I love my title....I saw it on a t-shirt a couple days ago but it read, "They'll Train You". In this case, I am applying it to me, myself and I. It's important to know, I am always taking applications for various no-paying jobs around my house! I NEED people because my people aren't so motivated to say, pick up their trash, put their dishes in the sink, hang up their jackets, put their shoes away, hang up their bath towels, so on and so forth. Apparently my friends, I was put here on this round, spinning earth to be at their beckon call. I'm not bitter...really!
Soooo, I hadn't blogged since November. I know that this is quite a bummer for all of you but especially for me. I haven't been venting, ranting or raving on here in a bloody long time and now I am trying to "catch up" and correct this violation against humanity.
Where to start? In December I started a new part-time temporary job. I work Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Those are my best days. I really enjoy getting out of the house and being around adults. It has been good for me and nice to have a little extra Monday. What do I do? I hate when people ask me because it's nothing glamorous, hahahaha, I mark accounts on excel, I scan paperwork and then move it to the correct customer file, name it, file the paperwork and repeat. BAM - the glamorous life! To be honest, I am pretty sure I am very capable of doing something more challenging but let's face it, living with my children doesn't leave many active brain cells. It's probably better that I don't have to think a lot at work.
Moving forward to my daily grind(s); As of right now Monday's I babysit in the morning, get the kids off to school, work, come home and work on daily chores. Tuesday's, two of my offspring are in dance class and one of them has gymnastics. These activity times overlap and are no where close in proximity to one another. The times of said activities; gymnastics 4:30pm to 6:30, eldest dance classes 5pm to 8:30 and youngest 5:30pm to 6pm. Gymnastics is in Columbus about 20 minutes from us, so you tell me how in rush hour traffic I would ever be able to make this work by myself? Yeah, it doesn't! So I have enlisted the help of my husband, Scott. Now let's just say this about that...he is NOT a dependable employee. God bless his soul! If I weren't married to him, he would be fired. When he is busy earning a living (Ya know, so we have food, shelter and clothing), I have to beg others to help me get the dancers to class. Luckily, I have a great dance studio owner! She graciously allows me to drop Abigail off with her at home. Sarah is taken to class by my sister-in-law. For these people I am grateful because otherwise, I would have no hair.
Wednesday, babysit, work and rest unless Abigail has a competition practice.
Thursday consists of babysitting in the morning (actually I babysit every morning Monday thru Friday), getting the children off to school and babysitting in the afternoon, taking Olivia to gymnastics for two hours and then back home. Abigail also has dance on Thursday, but as an assistant. Luckily she assists in the class the little girl I babysit for is in and her wonderful Mom picks Abigail up and brings her home.
Friday, babysit, work and rest. Generally followed by drinks.
Saturday, gymnastics 11:30am to 1:30pm. In case you are wondering (And went to Groveport, therefore rendering you unable to do simple mathematics), Olivia has gymnastics six hours a week.
Sunday's are generally a day of rest. This past Sunday, however, was not. Abigail had her first dance competition. We had to be there at 8:30 in the morning. Fortunately, this was no challenge as I had a bad case of insomnia which had me up at 3:30 in the morning. Yup, plenty of time to catch up on laundry and other household responsibilities. Specifically the sheets my four year old decided to pee on in the middle of the night. She got a bath and a manicure too! Lucky kid!!!
I think that about covers my day to day activities. Knowing this is what I do with my time, you will appreciate what I am about to tell you. I recently had to fill out paperwork, on which one of the questions was as follows; What are your hobbies and/or interests? This question truly stumped me! I sat there and sat there, not knowing what to put down. Should I write scapbooking? No, haven't done that in a good six years. Knitting? Hmmmm....nope, haven't busted out those knitting needles in at least a year. Sewing? I am not sure that alterations on one of your kids dance costumes would qualify for "hobby". Still struggling to answer the question.....what to put....what to put????
The Queen of Insanity
"In case you are wondering (And went to Groveport, therefore rendering you unable to do simple mathematics), Olivia has gymnastics six hours a week." OMFG!!!! so true!
ReplyDeleteROTF! I knew anyone who went there would appreciate this comment :O)