Holy cow! It's been so long since I have blogged, I had to come back to my original blog because I can't remember the new blog password! Regardless, I am back from my blogging sabbatical and I have lots and lots of stuff to blog about it - Lucky for you my plans for the day were derailed, thanks to a stomach virus striking my youngest offspring overnight.
You may or may not remember my crazy schedule. It left me with absolutely no personal time to reflect and/or share my insanity with you. I couldn't complete a thought in my head let alone type it for your enjoyment. Those days are somewhat over now and I hope to get you all caught up quickly.
About two months ago, I found some time to sit down on the couch and relax. Within moments I had one child on the arm of the couch next to me, one on my lap and the other at my side (I am assuming Emma was in her room - as this is where she spends a great deal of her time). I looked at each of them and thought to myself, "Dear God give me a break already!", I just wanted to sit there, lifeless on the couch and lose myself in Lifetime Movie Network. I tried to shoo them away, no dice. I tried threatening them with chores, still no dice. I tried every trick I could think of...they sat firmly beside me. They simply would not budge! Finally I said, "DO YOU ALL HAVE TO SIT ON TOP OF ME? I NEED SOME PERSONAL SPACE!". They all looked at me like I was crazy and then it flew out of the mouth of my babes, "But Mom we miss you!". At that moment, I knew what I had to do.
Two weeks later, I turned in my immediate notice to CVS and that, my friends, was that.
After quitting my part-time job, there was something else that had been eating away at me for sometime - Olivia's gymnastics. Not only did gymnastics eat away any and all free-time, it ate away the entire fabric of our lives. Let's face it, shall we? Olivia is eight years old. Does an eight year old have to be in the gym five days, sixteen hours a week? NO! Let me clarify, this was not the only reason I was miffed. I was downright aggravated, pissed off if you will, at the lack of coaching my daughter was getting. I knew in my heart she could do better. I took a brave step and called another gym.
When I told Olivia we were going to try out a new gym, she was a little shocked. Her first response was, "Won't my coach be mad at me?". My response, "Quite frankly Olivia, I don't give a damn!" HA! Just kidding, I said it in child friendly terms. I proceeded to tell her all the perks of the new gym - First and foremost, more free time to play with her friends! Which lead to her next response, "What about my friends?". I replied in the nicest way possible, stating two things: 1. We aren't paying for you to do gymnastics to make friends - you can get them for free at school! 2. Okay that was kind of harsh....we will stay in contact with your friends from the gym, I promise. As it turned out, several of her friends came with us - Problem solved!
Changing gyms was bittersweet. We left behind many friends but in the end it was truly the best choice. Olivia only has gymnastics three days a week now, unless we do a private. She has some of her friends from the previous gym with her and is making new ones. She had to go down a level in training (further explanation of my aggravation) but the benefit has been regaining success. She has had two competitions since the move and each time her scores have improved immensely. The best part of it has been seeing her happiness and love of gymnastics return.
The best part for me, personally, I have free-time again! My kids are still close by me when I am home - I think they just like me and I am okay with that!
The Queen of Insanity
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