By request I am updating my blog - Apparently, I am letting down one of my 13 followers!! So here it goes a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
My weekend in review: Friday night my bestie Michelle came over and we had a "Jeggins" night. Jeggins you ask? Well they are apparently really popular with the teens these days. They are leggings that look like jeans. I got mine on a whim, they were $1.98 - If you saw them, you would understand why! Shell and I wore them around the house...cuz that my friend's is how we roll! Sometimes, it more fun to stay in and wear crazy comfortable clothes than to go out! We also like to have themed nights. The only downfall to staying in is you are at the childrens' disposal. BOOOOO!!! It wouldn't be so bad but the children are prone to make up dances and shows that we are then forced to view. Luckily, Michelle and I are prone to A.D.D. and quickly forget the torture that was bestowed up on us! Any who, back to the jeggings, they are comfy but the problem I had with mine is they wouldn't stay up. Anytime I moved they would slide down and show my butt crack! Needless to say, I will not be wearing them in public. Well, that was never my intention anyway...Michelle and I also partook in some true TV and adult beverages. However, we discovered we aren't spring chickens on Friday nights and she left at 11ish.
After she left, I decided to start a load of laundry when one of my lovely daughters came to the door. Here is how the conversation went;
"Mom, those jeggins make your legs look skinny!"
"My legs ARE skinny!"
"No they aren't!" (Sarcastic eye rolling)
Yes, I just LOVE having four daughters! Here are some other instances of why I love having four girls:
"Hey Mom! Move your big butt out of my way!"
"Mom, You might want to do something about your's getting prickly!"
"Mom, You should try to get on The Biggest Loser"
"Mom, you have a butt belly!"
"Mom, you have bad need to go brush your teeth!"
"Seriously Mom! Are you really going to wear that?"
My favorite is when my three year old says to me, "WHY DO YOU HAVE MAKE-UP ON?? HMMM?" followed by, "Is Shell comin' over?". Which then leads to the question, "WHERE are YOU going?"
Really? My three year old treats me like she is my Mother! I am just waiting for her to tell me I need o wipe some of my make-up off because I look like a hussy! I guess in her defense, I don't usually wear make-up unless I am going out. Perhaps she is just concerned about my whereabouts???
Yes, these are just some of the things my lovely daughters say to me! Aren't you jealous? I could go on and on with lots of other complimentary things they grace me with everyday but I think that is enough. I am sure you get the picture and quite frankly, it's depressing. Do they think I am unaware of the fact that I am short for my weight? Do they not realize they are part of the original problem? HELLO? How do they think I got his way???? The twins, reeked havoc on my stomach but eventually I was able to recover. Then I had Olivia - who totally halted all the progress I had made. By the time I had Sarah, well, I was just a hot mess! It is very difficult to bounce back from pregnancy at 35. Eventually I did make progress and lost a good 40lbs. Alas, all good things must come to an end, I gained every last bit of it back due to prescription meds and stress. STRESS?? Why ever would I have stress in my life? Living in my house is like being in a popularity contest! Do they like me today? Do I look okay? Did I brush my teeth and use mouthwash? Good heavens' its a lot of pressure!
Now that I am depressed, I guess I will focus on more of my weekend. At least that was more positive! Saturday my ever so precious daughters and I had hair appointments; as did Natalie and her two kids. Ninety-five dollars later, the twins got highlights and trims, Olivia got her hair trimmed, Sarah got a bob because Emily got one and I got highlights and a trim. So not only are my daughter's blessed with the gift of gab and sarcasm, they cost me a fortune! LOVE IT!
After our hair appointments were over, we had to rush home, get Emma, Abigail and Olivias' bags packed to stay over night with their Grandma Joyce, get something to eat and go to the rental house to show it to a couple of people. Have I mentioned how over rental properties I am? Natalie was kind enough to go with me to show the house so that I didn't get raped or murdered. Little does she know that my plan all along was to throw her to the murderous rapist while I made my getaway! JUST KIDDING! Michelle and I watch way too many true murder mystery shows. So while Natalie and I were risking life and limb to show my rental house, Grandma showed up to take the oldest three for child labor.....oh whoa...I mean an overnight! Actually, I don't care what their Grandma does with them when she has them so long as they are out of my hair! Sarah and I were going to enjoy a very peaceful afternoon!
Finally we arrived back at home and I finished up the straightening of my house before my company arrived.
Tanya, Garrett and Lauren (T's friend originally but now mine too) got here around 5:30pm, we ordered pizza and drank coffee. I might add, its not a great combo but I find as you get older you have to drink coffee in the evening to have any hope of making it past 11pm. Shoot my sister has to drink 2.5 hours minimum of a 5 hour energy drink to stay up late! HA Just kidding well, may be not....Hmmm. Eventually, Tanya, Lauren and I got ready to go out. Sarah was all up in my kool-aid, wanting to know exactly why I was putting on make-up - This make-up situation is out of control people!!! Finally, I escaped my house with the ladies and headed Old Bill Baileys.
I don't know if I have ever mentioned Bill Bailey's before, I can't imagine that I haven't. Its a great little hole in the wall bar. I love that place for so many different reasons! First of all, it is a treasure trove of freaks! Secondly, you can wear whatever (I think next time I am wearing my PJ'S...Michelle, you in????), say whatever, do whatever and no one thinks twice about it. Lastly, their prices fit into my boojay! The one and only drawback is they close at 1am. Last call at 12:40ish...I don't know why this tidbit comes as a surprise to us every single time we close the place down? We picked up Tammy and to Bill Baileys we went...
Sorry to leave you hanging but I do have other things I gotta get done right now....
The Queen of Insanity
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