Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hell Happens AFTER We Die????

This whole idea that when we die we are either going to heaven or hell has me confused.  Why does this confuse me?  Well, I am about to tell you.

In the past couple of months alone my cousin's son committed suicide, my Grandma passed away, we had to put Scott's K9 partner down, one of my friends had to put her dog down, I was in a car accident, my little kids waged a crayon and marker war on a new bed set, Scott's new K9, Mira, and our personal pet, Lilly, had a literal pissing match all over the house and I think that is about the sum of it.  I am sure there is more but that is all I can recall at this time.

As I sit here and think of it all, I think "Could there be a hell worse than the trials of life?".  Burning for all eternity doesn't seem like such a bad thing overall.  For one thing, we are made of flesh and bone and it seems to me that you could only burn up once.  Secondly, if it's just hot as - well normally one would say "hell" there - if it's just incredibly hot, wouldn't our bodies eventually acclimate to the heat?  Last but definitely not least, Won't all of my friends be there?

The Queen of Insanity

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