Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Now For The Rest of The Story.....

As I stated in my second to last blog, I walked out to the patio of the bar to find Tammy, Jessica and Wil (Jessie's ex-boyfriend).  Wil stated that he nearly killed my sister.  Now you are all caught up and I can go on with my story.

Apparently, Wil had gotten excited to see Tammy (I can understand that) and in his excitement, picked her up to give her a bear hug.  After he picked her up for this loving gesture, he lost his balance and they both hit the ground, only Tammy didn't just hit the ground, Tammy hit her head on this concrete curb.  I jumped into my Dr. Mom mode and assessed her situation.  She had a goose egg on her head. This is good....yes very good!  Her eyes looked fine and she didn't feel sick to her stomach.  All good signs people!  She decided that she wanted to walk around a bit.  We walked around a bit, feeling old and a decrepit in this bar that is obviously not meant for anyone over the age of 23.  Since I am such an old fart, it hit me that I had to use the powder room.  Tammy and I make our way to the bathroom.  I couldn't help but notice that there was a line outside of the men's room and not the ladies - very interesting but off topic here.  I left Tammy unattended for a few minutes while I used the restroom and when I came out, she was gone!  Oh crap!  I rush around looking for her and to be honest, she shouldn't have been hard to find since clearly we were outsiders in this establishment!  I went back to the table where Jessica and Wil were sitting only to discover she is not there!  Jessie starts panicking and questioning me about her Mom's where-abouts.  Then I felt like I should be panicked but before I could go into full swing panic mode, I hear Tammy calling my name.  PRAISE THE LORD!!!!  Crisis overted.  She had gone outside the fence line to get some "fresh" air.  I went out to where she was sitting willingly because I knew that I wouldn't have to dig for my I.D. to get back in.  She had decided that she wanted to go home with me instead of ruining Jessie's evening. 

Tammy and I walked back to where I had parked and began the trek back to my house.  We were about a quarter of the way home when Tammy's cellphone rang.  It was Jessie.  Great news people!  Tammy had Jessica's keys in her purse. Of course we were not in an area that no one should exit on in the wee hours of the night but for the sake of Jessie, we exited.  Here we are in the ghetto of Columbus and we are both thirsty.  We spot a McDonald's and head to the drive-thru.  I got a Frappuccino and Tammy got a coffee and a cup of ice water.  I decide to ask these lovely McDonald's employees if they happen to have an ice pack for Tammy's head wound.  Uh, umm, yeah they didn't have one.  I asked if they had a first aid kit that they could check and they told me no. NO? Are you kidding me?  Seriously, this has to be some kind of code violation.  Since they didn't have an ice pack, they gave us a plastic bag and a cup of ice - good enough.  Back on the freeway, unscathed by the dangers of Livingston after dark, we headed back to Brother's. 

By now the bars have all closed and there are youngins' everywhere!  Not to mention the police presence - luckily we are mature adults and above suspicion as we cruise down the road looking for our sweet little Jessica.  Finally we find her and give her her keys.  Tammy has decided that instead of staying at my house or Jessie's for the night, she is going to drive on home.  We locate Jessica's car so Tammy can retrieve her keys and other belongings.  But wait!  Tammy's car is not here, it is at Jessie's which is on campus.  Off to
OSU campus to drop Tammy off and she can be on her way back to Lancaster and I can get back to P-Town. 

Yes my friends, I did the Tour De Columbus this particular night.  It was fun, exciting and exhausting all at the same time!

The Queen of Insanity


  1. sounds like I missed an interesting night :(

  2. Oh girl you have no idea!!!! lol I think you and Kevin were at your friends halloween party :o(
