Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You Don't Have To Be Crazy To Work Here, I'll Train You!

I love my title....I saw it on a t-shirt a couple days ago but it read, "They'll Train You".  In this case, I am applying it to me, myself and I.  It's important to know, I am always taking applications for various no-paying jobs around my house!  I NEED people because my people aren't so motivated to say, pick up their trash, put their dishes in the sink, hang up their jackets, put their shoes away, hang up their bath towels, so on and so forth.  Apparently my friends, I was put here on this round, spinning earth to be at their beckon call.  I'm not bitter...really!

Soooo, I hadn't blogged since November.  I know that this is quite a bummer for all of you but especially for me.  I haven't been venting, ranting or raving on here in a bloody long time and now I am trying to "catch up" and correct this violation against humanity.

Where to start?  In December I started a new part-time temporary job.  I work Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Those are my best days. I really enjoy getting out of the house and being around adults.  It has been good for me and nice to have a little extra Monday.  What do I do?  I hate when people ask me because it's nothing glamorous, hahahaha, I mark accounts on excel, I scan paperwork and then move it to the correct customer file, name it, file the paperwork and repeat.  BAM - the glamorous life!  To be honest, I am pretty sure I am very capable of doing something more challenging but let's face it, living with my children doesn't leave many active brain cells. It's probably better that I don't have to think a lot at work. 

Moving forward to my daily grind(s); As of right now Monday's I babysit in the morning, get the kids off to school, work, come home and work on daily chores.  Tuesday's, two of my offspring are in dance class and one of them has gymnastics.  These activity times overlap and are no where close in proximity to one another.  The times of said activities; gymnastics 4:30pm to 6:30, eldest dance classes 5pm to 8:30 and youngest 5:30pm to 6pm.  Gymnastics is in Columbus about 20 minutes from us, so you tell me how in rush hour traffic I would ever be able to make this work by myself?  Yeah, it doesn't!  So I have enlisted the help of my husband, Scott.  Now let's just say this about that...he is NOT a dependable employee. God bless his soul! If I weren't married to him, he would be fired. When he is busy earning a living (Ya know, so we have food, shelter and clothing),  I have to beg others to help me get the dancers to class.  Luckily, I have a great dance studio owner! She graciously allows me to drop Abigail off with her at home.  Sarah is taken to class by my sister-in-law. For these people I am grateful because otherwise, I would have no hair. 

Wednesday, babysit, work and rest unless Abigail has a competition practice. 

Thursday consists of babysitting in the morning (actually I babysit every morning Monday thru Friday), getting the children off to school and babysitting in the afternoon, taking Olivia to gymnastics for two hours and then back home. Abigail also has dance on Thursday, but as an assistant.  Luckily she assists in the class the little girl I babysit for is in and her wonderful Mom picks Abigail up and brings her home. 

Friday, babysit, work and rest. Generally followed by drinks.

Saturday, gymnastics 11:30am to 1:30pm.  In case you are wondering (And went to Groveport, therefore rendering you unable to do simple mathematics), Olivia has gymnastics six hours a week.

Sunday's are generally a day of rest.  This past Sunday, however, was not. Abigail had her first dance competition.  We had to be there at 8:30 in the morning. Fortunately, this was no challenge as I had a bad case of insomnia which had me up at 3:30 in the morning. Yup, plenty of time to catch up on laundry and other household responsibilities.  Specifically the sheets my four year old decided to pee on in the middle of the night. She got a bath and a manicure too!  Lucky kid!!!

I think that about covers my day to day activities.  Knowing this is what I do with my time, you will appreciate what I am about to tell you.  I recently had to fill out paperwork, on which one of the questions was as follows; What are your hobbies and/or interests?  This question truly stumped me! I sat there and sat there, not knowing what to put down.  Should I write scapbooking?  No,  haven't done that in a good six years.  Knitting?  Hmmmm....nope, haven't busted out those knitting needles in at least a year.  Sewing?  I am not sure that alterations on one of your kids dance costumes would qualify for "hobby".  Still struggling to answer the question.....what to put....what to put????

The Queen of Insanity

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dance Moms Get A Bad Rap

I will be the first to admit that I am completely addicted to the Lifetime show, Dance Moms.  I love everything about it; the psycho dance studio owner, the crazy Moms and the awesome students.  Oh the drama!  It is truly indulgent television viewing for those of us who love the drama!  Now do I think it's completely realistic?  Not so much.  However, I have seen drama amongst studio goers, parents and dancers alike.  (You all may remember my post last year during competition season about parents and kids who have no respect for the rules and/or adults.)

This past weekend was Abigail's first competition of the season.  This year we opted for a duet with her good friend in the hopes of avoiding any above mentioned grief.  Thus far it has been smooth sailing!  It is nice to just sit back and enjoy the competition.  Of course, this also leaves time for me to really observe.  What did I observe?  Oh no fear friends, I will share, it's what I do!

A little background about my first observance:  We live in a small community and there are only a couple of studios to choose from.  At one time, there were three.  From here on out, I will be referring to this particular studio as #3 - You know,  to protect the not so innocent?  Number three had a studio here and moved it several times during her reign of terror here.  Finally though, she could no longer screw people over here so she started a brand new studio, a mere eight miles down the road. Oh it is important to note her NEW studio was an award winning.  Funny how you can have a brand new studio AND be award winning at the same time, don't you think? 

The past year or so we were all happy to not have to run into #3 on the competition circuit...that is until this past weekend.  In the words from Poltergeist, "THEY'RE BACK!"  They performed about four or five numbers but one in particular (okay two), caught my attention.  Imagine this, a teenage girl who is a bit on the chunky side wearing a white baby doll type nightie that is slit in the front....she's wearing white booty shorts and she is doing her very best to kick, leap and dance around the dance floor.  Before I go any further, I am not at all judging this young lady's I am no hypocrite being on the chunky side myself.  I give her credit for staying active, which is more than I can say for myself, and putting forth her best effort.  Having said this, what the HELLO KITTY were they thinking picking those costumes for those girls?  I believe that you have an obligation to pick something that suits everyone in your dance line up, not just the skinny busty girl.  Furthermore, these are young ladies who should be shown how to be just that.  I hardly think prancing around a dance competition in an outfit that should be reserved for an adults' bedroom is appropriate.  This poor girl (Who I can only assume felt great about her costume) was leaping around the stage and with every movement her jelly belly was plopping out and bouncing around.  I was embarrassed for her and I can only imagine what the judges must have thought!  In fact, at times, I couldn't even bring myself to watch!  They also did a tap number, one we have seen at least 10 times in the past five to six years.  All I have to say about this number is this, at least we don't have to cheat to win!

In closing, our girls got 1st place in their division, Elite Gold and 9th place overall!  Way to go girls!

The Queen of Insanity

Friday, March 9, 2012

Are We Going To The Olympics? Installment Two

Last year Olivia began to hate dance class.  On Monday nights when I said, it's time to get ready for dance class she would, without fail, throw an all out fit about not wanting to go.  Of course, by the time she realized she hated it, her costume had been paid for and there was no way I was going to let her quit before the recital.  For a good six months, every Monday night was a nightmare.  It became apparent to me that she would not be taking dance the following season.

In an attempt to keep my kids active, I decided to put her in gymnastics. In September she took her first class and loved it.  It became obvious that she was amazing at it!  At the end of the first 10 week session, her teacher pulled me aside and said, "We have a new competitive coach here and you might want to have her try-out".  Try out?  Are you kidding me?  She started gymnastics 10 weeks ago....we aren't ready for that yet.  The second session she took both gymnastics and tumbling.  Again, we were approached by both teachers about her working with this new coach.  I again thought, "Are you people kidding me?"  I told them while I appreciate the encouragement, we were going to pass until she had been attending for a bit longer than 3 months.  By the end of session two, Olivia was leaps and bounds above the girls in her class.

Then it happened...George cornered me and talked my ear off about my daughter's potential in gymnastics.  Now before I go any further, you must know that George is from Romania and has a pretty thick accent.  I understood about every other sentence that he said but enough to understand he wanted to train Olivia. He somehow convinced me to let her take a trial class and see what she thought about it.

A week later we were in the gym with these girls who have been doing gymnastics for several years.  Poor Olivia looked terrified!  She made it one hour in his class before she burst into tears.  I felt horrible!  But he suggested that we leave and come back in a couple hours when the less seasoned girls would be there.  He thought she would fair better there.  It took me a couple of hours to convince her to go back but eventually she decided she would give it another go.  The second class was way better for her and from there on out, she was hooked.

In February, George approached me again about taking Olivia to Romania to train with their Junior Olympic team in July.  SAY WHAT?  What an awesome opportunity!  So after careful consideration, Olivia and I will be making the trip.  I am nervous and excited all at the same time.   It will be an interesting trip but such a great opportunity and learning experience for Miss Olivia. My biggest concern about traveling so far away is not about the language barrier or being so far from home though, no, it's how will I blow dry my hair since they have entirely different plugs???? 

The Queen of Insanity

If I Were A Butterfly - Installment One of Operation Blog Catch Up

My four year old is obsessed with becoming a butterfly when she grows up.  She has gone so far as to have her sister wrap her up with blankets, in the hopes that she would morph into one right before our eyes.  She was very determined it was going to work and stayed wrapped up like that for a good hour and a half.  I am sad to report, it did not work out as she had planned, she is still a mere human.

I am not really sure why she wants to become a butterfly.  I guess if I really wanted to know, I could just ask her.  It is, however, fun to listen to her talk about her hopes and dreams of being a butterfly. She plans to never leave me, as she will be flying around our home and yard at all times.  Although, she has stated she would also like to live with Emma and Abigail someday too.  As a purple butterfly she will fly around landing on different flowers drinking their nectar. It should be mentioned that earlier today she realized there are no butterflies in the winter. 

Now as I listen to her talk about her dream of becoming a butterfly, I can't help but be humored by it.  Let's face it, who wouldn't want to be a butterfly?  They fly around without a care in the world unburdened by all the worries of us grown-ups!

Sarah has got to be one of the funniest people I know.  She is very imaginative and always has been.  I don't know any other child who has had an imaginary pink dinosaur living with them for two years!  For those of you who may not know, the dinosaur has been kicked out apparently.  Ironically, Sarah has been getting into a lot of mischief lately.  I keep waiting for her to blame the dinosaur but she seems pretty serious about letting it go.  Honestly, I think she is either going to grow up to be a genius or schizophrenic.

The Queen of Insanity