Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What If They Are All Black Sheep?

You know how all families claim to have a black sheep?  Well, I think there are families where every last one of them are "black sheep".  "Where is this coming from?, "Who is she talking about?", you might be asking yourself  now.  Well I can't rightly say who I am talking about! I am trying to protect my own hide here people!  Let's just say I have know these people for a good while, mmmmmkay?  If we are being honest here, it is probably wrong of me to be so judgemental in this circumstance but I don't even care. 

Let me begin this rambling by saying that I am all for family gatherings.  I love seeing my extended family that I only get to see every once in awhile.  The "every once in awhile" is what makes it so great to see them!  I fear that if I saw them all, all the time I would take them for granted. I think part of the wonderful relationships I have/had with my Grandparents can be attributed to not seeing them all that often! When we do/did get to see them it was special and I like "special". 

My Mom's family has a get-together once a year at Christmas time.  More often than not I attend because I "enjoy" seeing them and our so-called black sheep's (and I believe my Mom's family has a few black sheep) do not generally show up. However, we enjoy when at least one of them shows up to give us something to chatter about later.  Shoot, one of our black sheep's was on the show Wife Swap - now that was fun for my immediate family! In short, they miss you if you can't be there but they understand if you aren't. They do not gossip (as far as I know) or talk badly about you if you happen to not attend.

My Dad's family rarely, if ever get together for anything.  In our/their defense, my Dad comes from a large family.  I have so many cousins that I literally do not know even half of them! Shoot, I dont' even know how many cousins I have out their! I could be walking down the street right next to them and not know who the hello kitty they were! Although, the cousins I do know and/or have met over time, almost all have the same exact personalities - myself and siblings included!  We are all very fun, loving, hyper-spaz, tell it like is, your best friend who will go to the ends of the earth for you IF you don't ever cross me and make me your worst enemy kinda people.  It's just in our nature.  And in this case, any cousin on this side of my family that isn't like that would be considered our black sheep.

Now, there is a group of people I know, who may or may not be related to myself and who shall remain nameless to protect myself, that are all a few fries short of a happy meal.  How was that for a run-on sentence????  In other words, they are all black sheep in my book. I will go to any length to avoid having to attend a function with them.  The truth is I just feel uncomfortable because I am pretty sure they all hate my guts.  If I had to guess why, it would probably be due to the part of my a fore mentioned personality traits, "Tell it like it is" and "Don't cross me".  You see, my friends, I am simply unable to keep my mouth shut if someone crosses me, tries to manipulate me or talks about me behind my back.  I assure you, you are much better off to say something to my face rather than me hearing it second hand. You can ask around if you haven't experienced me..I can be downright brutal!  That being said, I am also very patient/tolerant with the people I truly love.  It literally takes the straw that breaks the camel's back to really get me going or if I am having a bad day and sometimes if I have PMS.  It's a gamble, you just have to roll the dice and see where I am at!

At any given rate, some people who have overly tested my patience/tolerance and there is just no hope for them to get back on my good side. *Seriously, once you have used your given allotment of hall passes with me,  I am done.  It's brutal, I know but I am not going to be any one's doormat.

In conclusion and to the point; I think this group, with one big exception and may be a couple of others are in serious need of a sheep dog!  That's all I wanted to say.

The Queen of Insanity

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