My day started like this; Mom, we missed the bus! Normally, the first thing that would pop into a parent's mind would be anger followed by, "Great! Now I have to get up, get dressed and drive your astronaut to school!" But not me, no, the first thing that entered my mind was laughter. I started laughing! You see, my sister is writing a book called Mom, I missed the bus!. So as I laid there half asleep, all I could think about was my sister's funny manuscript about raising kids. Finally, I got myself awake enough to look at the clock and realized I could sleep ten more minutes. I told Abigail to wake me up at 7:00am and to let Torros out.
Promptly at 7:00am, Abigail stood over me summoning me out of bed. I had hoped that I would get to sleep in again this morning but I guess this wasn't in the cards today. I got up, got dressed and drove Emma and Abigail to school. All the while hoping that no one would see me. I didn't bother to brush my hair, in fact, I just threw on some mismatched clothes sans undergarments and was ready to go. As I sit here typing this, I am reminded of a similar situation that happened to me as a teenager.
In high school I drove a 1979 Mustang. It wasn't the best car in the world but in those days, (GAWD! Did I really just type "in those days"?) we were happy to have any kind of car. Have you driven past any high school parking lot these days and looked at the vehicles parked in the lot? Seriously, a vast majority of the cars in a high school parking lot are way better than anything I could have hoped to drive! Shoot, some of them are nicer than what I drive now. Okay focus Krissy, focus.....My Mustang had issues, a cracked engine block to be exact. However, it drove despite the grey fog that seeped out the tailpipe while cruising along. It was for this reason that my friends thought it would be funny to get me a key chain that read, "Keys to the Shit mobile".
One morning I was following my normal routine of getting ready, picking up Michelle and heading to school when tragedy struck. Tragedy? I think that's a little mellow-dramatic for the situation but whatever. Michelle was in the car, we were headed to school when low and behold my car just died. Luckily we weren't far from her house and were able to go back inside and call my Mom. You might also note that we didn't have cellphones then or we wouldn't have had to get out of the car. My Mom, apparently in a similar prediciment as I was in this morning jumped into action. She was quickly there to drive us to school. On the ride there she felt it necessary to announce to us that she hoped we didn't get in an accident because she wasn't wearing any underwear! What the????? Seriously, Michelle and I both burst into laughter. For me it was utter humiliation and for Michelle, I can only guess it was simply hysterical.
This brings me to my next topic. Why do people of a certain generation worry about having clean underwear on in the event of an accident? Let's be honest, if you get into a fender bender you aren't likely to soil your britches. If by chance the accident is severe enough to cause you to lose control, are you really going to care what your underwear look like? Your first thought after a serious accident, "Oh dear! I hope my underwear are clean!" I think not!
The Queen of Insanity
I remember that morning HAHA I also remember you stuffing a kitchen towel in the crack in the console to keep the smoke from coming inside the car. HAHA Im not making fun, fun cause it was better than my ride.........The good ol days...