Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 2 - Life Without Smoothie Brews

Hi, my name is Krissy (Hi Krissy!) and it has been two days since my last Smoothie Brew coffee. 

The first time I had a coffee from Smoothie Brews I thought I could handle it.  I would be in control.  I don't even really like coffee.  It's just a flavored mocha, what could it hurt?  Just this one time, it'll be okay. 

At first, I only went every once awhile.  Then I found myself going every couple of days and before you know it every day.  It progressed to the point that I was going everyday, twice a day!  Sometimes I would even go three times in one day. It was a serious problem to my budget.  I say this because there were times that I gathered up change to pay for a milky way fix. I could always find a way to pay for one.  At my lowest point, and I am embarrassed to admit it, I would deny my kids a strawberry smoothie so that I could afford my fix. 

I did find another place to get a fix yesterday but I dont' think it counts since it wasn't Smoothie Brews. 

The Queen of Insanity


  1. I laugh at your addiction but as an addictive type, I can completely understand. Hey idea if we go to Joanne today....guess whats right by it? LOL
