone who steals?
Person: A thief?
Now I kid you not, the interviewer looked at him/her and said, "So you are a self admitted liar and thief"
and then goes directly into the next question...Are you ready?
#3. Have you ever looked at another man/woman and had an attraction to them?
Person: Yes
Interviewer: So you have all ready admitted that you are a liar and a thief...now you realize that if you have had an attraction to someone you have all ready committed the sin of adultery in your heart...You have broken three of the ten commandments. Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?
WHAT? Stop the bus people....I mean this is Kirk's idea of "Sharing God's Word In A Better Way"? WOW! Now one of them cut off in the middle and they claimed that the battery died in the video camera but he accepted God into his heart right after....Ummmm....why do I find this hard to believe? The woman's interview that they showed, well she started crying and actually did ask them to pray with her.
Now really people, I was just astounded by this. I can't stop thinking about it. I think had these people asked me these questions and tried to make me feel guilty for lying for my kid to skip school, while stealing a book from a friend and thinking how hot her husband is, they would have had one hot mess on their hands...that's all I'm sayin'
The Queen of Insanity
The next morning I got up and decided I was going to watch his show and see if I couldn't figure out his choice of religion. Before I go any further though, I am just going to put a little disclaimer here because this could possibly offend some. You have been warned! Read on if you dare.....
The show was about "Sharing God's Word In a Better Way". It started off with him and another man taking turns speaking, followed by a couple of skits. Then the part which keeps sticking in my mind. I just can't get over and have to share it.
Let me set the stage: They are outside what appears to be a shopping center. People are passing by and there is an interviewer. The interviewer begins to stop people randomly and asks them three questions...well four really and here it goes.
Excuse me, do you mind if I ask you some questions?
(person shakes their head as if to say "sure")
#1. Have you ever lied about anything?
The person answers yes..
Interviewer: So what would that make you?
Person: A liar?
#2. Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you?
The person answers, I don't know or yes
Interviewer: And what do you call someone who steals?
Person: A thief?
Now I kid you not, the interviewer looked at him/her and said, "So you are a self admitted liar and thief"
and then goes directly into the next question...Are you ready?
#3. Have you ever looked at another man/woman and had an attraction to them?
Person: Yes
Interviewer: So you have all ready admitted that you are a liar and a thief...now you realize that if you have had an attraction to someone you have all ready committed the sin of adultery in your heart...You have broken three of the ten commandments. Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?
WHAT? Stop the bus people....I mean this is Kirk's idea of "Sharing God's Word In A Better Way"? WOW! Now one of them cut off in the middle and they claimed that the battery died in the video camera but he accepted God into his heart right after....Ummmm....why do I find this hard to believe? The woman's interview that they showed, well she started crying and actually did ask them to pray with her.
Now really people, I was just astounded by this. I can't stop thinking about it. I think had these people asked me these questions and tried to make me feel guilty for lying for my kid to skip school, while stealing a book from a friend and thinking how hot her husband is, they would have had one hot mess on their hands...that's all I'm sayin'
The Queen of Insanity
Gone With The Wind
Last night I was surfing through the guide on my television looking for something to watch. I stumbled onto a classic, Gone With The Wind. Luckily, I caught it right before it was starting and was able to start recording it too, just in case I couldn't make it through the entire movie. If you have never seen it, it is a four hour movie! I also saw on channel 2 there was a 30 minute show by Kirk Cameron on and decided to record it to watch this morning - we will discuss Kirk in another blog.
Gone With The Wind....ahhhh where do I start? If you haven't seen it, you should and I don't want to ruin it for you. *This is your cue to quit reading or get prepared for my KrissyNotes (my version of the movie)* Let's get started then, shall we?
The South during the Civil War time period
Characters I want to focus on;
Scarlet, Ashlee, Rhett and Melanie
In the deep south lives a girl named Scarlett, Scarlet is in love with Ashlee and she believes that Ashlee loves her. Please note; Scarlet could have any boy she wants but has her heart set on Ashlee. However, right before a picnic she finds out that he is going to announce his engagement to Melanie, who you should know is his cousin. This sets in motion a lifetime of misery for Scarlet! Little does she know Rhett, who was at the picnic, saw her and fell in love with her on sight. Soon after Ashlee announces his engagement to Melanie, Scarlet corners Ashlee and confesses her undying love for him. In return he asks her to look after Melly while he goes off to war. Scarlet then asks practically the first guy she comes across to marry her. WOW! Okay, so Ashlee's and Scarlet's new husband go off to war. Melly and Scarlet go off to Atlanta to stay with Melly's Aunt. Scarlet gets word that her husband was sadly killed in the war, however, she is not so sad but must pretend to be in mourning. There's a fundraiser dance in town for the hospital and Scarlet sneaks on over to it. Low and behold Rhett is there and dances the night away with her. Next thing you know, Ashlee is back on a 3 day leave and Scarlett is soooo happy. All Ahslee cares about is spending time with his wife. He goes back to war and Melanie discovers she is pregnant. She has a difficult time and almost dies. The same night she gives birth the Yankees are moving in fast and Scarlet summons Rhett to take her, Melly and the new baby back to "Tara" which is the home she grew up in. They go home find the house in ruins but somehow manage to bring everything back to life. Fast forward, the war is over the Confederates surrender and Ashlee comes home. Scarlet is so excited but again, he rejects her for his wife. He admits to loving her but not in the way she wants and again she marries someone else - this time she marries a man who her sister was going to marry. He gets himself killed....again she has to act as if she's in mourning. Rhett comes and saves the day and she marries him. She goes on and on still pining away for Ashlee. Rhett is deeply in love with her but she can't love him back because, well, you know. Eventually, they have a child...Bunny (love it) and when she is about five years old, she dies...then Melly says she is pregnant and subsequently dies. Scarlet is sad and after Ashlee says a few words about Melly, Scarlet realizes that he never felt the way he lead her to believe and she realizes that she really does love Rhett...but it's too late and this is pretty much the end of the story...except for the final famous line, "Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn!"
My Take on Gone With The Wind:
The first time I watched this movie I loved it but didn't read too much into it. This all changed for me last night because I read a whole lot into it. For instance, I think Scarlet was a cross between a black widow and Hester Prynne - hence the name Scarlet! Let's face it, all of her husbands bit the bust soon after marrying her and she did not give a hoot. She spent her entire life wasted on loving a man that would never loved her back. In addition to that, she missed out on the one man who truly loved her.
Melanie (Melly) was so naive and apparently a huge fan of Scarlet. She constantly defended her no matter what. However, you just can't help but love her.
Ashlee, well, shoot, I just don't know. He is somewhat guilty of leading Scarlet on all those years. I think he enjoyed the attention and the way he could manipulate her to do whatever he wanted knowing she was madly in love with him.
Rhett, He was an incredibly rich, handsome man. Who stupidly thought he could make Scarlet love him. I guess he was successful but by the time Scarlet realized it, too late.
In conclusion, I understand Scarlet's struggles but man did she have some serious issues!
The Queen of Insanity
Gone With The Wind....ahhhh where do I start? If you haven't seen it, you should and I don't want to ruin it for you. *This is your cue to quit reading or get prepared for my KrissyNotes (my version of the movie)* Let's get started then, shall we?
The South during the Civil War time period
Characters I want to focus on;
Scarlet, Ashlee, Rhett and Melanie
In the deep south lives a girl named Scarlett, Scarlet is in love with Ashlee and she believes that Ashlee loves her. Please note; Scarlet could have any boy she wants but has her heart set on Ashlee. However, right before a picnic she finds out that he is going to announce his engagement to Melanie, who you should know is his cousin. This sets in motion a lifetime of misery for Scarlet! Little does she know Rhett, who was at the picnic, saw her and fell in love with her on sight. Soon after Ashlee announces his engagement to Melanie, Scarlet corners Ashlee and confesses her undying love for him. In return he asks her to look after Melly while he goes off to war. Scarlet then asks practically the first guy she comes across to marry her. WOW! Okay, so Ashlee's and Scarlet's new husband go off to war. Melly and Scarlet go off to Atlanta to stay with Melly's Aunt. Scarlet gets word that her husband was sadly killed in the war, however, she is not so sad but must pretend to be in mourning. There's a fundraiser dance in town for the hospital and Scarlet sneaks on over to it. Low and behold Rhett is there and dances the night away with her. Next thing you know, Ashlee is back on a 3 day leave and Scarlett is soooo happy. All Ahslee cares about is spending time with his wife. He goes back to war and Melanie discovers she is pregnant. She has a difficult time and almost dies. The same night she gives birth the Yankees are moving in fast and Scarlet summons Rhett to take her, Melly and the new baby back to "Tara" which is the home she grew up in. They go home find the house in ruins but somehow manage to bring everything back to life. Fast forward, the war is over the Confederates surrender and Ashlee comes home. Scarlet is so excited but again, he rejects her for his wife. He admits to loving her but not in the way she wants and again she marries someone else - this time she marries a man who her sister was going to marry. He gets himself killed....again she has to act as if she's in mourning. Rhett comes and saves the day and she marries him. She goes on and on still pining away for Ashlee. Rhett is deeply in love with her but she can't love him back because, well, you know. Eventually, they have a child...Bunny (love it) and when she is about five years old, she dies...then Melly says she is pregnant and subsequently dies. Scarlet is sad and after Ashlee says a few words about Melly, Scarlet realizes that he never felt the way he lead her to believe and she realizes that she really does love Rhett...but it's too late and this is pretty much the end of the story...except for the final famous line, "Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn!"
My Take on Gone With The Wind:
The first time I watched this movie I loved it but didn't read too much into it. This all changed for me last night because I read a whole lot into it. For instance, I think Scarlet was a cross between a black widow and Hester Prynne - hence the name Scarlet! Let's face it, all of her husbands bit the bust soon after marrying her and she did not give a hoot. She spent her entire life wasted on loving a man that would never loved her back. In addition to that, she missed out on the one man who truly loved her.
Melanie (Melly) was so naive and apparently a huge fan of Scarlet. She constantly defended her no matter what. However, you just can't help but love her.
Ashlee, well, shoot, I just don't know. He is somewhat guilty of leading Scarlet on all those years. I think he enjoyed the attention and the way he could manipulate her to do whatever he wanted knowing she was madly in love with him.
Rhett, He was an incredibly rich, handsome man. Who stupidly thought he could make Scarlet love him. I guess he was successful but by the time Scarlet realized it, too late.
In conclusion, I understand Scarlet's struggles but man did she have some serious issues!
The Queen of Insanity
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The Drama Queen Dancers
I have a lot going on in my feeble mind this morning so sit back and be prepared to read! In this blog I want to talk about how I could never be a coach of ANYTHING!
If I owned a dance studio and had a competition team, my teams' name would be "The Drama Queen Dancers". Why? It's certainly not because I would be adding some dramatic elements to their dancing. Shoot, just ask my nephew, Blake, he'll surely tell you all of my moves are straight out of the 80's! The Drama Queen Dancer name would solely be based on the fact that you are dealing with a bunch of pre/teen girls! Need I say more? Don't even bother answering because you and I both know, I will!
Let me set this up for you; One of my daughter's is a dancer. She dances all the time, anywhere and everywhere she can - Dancing is her life! That being said, it only makes sense that she would be on a competition dance team, right?
At the beginning of every competition season there is an informational meeting for students and parents. This meeting covers things like what the practice schedule will be, how many competitions there will be, estimated cost of commitment, as well as expectations. In my observation the most difficult requirements for team members and their parents are the practice schedule and expectations.
As a parent, I have an expectation of my girls when they participate in a group activity. Actually, the expectation applies to myself and others too. My expectation you ask? It's simple, if you make the "choice" to take part in a team of any variety, you always put your best effort forward and do what is asked of you for the benefit of the team. Easy enough, right? Well no, apparently not! Not all people instill this in their children and I find this to be a great injustice. The old adage, "You are only as strong as your weakest link" is so true. Let's put this in perspective, shall we?
Many of the girls on the team seem to be confused about what the word "team" implies and have a difficult time following directions. Here is what is expected of the girls if they CHOOSE to be on the team:
1. Barring serious illness or graded school function, you are required to be at every practice.
2. Be on time for said practices.
3. Come prepared to dance (proper dance attire for class)
4. Show up for competitions at designated time with hair and make-up done and ready to perform.
5. Have a good attitude and always put forth best effort.
Too much to ask? Not in my world but apparently it is for some others. It really irritates me that anyone would allow their child to join a team that is specifically meant to compete and the consequently allow them to not honor their commitment. What is the point? What are you teaching your child? Grant it these are pre- and teen girls. They are moody, catty, self-centered and the list could go on and on. None-the-less it is your job as a parent to direct and build character in your child. I am by no means a perfect parent; If you have read any of my other blogs you know I'm not! We have been late to practices, competitions and were guilty this very last weekend of showing up without her hair done! Let me tell you, the entire way there Abigail was flipping out because she didn't want to get in trouble. But low and behold we got there and one girl didn't have her hair or make-up done! This is not to excuse our hair issue but we did have a good reason and her instructors were aware of it before we even left our house.
Here's the difference in my daughter and some of these other girls that I refer to; My daughter will start getting ready for dance the minute she walks in the door for school (even though dance doesn't start until 3 hours later), she gets mad at me if we don't leave at least 15 minutes before class starts, she knows that if she isn't putting forth her best effort and/or was disrespectful to her instructors there will be consequences.
What boggles my mind is why these girls make the choice to participate and then proceed to, pardon my french, not give a shit! Oh and my personal favorite is when they get upset because they don't get higher scores....I digress
The Queen of Insanity
(And Obviously Rants)
If I owned a dance studio and had a competition team, my teams' name would be "The Drama Queen Dancers". Why? It's certainly not because I would be adding some dramatic elements to their dancing. Shoot, just ask my nephew, Blake, he'll surely tell you all of my moves are straight out of the 80's! The Drama Queen Dancer name would solely be based on the fact that you are dealing with a bunch of pre/teen girls! Need I say more? Don't even bother answering because you and I both know, I will!
Let me set this up for you; One of my daughter's is a dancer. She dances all the time, anywhere and everywhere she can - Dancing is her life! That being said, it only makes sense that she would be on a competition dance team, right?
At the beginning of every competition season there is an informational meeting for students and parents. This meeting covers things like what the practice schedule will be, how many competitions there will be, estimated cost of commitment, as well as expectations. In my observation the most difficult requirements for team members and their parents are the practice schedule and expectations.
As a parent, I have an expectation of my girls when they participate in a group activity. Actually, the expectation applies to myself and others too. My expectation you ask? It's simple, if you make the "choice" to take part in a team of any variety, you always put your best effort forward and do what is asked of you for the benefit of the team. Easy enough, right? Well no, apparently not! Not all people instill this in their children and I find this to be a great injustice. The old adage, "You are only as strong as your weakest link" is so true. Let's put this in perspective, shall we?
Many of the girls on the team seem to be confused about what the word "team" implies and have a difficult time following directions. Here is what is expected of the girls if they CHOOSE to be on the team:
1. Barring serious illness or graded school function, you are required to be at every practice.
2. Be on time for said practices.
3. Come prepared to dance (proper dance attire for class)
4. Show up for competitions at designated time with hair and make-up done and ready to perform.
5. Have a good attitude and always put forth best effort.
Too much to ask? Not in my world but apparently it is for some others. It really irritates me that anyone would allow their child to join a team that is specifically meant to compete and the consequently allow them to not honor their commitment. What is the point? What are you teaching your child? Grant it these are pre- and teen girls. They are moody, catty, self-centered and the list could go on and on. None-the-less it is your job as a parent to direct and build character in your child. I am by no means a perfect parent; If you have read any of my other blogs you know I'm not! We have been late to practices, competitions and were guilty this very last weekend of showing up without her hair done! Let me tell you, the entire way there Abigail was flipping out because she didn't want to get in trouble. But low and behold we got there and one girl didn't have her hair or make-up done! This is not to excuse our hair issue but we did have a good reason and her instructors were aware of it before we even left our house.
Here's the difference in my daughter and some of these other girls that I refer to; My daughter will start getting ready for dance the minute she walks in the door for school (even though dance doesn't start until 3 hours later), she gets mad at me if we don't leave at least 15 minutes before class starts, she knows that if she isn't putting forth her best effort and/or was disrespectful to her instructors there will be consequences.
What boggles my mind is why these girls make the choice to participate and then proceed to, pardon my french, not give a shit! Oh and my personal favorite is when they get upset because they don't get higher scores....I digress
The Queen of Insanity
(And Obviously Rants)
Monday, April 4, 2011
Brand New Broken Bed
At the beginning of March I decided to buy Olivia a new bedroom set. The reason I made this choice was two fold; One, her mattresses were at least a decade old and she was the third owner and two, I was tired of Lilly (our Beagle/Lab mix) taking everything under the sun under her bed to chew and destroy.
I went to Value City Furniture and picked out a super cute set! It is called OMG! and is white with some pink accenting on it. I did the package deal which meant I got the headboard, foot board, dresser and mirror. I ordered a trundle bed for it so that Lilly wouldn't be able to get under the bed anymore. Plus, my girls like to slumber in each other's rooms and this was the perfect solution all the way around. The only drawback was it was all on back order for a month! However, I was willing to wait because I had much to do in her room before it arrived.
Finally the day arrived when the bed would be delivered. Olivia and I were both excited! She had been counting down the days until it came since I told her about my purchase...The bed comes, the delivery guys set it up, I sign the paperwork and they left. I went upstairs to make up the bed before Olivia got home from school.
I put the sheets on the bed, put her princess quilt on followed by decorative pillows. It looks perfectly adorable! I then move on to the trundle bed...I start to pull it out from under the bed and BAM just like that the whole front end of it falls off! My first reaction is to look around for children because surely I could not be responsible for the demise of this bed so quickly! Then I realize this was all me and out of no where comes Sarah who takes one look at the bed, then me and says, "REALLY MOM? Why did you do that to LivLia's bed?" WOW! If that wasn't a turning of the tables moment I don't know what is!
At this point I am beyond pissed! I got up, got my receipt and immediately called Value City and demanded a new trundle. Seriously, this bed was in my house for less than 30 minutes and was all ready broken. They, of course, agreed to give me a new trundle but I have to wait till this coming Wednesday to get it. Great!
The Queen of Insanity (and apparent super human strength)
I went to Value City Furniture and picked out a super cute set! It is called OMG! and is white with some pink accenting on it. I did the package deal which meant I got the headboard, foot board, dresser and mirror. I ordered a trundle bed for it so that Lilly wouldn't be able to get under the bed anymore. Plus, my girls like to slumber in each other's rooms and this was the perfect solution all the way around. The only drawback was it was all on back order for a month! However, I was willing to wait because I had much to do in her room before it arrived.
Finally the day arrived when the bed would be delivered. Olivia and I were both excited! She had been counting down the days until it came since I told her about my purchase...The bed comes, the delivery guys set it up, I sign the paperwork and they left. I went upstairs to make up the bed before Olivia got home from school.
I put the sheets on the bed, put her princess quilt on followed by decorative pillows. It looks perfectly adorable! I then move on to the trundle bed...I start to pull it out from under the bed and BAM just like that the whole front end of it falls off! My first reaction is to look around for children because surely I could not be responsible for the demise of this bed so quickly! Then I realize this was all me and out of no where comes Sarah who takes one look at the bed, then me and says, "REALLY MOM? Why did you do that to LivLia's bed?" WOW! If that wasn't a turning of the tables moment I don't know what is!
At this point I am beyond pissed! I got up, got my receipt and immediately called Value City and demanded a new trundle. Seriously, this bed was in my house for less than 30 minutes and was all ready broken. They, of course, agreed to give me a new trundle but I have to wait till this coming Wednesday to get it. Great!
The Queen of Insanity (and apparent super human strength)
Busy, Busy, Sick
Over the last week I have been one busy gal. I have painted my master bath, my daughter Olivia's room, reorganized my pantry and after several years of frustration, took down the pantry doors. Oh and lest we not forget, dance competition season started this weekend.
It all started in December when I bought paint for my master bathroom. When I bought the paint that cold December day I thought I would paint the very next day. Yeah, so that didn't happen. The can of paint sat and sat and sat in my kitchen until a few weeks later when I decided to carry upstairs to my bathroom. I thought this would motivate me. Nope, no such luck! Actually, the main reason it took me so long to get started was I had a case of bursitis in my right shoulder. I took a week's worth of steroids in order to heal up but by the end of the week I had gained a mere 5lbs and still had shoulder pain. Eventually though the pain subsided and the excuse of my shoulder was just that - an excuse!
Everyday when I went into my bathroom I would see the paint sitting there beckoning me to use it. Last week I finally decided it was time to use the paint. It took forever to finish and I remembered exactly why I put it off so long! Painting bathrooms sucks! There are so many things to work around, the toilet, medicine cabinets, sinks, tub, shower....uggg!! However, I finally got it done. After it was first done I thought, "Did I seriously pick this color?" but once I got used to it, I have fallen in love with the color. It was such a shocking change of color - I went from a sage green to aqua glow. I have a beach theme going on in there now. I figure if I can't be at the beach, I'll bring the beach to me!
Finally with the bathroom done I decided that I oughta get Olivia's room squared away before her new bed came. I began cleaning, organizing and packing stuff up and out of the way. Once the room was in better shape I realized that her room needed painting. I asked her what color she would like and she said purple with black polka-dots. Ummm, I am not sure why she thought that I would even consider this but apparently she did. I showed her the colors of her Disney princess bedding and she decided that blue with pink polka-dots would be ok. Seriously, polka-dots? Good Heavens kids these day aren't easy to please!
Off to Lowe's to get more paint...Scott graciously helped me paint the room blue but bailed when it was time to do the polka-dots ~ Go figure. Actually, I found a stencil for the dots which made it go a lot faster than having to, I don't know hand paint them! The final product met her approval and I was glad to be done with it. Personally, I think the room is a bit dizzy but if the five year old likes....
I still had some energy to spare and made the decision to finally do something about my pantry - specifically the doors. You see for the past nine years we have lived here the door on my pantry have been knocked off a total of 3,500,000 times - LITERALLY! I am not sure how my children manage to knock them off over and over and over again but they do. I don't know if they get so excited to eat me out of house and home that they plow right into the doors or what. All I know is I could not take it for one more day and removed the doors. Scott, of course, was completely opposed to the idea but after years of begging him to do something about it, I took matters into my own hands.
I took the doors off and put them in my laundry room. Then I took EVERYTHING out of my pantry and decided to organize it - knowing this would make Scott happy. You see, I am not what you would consider "organizational" by any stretch of the imagination. When Scott and I first got married we would fight every time I came home with grocery bags. He wanted all the cans to be facing forward, green beans with green beans, tomato soup with tomato soup..you get the picture. In my feeble mind; veggies go with veggies, soup is soup and do we really need to be so concerned with stacking like items?? Personally, I like the thrill of the search! In my opinion, he was just too lazy to look for what he wanted and a bit anal. This was probably the first time I thought, "How did I get myself into this mess?".
Alright, I have to go on a tangent and completely off topic but after I wrote that I remembered something my sister told me some time ago. When she was on her way to the church to get married, our Dad asked her if she was sure she wanted to get married and that he would be more than happy to turn around. Did my Father do this when I got married??? OH NO! Perfectly acceptable for my sister to be a runaway bride but me....oh hello kitty no! I think that they just wanted me out of the house and they didn't care how that happened. Actually, when I told my Mom of my engagement at the ripe age of 19, she looked right at me with disappointment and said, "YOU ARE TOO YOUNG!" At the time, I thought what is she talking about? This woman who got married at 17 years of age! Hmmmff! Now I realize, she was speaking from experience. I was a teenager, I knew EVERYTHING!
*Back on topic* I made the executive decision that in order to get what I wanted, I should try to please my husband at the same time. This meant organizing the pantry. I went to the store and bought all different types of organizing shelves, came home and went to work. By the time I was done it looked like a professional organizer had stopped by! I sent Scott a text and told him he was going to LOVE me more than ever when he got home. When he got home and looked at it he was pleased. Not thrilled mind you but pleased. What the freakin' heck??? Almost 18 years of marriage and apparently his standards have been stomped out. Whatever! I am happy and at the end of the day, that's what matters, right???
With my spring cleaning rampage drawing to an end I fell victim to a cold. I woke up late last Thursday and had to drive Olivia to school so she would be on time. I didn't bother to change out of my pj's, I was too exhausted. I came home and sat on the couch comatose and finally decided that a shower might perk me up. It did no such thing and I ended up falling asleep on the couch for 2.5 hours, only to wake when Olivia came home from school. I did a few things around the house, went to Sam's Club, made dinner and took yet another two hour nap!
Friday night was Abigail's first dance competition (I will save THAT story for another blog) and then spent the rest of the weekend at home, doing nothing.
The Queen of Insanity
It all started in December when I bought paint for my master bathroom. When I bought the paint that cold December day I thought I would paint the very next day. Yeah, so that didn't happen. The can of paint sat and sat and sat in my kitchen until a few weeks later when I decided to carry upstairs to my bathroom. I thought this would motivate me. Nope, no such luck! Actually, the main reason it took me so long to get started was I had a case of bursitis in my right shoulder. I took a week's worth of steroids in order to heal up but by the end of the week I had gained a mere 5lbs and still had shoulder pain. Eventually though the pain subsided and the excuse of my shoulder was just that - an excuse!
Everyday when I went into my bathroom I would see the paint sitting there beckoning me to use it. Last week I finally decided it was time to use the paint. It took forever to finish and I remembered exactly why I put it off so long! Painting bathrooms sucks! There are so many things to work around, the toilet, medicine cabinets, sinks, tub, shower....uggg!! However, I finally got it done. After it was first done I thought, "Did I seriously pick this color?" but once I got used to it, I have fallen in love with the color. It was such a shocking change of color - I went from a sage green to aqua glow. I have a beach theme going on in there now. I figure if I can't be at the beach, I'll bring the beach to me!
Finally with the bathroom done I decided that I oughta get Olivia's room squared away before her new bed came. I began cleaning, organizing and packing stuff up and out of the way. Once the room was in better shape I realized that her room needed painting. I asked her what color she would like and she said purple with black polka-dots. Ummm, I am not sure why she thought that I would even consider this but apparently she did. I showed her the colors of her Disney princess bedding and she decided that blue with pink polka-dots would be ok. Seriously, polka-dots? Good Heavens kids these day aren't easy to please!
Off to Lowe's to get more paint...Scott graciously helped me paint the room blue but bailed when it was time to do the polka-dots ~ Go figure. Actually, I found a stencil for the dots which made it go a lot faster than having to, I don't know hand paint them! The final product met her approval and I was glad to be done with it. Personally, I think the room is a bit dizzy but if the five year old likes....
I still had some energy to spare and made the decision to finally do something about my pantry - specifically the doors. You see for the past nine years we have lived here the door on my pantry have been knocked off a total of 3,500,000 times - LITERALLY! I am not sure how my children manage to knock them off over and over and over again but they do. I don't know if they get so excited to eat me out of house and home that they plow right into the doors or what. All I know is I could not take it for one more day and removed the doors. Scott, of course, was completely opposed to the idea but after years of begging him to do something about it, I took matters into my own hands.
I took the doors off and put them in my laundry room. Then I took EVERYTHING out of my pantry and decided to organize it - knowing this would make Scott happy. You see, I am not what you would consider "organizational" by any stretch of the imagination. When Scott and I first got married we would fight every time I came home with grocery bags. He wanted all the cans to be facing forward, green beans with green beans, tomato soup with tomato soup..you get the picture. In my feeble mind; veggies go with veggies, soup is soup and do we really need to be so concerned with stacking like items?? Personally, I like the thrill of the search! In my opinion, he was just too lazy to look for what he wanted and a bit anal. This was probably the first time I thought, "How did I get myself into this mess?".
Alright, I have to go on a tangent and completely off topic but after I wrote that I remembered something my sister told me some time ago. When she was on her way to the church to get married, our Dad asked her if she was sure she wanted to get married and that he would be more than happy to turn around. Did my Father do this when I got married??? OH NO! Perfectly acceptable for my sister to be a runaway bride but me....oh hello kitty no! I think that they just wanted me out of the house and they didn't care how that happened. Actually, when I told my Mom of my engagement at the ripe age of 19, she looked right at me with disappointment and said, "YOU ARE TOO YOUNG!" At the time, I thought what is she talking about? This woman who got married at 17 years of age! Hmmmff! Now I realize, she was speaking from experience. I was a teenager, I knew EVERYTHING!
*Back on topic* I made the executive decision that in order to get what I wanted, I should try to please my husband at the same time. This meant organizing the pantry. I went to the store and bought all different types of organizing shelves, came home and went to work. By the time I was done it looked like a professional organizer had stopped by! I sent Scott a text and told him he was going to LOVE me more than ever when he got home. When he got home and looked at it he was pleased. Not thrilled mind you but pleased. What the freakin' heck??? Almost 18 years of marriage and apparently his standards have been stomped out. Whatever! I am happy and at the end of the day, that's what matters, right???
With my spring cleaning rampage drawing to an end I fell victim to a cold. I woke up late last Thursday and had to drive Olivia to school so she would be on time. I didn't bother to change out of my pj's, I was too exhausted. I came home and sat on the couch comatose and finally decided that a shower might perk me up. It did no such thing and I ended up falling asleep on the couch for 2.5 hours, only to wake when Olivia came home from school. I did a few things around the house, went to Sam's Club, made dinner and took yet another two hour nap!
Friday night was Abigail's first dance competition (I will save THAT story for another blog) and then spent the rest of the weekend at home, doing nothing.
The Queen of Insanity
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