Saturday, May 10, 2014

Catch Up

I know I am a totally irresponsible blogger.  I come and go as I please and don't update very often. My explanation is simple - I have a life outside of this computer.  If I hadn't got married at twenty, had four kids and put said kids in activities, I would have way more time to entertain. However, had I not done all of those crazy things, I would have nothing exciting to blog about, right?

To catch you all up, there have been more changes in this household since I last blogged.  I may or may not have already covered them but I am not going back to read over my past blogs to see.  This being said, I am sure my take on them now will be different than before, so sit back and enjoy my musings.

OPERATION CROCK POT RECAP - It is truly a great idea in theory.  I managed to complete, give or take, twenty-five meals.  There are some major flaws in this idea of pre-making meals as you will see below:

  • Remembering you have labored in the kitchen to pre-make crock pot meals
  • Remembering to pull one out of the freezer the night before
  • Trying to pry one of the bags apart from the other stack of meals
  • Remember to put them in crock pot the next morning
  • Remember to turn crock pot on
  • Convincing youngest child that eldest child is a liar, it tastes great!
  • Cleaning crock pot over and over again (*note to self* buy liners for crock pot)
I am not saying its not fantastic to come home to a nice meal, there are a lot of factors to getting there.  I would probably do it again but find a better way to organize it.  As for the human child factor, their choice is to eat it or have nothing.  I am not a short order cook!  Be thankful, after all, there are starving children in China. 

Okay, I have to be honest, I said I wasn't going to go back and browse through my old blogs - I did. Confession complete.

Olivia is still loving her new gym.  I still love not working at the drug store.  Lots of things to love. But then there was just one more thing, dance.....

In the fall, Olivia and Abigail started taking ballet technique classes at a brand new studio.  This new studio is fantastic and complete with retired professional dancers, who now want to teach.  Both girls have learned so much and I definitely believe it is worth every penny it has cost.  However, with change there is always fall out.

Abigail, especially, has thrived in this new environment!  She has learned about new and different techniques. Her execution of the old has improved and she is happy there.  Originally this addition was merely meant to be a supplement.  It quickly became obvious this was in no way going to be a supplemental situation - she wanted it all the time.  She decided the following dance season that she would be moving dance studios all together. 

*Enter Drama - Stage Left*

As you can imagine, making a decision to leave a studio you have been at for several years is not easy -add in a teaspoon of teenage girl, one cup of women and what you have is the beginnings of a spicy disaster!  For the record, it is a dish best served cold!

Now I am going to put this right out there - Why yes women, I am throwing us all under the bus!"  Get over it.  I don't care who you are, if you are a woman you are 100% capable of drama, myself included.  In my flimsy defense, I have a whole lot of no patience for drama created outside of myself and therefore my reactions to drama are swift and not always well thought out.  While my swift reactions aren't always well thought out, I rarely have regrets about making them.  This is how I roll - sorry haters!

In the months building up to the complete change of studios, there was a lot of unspoken animosity. Then slowly but surely the animosity became verbal.  It was never specifically addressed just little jabs here and there.  One episode was about shoes.  Abigail had some money and wanted to buy herself a pair of lyrical shoes.  *Mom does touchdown dance*  I took her to the dance store and rather than buying the usual foot undies, she decided on a pair of crossover lyrical shoes (I can never remember what they are called). She decided on them because she knew she would eventually be moving to the new studio and wanted to be prepared.  I, being optimistic, suggested she take them with her to assist at old studio one night.  I suggested because she was excited about them and it wasn't her night to dance - in my mind, a good opportunity to get a feel for them.  Mom's out there, you do not always know best!  I know it's Mother's Day weekend and all but I can not even lie in hindsight and say it was the most brilliant idea I ever had.  Words were spoken to Abigail about the shoes.

Between January and the time we finally left, several other incidents happened.  I won't bore you with all the mundane details, just know my daughter was made to feel very uncomfortable on more than one occasion.  I will also say whether real or perceived, it could have all gone down very differently if Abigail had more life experience.  This is not the case, she is merely 15 years old and still learning how to deal with difficult situations.  I, however, am an adult with a lot of life experience and know how I handle these issues - head on.

Competition season began and we made it through all of the drama...well almost all of it.  The very last competition weekend came, they spicy disaster exploded and that was that.  Even before Abigail's last performance that weekend, I made a decision - one more thing and I am done.  Guess what?  Oh, I already gave it away, something else happened!  I was done.  My decision to leave did not come without pain.  Abigail lost her little students, whom she loved dearly and never got an opportunity to say goodbye too.  I lost a friend.

What Abigail has gained far out measures the losses.  It was incredibly difficult to watch her suffer the loss of comfortable and I am sure she thinks I am a total psycho now.  My hope is she understands now that while change is hard, it is a necessary evil to grow and to learn.  That everything worthwhile comes with a little bit of anguish and the end result can bring the greatest of accomplishments.  If she thinks I am a little psycho, that's okay too!  A good healthy fear of your Mom going off the rails sometimes is acceptable. 

In other news, my husband got promoted at work, we are 100% free of rental properties and life is a lot calmer around here.  I know this isn't great news for all of you, but for me, it's about damn time! Sarah is taking Irish Step Dancing at the new studio - it is hilarious but I think after a few more lessons, she is going to be amazing at it.  Emma is still a recluse, getting good grades - bragging opportunity here:  She even got an academic letter!  Oh and even more exciting for the twins, not so much the parental units, they got their temps.  That in and of itself requires a whole other post, will try to get to that later!

The Queen of Insanity

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