I have been contemplating back and forth, back and forth and forth and back about how exactly I would blog this. You see, one of our baby birds began dating this sweet boy, who'll we'll be calling "Ahab" to protect his identity - you will understand this choice of name as the blog progresses. Ahab, has what I, The Queen of Insanity, would consider an incredibly zealous and overprotective parent. It isn't often I find myself at a loss for words, in fact, rarely can I not think of something to say. Okay, I don't necessarily think I am vklempt, so much as I am completely baffled. How exactly does one process a real life encounter with someone who can't be reasoned with? The story you are about to read is going to come in installments. There is so much, far too much to blog about in one sitting and trust me, as you read each installment, you will understand.
Installment Uno ~ Jezebel and Ahab - Meet The Parents
A couple months or so ago, Jezebel came home from school and told me her best friend was given a phone number or gave her phone number to this cute boy named Ahab. Jezebel was excited at the prospect of someone new to date. Now, a rule we have as responsible parents - one or both of us have to meet said suitor. Ahab came to our house first and met moi', as my baby daddy was off earning a living this particular evening. Ahab seemed like a nice enough beau, though he was very quiet. I am NOT quiet and quiet people freak me out! However, it was welcomed in this instance because I wasn't quite over the last breakup. I certainly didn't have it in me to "like" someone else.
*Words of advice: If at all possible, do not talk to, like, or enjoy the company of any significant other your baby birds bring home - this can and should include any and all friends. Your baby birds will fight with their boy/friends and they will be plucked from your life, just-like-that! You will have no recourse and any relationship you had with these "friends" must immediately cease. Had anyone told me years ago I would be a silent victim of my offsprings "relationships gone wrong", I would never have believed it! True story.
Ahab had come here, which meant Jezebel had to go there. I truly had no concerns about Jezebel going there to meet his Mom (Who will be referred to from here on out as Mother Teresa) and who I thought, at the time, was his step dad but later found out, is actually just her boyfriend. Now, why would I ever question they would not instantly fall in love with my sweet, funny, kind, talented, beautiful baby bird????? Sooooooo, whaaaa happened was.....I was wrong! Mother Teresa didn't like her. I didn't know this without absolute certainty until about a week later. But let's face it, they are more than likely not in a lifetime commitment. Something like a Lifetime Movie trailer YES! OMG!!! If only you could hear my laughter right now - I don't care who you are, that's funny! Anyway, Jezebel had the same vibe about Mother Teresa.
This concludes installment uno.
The Queen of Insanity
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